Changes in * Remove mtl dependency (removed unnecessary imports which were incompatible with mtl 2.3) * Fix implementation of little-endian PatriciaTrees Changes in 1.3.3 * Updates to handle MonadFail changes in GHC 8.x * Updates to fix compile issues in GHC 9 Changes in * Fix compile problems on GHC 7.10 Changes in 1.3.2 * Add Semigroup instances for all types that previously had Monoid instances. * Remove use of depreciated functions in Data.Edison.Assoc.StandardMap Changes in 1.3.1 * Remove Arbitrary and Coarbitrary instances for Data.Set and Data.Map. These are now provided by QuickCheck >= 2.8.2 Changes in 1.3 * Updates to compile with GHC 7.10 - Added Applicative and Alternative instances as required - Disambiguate the types of some operations - Resolve namespace clashes * Added stack.yaml file to build with stack Changes in 1.2.2 * Update edison-core to use QuickCheck version 2.* * Likewise update the test suite Changes in * Minor fix to the StandardMap module to handle the API change in GHC 6.10 Changes in * Build system changes to remove mostly-superfulous dependency on haskell98, and to force dependence on the 1.x branch of QuickCheck. Changes in * Build system changes to make GHC 6.8 and cabal >= 1.2.2 happy Changes in 1.2.1 * New sequence implementation based on Finger Trees * Add the 'Measured' class to the Data.Edison.Prelude * Addition of methods to EnumSet to project to a bit-encoded word and to create an EnumSet from a bit-encoded word * Additional minor changes to EnumSet * Fix a boneheaded mistake I made where I claimed most of Edison was licensed under BSD3, when it is in fact licensed under the MIT license. The practical differences are minor, and I hope this will not cause too many problems. Changes in * Change use more efficient operations for StandardSet.{filterGT,filterLT} and StandardMap.{filterLE,filterGE,partitionLE_GT,partitionLT_GE} Changes in 1.2 final * Fix documentation for sequences to reflect correct time complexities Changes in 1.2rc4 * introduce strict/strictWith operations for all APIs * add Ord* instances for PatriciaLoMap and TernaryTrie * add David F. Place's EnumSet implementation * complete the FiniteMap unit test coverage and fix a bunch of bugs in finite map implementations * add 'symmetricDifference' to Collection and Associated Collection APIs * add Ord instances for data structures * add Monoid instances for data structures Changes in 1.2rc3 * introduce the ambiguous/unambiguous concept and document all API operations * factor out methods which "mirror" superclass methods and make them alises instead * add lookupAndDelete* methods to associated collections * change the type of adjustOrDelete* in associated collections * rename subset/subsetEq to properSubset/subset * add matching Read and Show instances for all concrete datastructures * add properSubmap{By} submap{By} and sameMap{By} to the associated collection API * add Eq instances for concrete associated collections * break out the test suite into a separate sub-package Changes in 1.2rc2 * add strict variants of all folds and reduces * reverse argument orders to 'rcons' and 'lookup*' in Sequence * add symbolic operators for lcons, rcons, append, and lookup from the Sequence API * add symbolic operators for subsetEq, difference, intersection and union from the set API * rename 'single' to 'singleton' in all APIs * reaame 'intersect' to 'intersection' in Collection and Associated Collection APIs * add 'adjustOrInsert' to the Associated Collection API Changes in 1.2rc1 * modules re-organized into a hierarchy * user's guide distributed throughout source code as Haddock comments * use cabal for build system * add Data.Edison module to re-export typeclasses * reorder 'lookup*' and 'find*' methods for Collections and Associated Collections * add 'unsafeMapMonotonic' to main Collection API * organize QuickCheck properties into a full test suite * add a 'structuralInvariant' method to all APIs, for unit testing