Name: GLUtil Version: 0.8.8 Synopsis: Miscellaneous OpenGL utilities. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Anthony Cowley Maintainer: Copyright: (c) 2012,2013 Anthony Cowley Category: Graphics Build-type: Simple Description: Helpers for working with shaders, buffer objects, and textures in OpenGL. Cabal-version: >=1.6 Extra-Source-Files: examples/example1.hs, examples/TGA.hs, examples/images/hello1.tga, examples/images/hello2.tga, examples/shaders/hello-gl.frag, examples/shaders/hello-gl.vert, -- source-repository this -- type: git -- tag: 0.6.2 -- location: source-repository head type: git location: Library Exposed-modules: Graphics.GLUtil, Graphics.GLUtil.GLError, Graphics.GLUtil.Shaders, Graphics.GLUtil.ShaderProgram, Graphics.GLUtil.BufferObjects, Graphics.GLUtil.Camera2D, Graphics.GLUtil.Camera3D, Graphics.GLUtil.Drawing, Graphics.GLUtil.Textures, Graphics.GLUtil.JuicyTextures, Graphics.GLUtil.VertexArrayObjects, Graphics.GLUtil.Linear, Graphics.GLUtil.TypeMapping, Graphics.GLUtil.Viewport Build-depends: base >= 4.2 && < 5, bytestring, array, containers >= 0.5, directory, filepath, linear >= 1.1.3, JuicyPixels >= 3, OpenGLRaw >= 1.1, OpenGL >= 2.9.2 && < 2.14, transformers >= 0.3, vector >= 0.7 if impl(ghc >= 7.10.1) Build-depends: hpp >= 0.3 && < 0.4 GHC-Options: -pgmPhpp -optP--cpp -optP-P else Build-tools: cpphs GHC-Options: -pgmPcpphs -optP--cpp -optP--hashes GHC-Options: -Odph -Wall HS-Source-Dirs: src