{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, NamedFieldPuns, CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-| Please read the "Control.Etage" framework documentation for general information how it works. Also check included @test@ program for an example of how to work with the algorithms bellow. -} module Data.Graph.Etage ( shortestPaths, sendTopologyChange, GraphImpulse(..) ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.State import Data.Data import Data.Graph.Inductive hiding (inn, inn', out, out', node', nodes, run) import qualified Data.Map as M #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0) import Data.Map hiding (filter, map, empty, null, lookup, foldl) #else import Data.Map hiding (filter, map, empty, null, lookup) #endif import System.IO import Control.Etage type SPath b = (LPath b, b) type SPaths a b = M.Map Node (a, SPath b) -- node is destination, last element of SPath {-| Shortest paths algorithm (from all to all nodes) using message ('Impulse's in the "Control.Etage" terminology) passing between the nodes along the edges of the graph to compute shortest paths. Loosely based on the algorithm used in the Babel routing protocol, . It takes a "Data.Graph.Inductive" graph as an input and produces a map between source nodes and its corresponding 'Nerve's, over which 'Impulse's about shortest paths search will be send. To trigger the search 'sendTopologyChange' should be used on returned 'Nerve's. One way how to collect this 'Impulse's into an array for querying about shortest paths can be found in the @test@ program found in this package. While shortest paths search is lasting, information about suboptimal paths is already available. This algorithm also allows effective incremental search after graph topology changes (new nodes are added or removed, weights are changed) but this is not yet implemented. -} shortestPaths :: (DynGraph gr, Show a, Show b, Data a, Data b, Real b, Bounded b) => gr a b -> Incubation (M.Map Node (Nerve (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive)) shortestPaths = ufoldM' growGraph M.empty growGraph :: forall a b. (Show a, Show b, Data a, Data b, Real b, Bounded b) => Context a b -> M.Map Node (Nerve (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive) -> Incubation (M.Map Node (Nerve (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive)) growGraph (inn, node, label, out) nodes = do -- TODO: Sometimes nerve is not connected in both directions, how to fix memory leak then? liftIO $ do assertIO $ node `notMember` nodes assertIO $ all ((`member` nodes) . snd) inn' assertIO $ all ((`member` nodes) . snd) out' nodeNerve <- (growNeuron :: NerveBoth (NodeNeuron a b)) (\o -> o { lnode = (node, label) }) mapM_ ((`attachTo` [TranslatableFor nodeNerve]) . (nodes !) . snd) out' nodeNerve `attachTo` map (TranslatableFor . (nodes !) . snd) inn' liftIO $ do time <- getCurrentImpulseTime unless (null out') $ sendForNeuron nodeNerve $ AddOutEdges time out' mapM_ (\(l, n) -> sendForNeuron (nodes ! n) $ AddOutEdges time [(l, node)]) inn' return $ insert node nodeNerve nodes where inn' = filter ((node /=) . snd) inn -- we ignore loopbacks out' = filter ((node /=) . snd) out -- we ignore loopbacks -- TODO: Also make functions to manipulate graph -- TODO: We have to send TopologyChange to all nodes because currently it is not propagated correctly around (just along inbound edges, but it should along all) {-| Inform nodes that topology has changed (new nodes have been added or removed, weights changed). Currently it should only be invoked after the data-flow graph structure has been built (for example with 'shortestPaths'). As graph topology changing interface (and thus incremental nature of algorithms) is not yet implemented. -} sendTopologyChange :: M.Map Node (Nerve (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive (GraphImpulse a b) AxonConductive) -> Incubation () sendTopologyChange nodes = liftIO $ do time <- getCurrentImpulseTime forM_ (elems nodes) $ \n -> sendForNeuron n $ TopologyChange time data NodeState a b = NodeState { lastTopologyChangeTimestamp :: ImpulseTime, currentPaths :: SPaths a b, outedges :: M.Map Node b } type NodeIO a b = StateT (NodeState a b) IO data NodeNeuron a b = NodeNeuron Node a deriving (Typeable, Data) deriving instance Typeable1 LPath deriving instance Data a => Data (LPath a) data GraphImpulse a b = TopologyUpdate { impulseTimestamp :: ImpulseTime, originator :: LNode a, destination :: LNode a, path :: SPath b } -- ^ Informs nodes about possible improvement in the topology information, like a newly discovered shortest path. | TopologyChange { impulseTimestamp :: ImpulseTime } -- ^ Informs nodes that topology has changed and the algorithm should be triggered (again). | AddOutEdges { impulseTimestamp :: ImpulseTime, newOutEdges :: Adj b } -- ^ Inform the node that new outbound edges have been 'attach'ed to it, giving the node their weights. