{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Bounds
    Description :  (internal) bounds of single and multiple polynomials
    Copyright   :  (c) 2007-2008 Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    Internal module for "Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom".
    Implementation of various functions related to the bounds of polynomials.    
module Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Bounds 

import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Basic
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Ring
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Reduce
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Eval
import Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.ChebyshevBase.Polynom.Derivative

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B
import Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx.Interval
import Data.Number.ER.Real.Arithmetic.LinearSolver
import qualified Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox as DBox
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.DomainBox (VariableID(..), DomainBox, DomainBoxMappable, DomainIntBox)
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import Data.Number.ER.Misc

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.List

    Find an upper bound on a polynomial over the 
    unit domain [-1,1]^n.  

    Quick method that does not converge to exact result with increasing 
    effort index.
chplUpperBound ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplUpperBound ix p = snd $ chplBounds ix p

    Find a lower bound on a polynomial over the 
    unit domain [-1,1]^n.  

    Quick method that does not converge to exact result with increasing 
    effort index.
chplLowerBound ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplLowerBound ix p = fst $ chplBounds ix p

    Find both lower and upper bounds on a polynomial over the 
    unit domain [-1,1]^n.  

    Quick method that does not converge to exact result with increasing 
    effort index.
chplBounds ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplBounds = 

    Find an upper bound on a polynomial over the 
    unit domain [-1,1]^n.  
chplUpperBoundExpensive ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplUpperBoundExpensive ix p = snd $ chplBoundsExpensive ix p

    Find a lower bound on a polynomial over the 
    unit domain [-1,1]^n.  
    Quick method that does not converge to exact result with increasing 
    effort index.
chplLowerBoundExpensive ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplLowerBoundExpensive ix p = fst $ chplBoundsExpensive ix p

    Find both lower and upper bounds on a polynomial over the 
    unit domain [-1,1]^n.
    Quick method that does not converge to exact result with increasing 
    effort index.
chplBoundsExpensive ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplBoundsExpensive = chplBoundsByDerivative

    Find bounds on a polynomial over the unit domain [-1,1]^n.
    Fast but inaccurate method, in essence
    taking the maximum of the upper affine reduction.
chplBoundsAffine ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplBoundsAffine ix p@(ERChebPoly coeffs) =
--    unsafePrintReturn
--    (
--        "chplBoundsAffine:"
--        ++ "\n p = " ++ show p
--        ++ "\n noConstCoeffAbsSum = " ++ show noConstCoeffAbsSum
--        ++ "\n result = "
--    )    
    result =
        (constTerm `plusDown` (- noConstCoeffAbsSum),
         constTerm `plusUp` noConstCoeffAbsSum)
    noConstCoeffAbsSum = Map.fold plusUp 0 absCoeffs
    absCoeffs = Map.map abs $ Map.delete chplConstTermKey coeffs
    constTerm = Map.findWithDefault 0 chplConstTermKey coeffs

