![examples of complex_plot in Flint2-examples](/docs/out.png) # Flint2 **Flint2** provides a thin Haskell wrapper for [Flint](https://flintlib.org) C-library. ## Installation - Install the C-library available from [Flint](https://flintlib.org). There are packages available for various operating systems. - Install the Haskell interface with ```bash cabal install Flint2 --lib ``` The depencies are minimal. Flint2 relies on just three libraries: QuickCheck, groups, containers. ## Quick Start A simple example for the application of the library is the factorization of $2^{256}-1$: ```haskell import Data.Number.Flint main = print $ factor (2^256 - 1 :: Fmpz) ``` runnnig main prints ``` [(3,1),(5,1),(17,1),(257,1),(641,1),(65537,1),(274177,1),(6700417,1),(67280421310721,1),(59649589127497217,1),(5704689200685129054721,1)] ``` examples can be found soon in **FLINT2-Examples**.