-- |

-- Module      : Cartesian.Core

-- Description : Exports the core functionality of this package

-- Copyright   : (c) Jonatan H Sundqvist, 2016

-- License     : MIT

-- Maintainer  : Jonatan H Sundqvist

-- Stability   : experimental|stable

-- Portability : POSIX (not sure)


-- Created September 24 2016

-- TODO | -

--        -

-- SPEC | -

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-- GHC Pragmas


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}


-- API


module Cartesian.Core (

  -- | Types

  module Cartesian.Types,


  -- | Lenses

  module Cartesian.Lenses,

  -- | Functions

  overlap, fromCorners, fromAxes, fromExtents, intersect) where


-- We'll need these


import Cartesian.Internal.Core

import Cartesian.Types

import Cartesian.Lenses