    Find a close upper bound of a polynomial over the 
    unit domain [-1,1]^n.
    Approximates all local extrema and computes their maximum.  
chplBoundsByDerivative ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try looking for peaks -} ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
chplBoundsByDerivative ix p =
--    unsafePrint
--    (
--        "chplBoundsByDerivative: "
--        ++ "\n extremaValues = " ++ show extremaValues
--    ) $
    (lowerBound, upperBound)
    lowerBound = foldl1 min $ map fst extremaValues 
    upperBound = foldl1 max $ map snd extremaValues
    ra2bb (ERInterval l r) = (l,r)
    b2ra b = ERInterval b b
    extremaValues = 
        collectValuesOnFaces vars varDerivatives (p,p)
        vars = chplGetVars p
        varDerivatives = -- var |-> (lower, upper) bounds on partial derivative
            Map.fromList $
                map getDerivatives vars
        getDerivatives var =
                chplBall2DownUp $
                    ballDifferentiate p var)
    collectValuesOnFaces varsSpecialise varDerivatives (pDown, pUp) =
--        unsafePrint
--        (
--            "chplBoundsByDerivative: collectValuesOnFaces: "
--            ++ "\n vars = " ++ (show $ Map.keys varDerivatives)
--            ++ "\n valuesThisFace = " ++ show valuesThisFace
--        ) $
        valuesThisFace ++ (valuesSubFaces varsSpecialise)
        valuesThisFace =
            collectExtremeValues varDerivatives (pDown, pUp)
        valuesSubFaces [] = []
        valuesSubFaces (var : vars) =
            (collectValuesOnFaces vars varDerivativesNoVarL (pDownNoVarL, pUpNoVarL))
            (collectValuesOnFaces vars varDerivativesNoVarR (pDownNoVarR, pUpNoVarR))
            (valuesSubFaces vars)
            (pDownNoVarR, pUpNoVarR) = substVarR (pDown, pUp)
            (pDownNoVarL, pUpNoVarL) = substVarL (pDown, pUp)
            substVarL = substVar (-1)
            substVarR = substVar 1
            substVar val (pDown, pUp) =
                (fst $ chplPartialRAEval ra2bb pDown $ DBox.singleton var val,
                 snd $ chplPartialRAEval ra2bb pUp $ DBox.singleton var val)
            varDerivativesNoVarL =
                Map.map substVarL varDerivativesNoVar 
            varDerivativesNoVarR =
                Map.map substVarR varDerivativesNoVar 
            varDerivativesNoVar = 
                Map.delete var varDerivatives
    collectExtremeValues varDerivatives (pDown, pUp)
        | null varsNoConst =
--            unsafePrint
--            (
--                "chplBoundsByDerivative: collectExtremeValues:" 
--                ++ "\n null varsNoConst"
--                ++ "\n varDerivatives = " ++ show varDerivatives
--            )
            -- corner or near constant function 
            [pEvalAt unitDomBox] 
        | otherwise =
--            unsafePrint
--            (
--                "chplBoundsByDerivative: collectExtremeValues:" 
--                ++ "\n varDerivatives = " ++ show varDerivatives
--                ++ "\n boxesWithPotentialExtrema = " ++ show boxesWithPotentialExtrema
--            ) $
            map pEvalAt boxesWithPotentialExtrema
        boxesWithPotentialExtrema = 
            paveFindBoxes [(unitDomBox,0)] 
        varDerivativesNoZeros =
            Map.filter (not . isConstWithZero) varDerivatives
            isConstWithZero (pDown, pUp) =
                (snd $ chplBoundsAffine ix pDown) <= 0
                (fst $ chplBoundsAffine ix pUp) >= 0
--                case (chplGetConst pDown, chplGetConst pUp) of
--                    (Just cDown, Just cUp) ->
--                        cDown <= 0 && cUp >= 0 
--                    _ -> False 
        vars = Map.keys varDerivatives
        varsNoConst = Map.keys varDerivativesNoZeros
        varsNoConstLength = length varsNoConst
        pEvalAt = evalAt (pDown, pUp)
        evalAt (pDown,pUp) box =
            (fst $ ra2bb $ chplRAEval b2ra pDown box,
             snd $ ra2bb $ chplRAEval b2ra pUp box)
        unitDomBox =
            DBox.fromList $ zip vars (repeat unitInterval)
        unitInterval = ((-1) RA.\/ 1)
        maxDepth = fromInteger $ toInteger $ max 3 ix
        keepBox box =
            and $ map evalDeriv $ Map.elems varDerivativesNoZeros
            evalDeriv derivBounds = hasZero $ evalAt derivBounds box  
            hasZero (l,h) = l <= 0 && h >= 0
        paveFindBoxes [] = [] 
        paveFindBoxes boxes@((box, depth) : boxesRest) 
            | keepBox box =
                case depth < maxDepth of
                    True ->
                        paveFindBoxes ((boxL, newDepth) : (boxR, newDepth) : boxesRest)
                    False ->
                        box : (paveFindBoxes boxesRest)
            | otherwise =
                paveFindBoxes boxesRest
            var = varsNoConst !! (depth `mod` varsNoConstLength)
            (boxL, boxR) = DBox.split box var Nothing
            newDepth = depth + 1