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data) instance (Show a, Typeable a, Show b, Typeable b, Real b, Bounded b) => Impulse (GraphImpulse a b) where impulseTime TopologyUpdate { impulseTimestamp } = impulseTimestamp impulseTime TopologyChange { impulseTimestamp } = impulseTimestamp impulseTime AddOutEdges { impulseTimestamp } = impulseTimestamp impulseValue TopologyUpdate { originator = (o, _), path } = toRational o : (value . fst $ path) where value (LP p) = concatMap (\(n, l) -> [toRational n, toRational l]) p impulseValue TopologyChange {} = [] impulseValue AddOutEdges { newOutEdges } = concatMap value newOutEdges where value (l, n) = [toRational l, toRational n] instance (Show a, Data a, Show b, Data b, Real b, Bounded b) => Neuron (NodeNeuron a b) where type NeuronFromImpulse (NodeNeuron a b) = GraphImpulse a b type NeuronForImpulse (NodeNeuron a b) = GraphImpulse a b data NeuronOptions (NodeNeuron a b) = NodeOptions { lnode :: LNode a } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- TODO: Derive Data when it will work mkDefaultOptions = return NodeOptions { lnode = undefined } grow NodeOptions { lnode = (node, label) } = return $ NodeNeuron node label live nerve neuron@(NodeNeuron node label) = evalStateT (run nerve neuron) (NodeState 0 (singleton node (label, (LP [(node, 0)], 0))) M.empty) run :: (Data b, Real b, Bounded b) => Nerve (GraphImpulse a b) fromConductivity (GraphImpulse a b) forConductivity -> NodeNeuron a b -> NodeIO a b () run nerve (NodeNeuron node label) = forever $ do -- TODO: We could process multiple impulses at the same time, so that we do not send out updates for paths where better paths are already queued for us impulse <- liftIO $ getForNeuron nerve case impulse of TopologyChange { impulseTimestamp } -> do lastTimestamp <- gets lastTopologyChangeTimestamp when (impulseTimestamp > lastTimestamp) $ do modify (\s -> s { lastTopologyChangeTimestamp = impulseTimestamp }) paths <- gets currentPaths liftIO $ do sendFromNeuron nerve impulse t <- liftIO getCurrentImpulseTime -- TODO: TopologyChange should be propagated correctly (along all edges and not just along inbound edges, as it is now) forM_ (toList paths) $ \(n, (l, p)) -> sendFromNeuron nerve TopologyUpdate { impulseTimestamp = t, originator = (node, label), destination = (n, l), path = p } TopologyUpdate { impulseTimestamp, originator = (o, _), destination = (d, l), path = (LP path, cost) } -> do liftIO $ do assertIO $ abs (cost - (sum . map snd $ path)) * 100000 < 1 -- we have to do compare it like that to account for approximate nature of float values assertIO $ (fst . last $ path) == d out <- gets outedges case M.lookup o out of Nothing -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "Warning: TopologyUpdate message arrived before AddOutEdges message." Just ocost -> do paths <- gets currentPaths let (_, (_, c)) = findWithDefault (undefined, (undefined, maxBound)) d paths cost' = cost + ocost when (cost' < c) $ do let path' = LP $ (node, ocost) : path paths' = insert d (l, (path', cost')) paths modify (\s -> s { currentPaths = paths' }) liftIO $ sendFromNeuron nerve TopologyUpdate { impulseTimestamp, originator = (node, label), destination = (d, l), path = (path', cost') } AddOutEdges { newOutEdges } -> do out <- gets outedges let out' = foldl (\i (l, n) -> insert n l i) out newOutEdges modify (\s -> s { outedges = out' }) ufoldM' :: (Graph gr, Monad m) => (Context a b -> c -> m c) -> c -> gr a b -> m c ufoldM' f u g | isEmpty g = return u | otherwise = ufoldM' f u g' >>= \u' -> f c u' where (c, g') = matchAny g {- gmapM' :: (DynGraph gr, Monad m) => (Context a b -> m (Context c d)) -> gr a b -> m (gr c d) gmapM' f = ufoldM' (\c u -> f c >>= \c' -> return $ c' & u) empty -} instance Bounded Float where minBound = -1/0 maxBound = 1/0 instance Bounded Double where minBound = -1/0 maxBound = 1/0 assertIO :: Bool -> IO () assertIO cond = evaluate (assert cond ())