--    Find a close upper bound on a quadratic polynomial over the 
--    unit domain [-1,1]^n.  
--    Much slower and somewhat more accurate method, in essence
--    taking the maximum of the upper quadratic reduction.
--    !!! Not properly tested !!!
--chplUpperBoundQuadr ::
--    (B.ERRealBase b, DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box,
--     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b],
--     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxra varid (ERInterval b) (ERInterval b), 
--     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b), Num varid, Enum varid) => 
--    EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try looking for peaks -} ->
--    ERChebPoly box b ->
--    b
--chplUpperBoundQuadr ix p@(ERChebPoly coeffs) =
--    quadBound (coeffsQ, vars)
--    where
--    pQ@(ERChebPoly coeffsQ) = chplReduceDegreeUp 2 p
--    vars = chplGetVars pQ
--    quadBound (coeffs, vars)
--        | null vars =
--            Map.findWithDefault 0 chplConstTermKey coeffs
--        | hasInteriorPeak =
--            foldl max peakValue edgeBounds
--        | otherwise =
--            foldl1 max edgeBounds
--        where
--        edgeBounds =
--            map quadBound $ concat $ map removeVar vars
--        (hasInteriorPeak, peakValue) =
--            case maybePeak of
--                Just peak ->
--                    (noPositiveSquare -- if any term x^2 has a positive coeff, there is no peak  
--                     &&
--                     (and $ map maybeInUnit $ DBox.elems peak)
--                    ,
--                     erintv_right $
--                     chplRAEval makeInterval p peak
--                    )
--                Nothing -> (False, undefined)
--            where
--            noPositiveSquare =
--                and $ map (<= 0) $ map getQuadCoeff vars
--            getQuadCoeff var = 
--                Map.findWithDefault 0 (DBox.singleton var 2) coeffs
--            maybeInUnit r =
--                case (RA.compareReals r (-1), RA.compareReals (1) r) of
--                    (Just LT, _) -> False -- ie r < -1
--                    (_, Just LT) -> False -- ie r > 1
--                    _ -> True
--        maybePeak =
--            linearSolver
--                (map derivZeroLinearEq vars)
--                (DBox.fromList $ map (\v -> (v,(-1) RA.\/ 1)) vars)
--                (2^^(-ix))
--            where
--            derivZeroLinearEq var =
--                (linCoeffs, - constCoeff)
--                where
--                constCoeff =
--                    makeInterval $
--                    Map.findWithDefault 0 (DBox.singleton var 1) coeffs
--                      -- recall T_1(x) = x, T_1'(x) = 1
--                linCoeffs =
--                    DBox.fromList $
--                        (var, 4 * quadCoeff) -- T_2(x) = 2*x^2 - 1; T_2'(x) = 4*x
--                        : (map getVarVarCoeff $ var `delete` vars)
--                quadCoeff =
--                    makeInterval $
--                    Map.findWithDefault 0 (DBox.singleton var 2) coeffs
--                getVarVarCoeff var2 =
--                    (var2,
--                      makeInterval $
--                      Map.findWithDefault 0 (DBox.fromList [(var,1), (var2,1)]) coeffs)
--        makeInterval b = ERInterval b b
--        removeVar var =
--            [(substVar True, newVars), 
--             (substVar False, newVars)]
--            where
--            newVars = var `delete` vars
--            substVar isOne =
--                chplCoeffs $
--                    foldl (+^) (chplConst 0) $ 
--                        map (makeMonomial isOne) $ 
--                            Map.toList coeffs
--            makeMonomial isOne (term, coeff) =
--                ERChebPoly $ Map.fromList $
--                case (DBox.toList term) of
--                    [(v,2)] | v == var ->
--                        [(chplConstTermKey, coeff)]
--                    [(v,1)] | v == var ->
--                        [(chplConstTermKey, 
--                          case isOne of True -> coeff; False -> - coeff)]
--                    [(v1,1), (v2,1)] | v1 == var ->
--                        [(DBox.fromList [(v2,1)], 
--                          case isOne of True -> coeff; False -> - coeff)]
--                    [(v1,1), (v2,1)] | v2 == var ->
--                        [(DBox.fromList [(v1,1)], 
--                          case isOne of True -> coeff; False -> - coeff)]
--                    _ ->
--                        [(term, coeff)]

     Approximate from below and  from above the pointwise maximum of two polynomials
chplMax ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    Int {-^ maximum term count -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplMax maxDegree maxSize p1 p2 =
    (p1 +. differenceDown, p1 +^ differenceUp)
    (differenceDown, _) = chplNonneg maxDegree maxSize p2MinusP1Down
    (_, differenceUp) = chplNonneg maxDegree maxSize $ p2MinusP1Up
    (p2MinusP1Down, p2MinusP1Up) = chplBall2DownUp $ ballAdd p2 (chplNeg p1)

chplMaxDn m s a b = fst $ chplMax m s a b
chplMaxUp m s a b = snd $ chplMax m s a b
chplMinDn m s a b = fst $ chplMin m s a b
chplMinUp m s a b = snd $ chplMin m s a b

     Approximate from below and  from above the pointwise minimum of two polynomials
chplMin ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    Int {-^ maximum term count -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplMin m s a b =
    (chplNeg u,chplNeg l)
    (l,u) = chplMax m s (chplNeg a) (chplNeg b)

chplNonnegDown m s p = fst $ chplNonneg m s p
chplNonnegUp m s p = snd $ chplNonneg m s p 
chplNonposDown m s p = fst $ chplNonpos m s p
chplNonposUp m s p = snd $ chplNonpos m s p 

chplNonpos m s p =
    (chplNeg h, chplNeg l)
    (l,h) = chplNonneg m s (chplNeg p)

     Approximate the function max(0,p(x)) by a polynomial from below
     and from above. 
chplNonneg ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    Int {-^ maximum term count -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplNonneg = chplNonnegCubic

    A version of 'chplNonneg' using a cubic approximation. 
chplNonnegCubic ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    Int {-^ maximum polynomial degree -} -> 
    Int {-^ maximum term count -} -> 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b)
chplNonnegCubic maxDegree maxSize p
    | upperB <= 0 = (chplConst 0, chplConst 0)
    | lowerB >= 0 = (p, p)
    | not allInterimsBounded = (chplConst (B.plusInfinity), chplConst (B.plusInfinity))
    | otherwise = -- ie lowerB < 0 < upperB: polynomial may be crossing 0...
--        unsafePrintReturn
--        (
--            "chplNonnegCubic:"
--            ++ "\n p = " ++ show p
--            ++ "\n maxDegree = " ++ show maxDegree
--            ++ "\n maxSize = " ++ show maxSize
--            ++ "\n upperB = " ++ show upperB
--            ++ "\n lowerB = " ++ show lowerB
--            ++ "\n a0 = " ++ show a0
--            ++ "\n a1 = " ++ show a1
--            ++ "\n a2 = " ++ show a2
--            ++ "\n a3 = " ++ show a3
--            ++ "\n b = " ++ show b
--            ++ "\n rb = " ++ show rb
--            ++ "\n correctionB = " ++ show correctionB
--            ++ "\n valueAt0B = " ++ show valueAt0B
--            ++ "\n result = "
--        )
        -- work out the cubic polynomial (a3*x^3 + a2*x^2 + a1*x + a0) / b 
        -- that hits 0 at lowerB with derivative 0 
        -- and hits upperB at upperB with derivative 1 
        (chplAddConstDown (- valueAt0B) cubicAppliedOnPDown, 
         chplAddConstUp correctionB cubicAppliedOnPUp)
    (lowerB, upperB) = chplBounds 10 p
    (cubicAppliedOnPDown, cubicAppliedOnPUp, width) =
        p0 `scaleByPositiveConsts` (rbLo, rbHi)
        p0 = (multiplyByP p1) `addConsts` (a0Lo, a0Hi) -- ie p*(p*(p * a3 + a2) + a1) + a0 enclosure
        p1 = (multiplyByP p2) `addConsts` (a1Lo, a1Hi) -- ie p*(p * a3 + a2) + a1 enclosure
        p2 = (multiplyByP p3) `addConsts` (a2Lo, a2Hi) -- ie p * a3 + a2 enclosure
        p3 = (chplConst a3Lo, chplConst a3Hi, a3Hi - a3Lo) -- ie a3 enclosure
    multiplyByP (lo,hi,wd) =
        (ploRed, phiRed, pwd)
        ploRed = reduceDgSzDown plo
        phiRed = reduceDgSzUp phi 
        pwd = chplUpperBound 10 $ phiRed -^ ploRed 
        (plo, phi, _) = chplTimesLoHi p (lo,hi,wd)
    reduceDgSzUp =
        chplReduceTermCountUp maxSize . chplReduceDegreeUp maxDegree
    reduceDgSzDown =
        chplReduceTermCountDown maxSize . chplReduceDegreeDown maxDegree
    addConsts (lo, hi, wd) (cLo, cHi) =
        (alo, ahi, wd + wdlo + wdhi)
        (alo, _, wdlo) = chplBall2DownUpWd $ ballAddConst cLo lo 
        (_, ahi, wdhi) = chplBall2DownUpWd $ ballAddConst cHi hi 
    scaleByPositiveConsts (lo, hi, wd) (cLo, cHi) =
        (slo, shi, wd + wdlo + wdhi)
        (slo, _, wdlo) = chplBall2DownUpWd $ ballScale cLo lo 
        (_, shi, wdhi) = chplBall2DownUpWd $ ballScale cHi hi 
    -- convert interval coefficients to pairs of bounds:
    ERInterval rbLo rbHi = rb
    ERInterval a3Lo a3Hi = a3
    ERInterval a2Lo a2Hi = a2
    ERInterval a1Lo a1Hi = a1
    ERInterval a0Lo a0Hi = a0
    allInterimsBounded = 
        and $ map RA.isBounded [w, s, rb, a0, a1, a2, a3, correction]
      The cubic polynomial's coefficients are calculated by solving a system of 4 linear eqs.
      The generic solution is as follows:
         b = (r - l)^3   always positive
         a3 = -(r + l)
         a2 = 2*(r^2 + r*l + l^2)
         a1 = -l*(4*r^2 + r*l + l^2)
         a0 = 2*r^2*l^2
    rb = recip b
    b = w3 -- = w^3 -- see below
    w = r - l
    r = ERInterval upperB upperB
    l = ERInterval lowerB lowerB
    a3 = - s
    s = r + l
    a2 = 2 * (r2PrlPl2)
    r2PrlPl2 = s2 - rl
    rl = r * l
    a1 = (- l) * (r2PrlPl2 + 3*r2)
    a0 = 2*r2*l2
    -- interval arithmetic tricks to speed it up and reduce dependency errors:
    w3 = ERInterval (wLo * wLo * wLo) (wHi * wHi * wHi) -- x^3 is monotone 
    ERInterval wLo wHi = w
    s2 = ERInterval (max 0 s2Lo) s2Hi
    s2Lo = min sLo2 sHi2 
    s2Hi = max sLo2 sHi2
    sLo2 = sLo * sLo
    sHi2 = sHi * sHi 
    ERInterval sLo sHi = s    
    r2 = ERInterval (upperB `timesDown` upperB) (upperB `timesUp` upperB)    
    l2 = ERInterval (lowerB `timesDown` lowerB) (lowerB `timesUp` lowerB)
        The cubic polynomial may sometimes fail to dominate
        x or sometimes it dips below 0.
        Work out the amount by which it has to be lifted up
        to fix these problems. 
    ERInterval _ correctionB = correction
    correction =
        case (RA.compareReals (2 * r2) (l*s), RA.compareReals (2 * l2) (r*s)) of
            (Just LT, _) ->
                (peak0 * (peak0 * (peak0 * (-a3) - a2) - a1) - a0) / b
            (_, Just LT) ->
                ((peakP * (peakP * (peakP * (-a3) - a2) - a1) - a0) / b) + peakP
            _ -> 0
        peak0 = (l + 4*r2/s) / 3 
        peakP = (r + 4*l2/s) / 3
        The same cubic polynomial can be used as a lower bound when
        we subtract its value at 0 rounded upwards.
    valueAt0B = 
        case a0 / b of
            ERInterval lo hi -> hi

    Multiply a polynomial by an enclosure (with non-negated lower bound).
chplTimesLoHi ::
    (B.ERRealBase b, 
     DomainBox box varid Int, Ord box, Show varid,
     DomainIntBox boxra varid (ERInterval b),
     DomainBoxMappable boxra boxras varid (ERInterval b) [ERInterval b]) => 
    ERChebPoly box b ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b, b) ->
    (ERChebPoly box b, ERChebPoly box b, b)
chplTimesLoHi p1 (p2Low, p2High, p2Width) =
    (prodMid -. (chplConst width), 
     prodMid +^ (chplConst width),
     2 * width)
    prodMid = prodLowUp
    (prodLowDown, prodLowUp, prodLowWidth) = 
        chplBall2DownUpWd $ ballMultiply p1 p2Low
    (prodHighDown, prodHighUp, prodHighWidth) = 
        chplBall2DownUpWd $ ballMultiply p1 p2High
    width = 
        p1Norm `timesUp` p2Width `plusUp` prodLowWidth `plusUp` prodHighWidth
    p1Norm = 
        max (abs $ p1LowerBound) (abs $ p1UpperBound)
    (p1LowerBound, p1UpperBound) = 
        chplBounds ix p1
    ix = 10