-- GenI surface realiser
-- Copyright (C) 2005 Carlos Areces and Eric Kow
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

-- | The console user interface including batch processing on entire
--   test suites.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards      #-}
module NLP.GenI.Console (
        consoleGeni, loadNextSuite,
        -- * Internal
        RunAs(..), writeResults, getBatchDir
        ) where

import           Control.Applicative           (pure, (<$>))
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.ByteString               as B
import           Data.IORef                    (modifyIORef, readIORef)
import           Data.List                     (find, partition)
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text                     (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding            as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO                  as T
import           Data.Time                     (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, getCurrentTime, iso8601DateFormat)
import           Data.Typeable
import           System.Directory
import           System.Exit
import           System.FilePath               (takeFileName, (</>))
import           System.IO                     (stderr)
import           System.Timeout                (timeout)

import           System.Log.Logger
import           Text.JSON
import           Text.JSON.Pretty              (pp_value, render)

import           NLP.GenI
import           NLP.GenI.Configuration
import           NLP.GenI.General              (ePutStr, ePutStrLn)
import           NLP.GenI.General              (mkLogname)
import           NLP.GenI.GeniShow
import           NLP.GenI.LexicalSelection
import           NLP.GenI.Pretty
import           NLP.GenI.Simple.SimpleBuilder
import           NLP.GenI.TestSuite            (TestCase (..))

consoleGeni :: ProgStateRef -> CustomSem sem -> IO()
consoleGeni pstRef wrangler = do
    config <- pa <$> readIORef pstRef
    loadEverything pstRef wrangler
    pst <- readIORef pstRef
    let job | hasFlag FromStdinFlg config           = runStdinTestCase pst wrangler
            | hasFlag BatchDirFlg config            = runInstructions  pstRef wrangler -- even if there is a testcase
            | Just tc <- getFlag TestCaseFlg config = runSpecificTestCase pst wrangler tc
            | otherwise                             = runInstructions  pstRef wrangler
    case getFlag TimeoutFlg config of
        Nothing -> job
        Just t  -> withGeniTimeOut t job

withGeniTimeOut :: Int -- ^ seconds
                -> IO ()
                -> IO ()
withGeniTimeOut t job = do
    status <- timeout (fromIntegral t * 1000000) job
    case status of
      Just () -> return ()
      Nothing -> do
          ePutStrLn $ "GenI timed out after " ++ show t ++ "s"
          exitWith (ExitFailure 2)

-- | Run GenI without reading any test suites, just grab semantics from stdin
runStdinTestCase :: ProgState -> CustomSem sem -> IO ()
runStdinTestCase pst wrangler = do
    let config = pa pst
    cstr      <- T.getContents
    case customSemParser wrangler cstr of
        Left err ->
            fail $ "I didn't understand the semantics you gave me: " ++ show err
        Right tc ->
            runOnSemInput pst (runAsStandalone config) wrangler tc >> return ()

-- | Run a test case with the specified name
runSpecificTestCase :: ProgState -> CustomSem sem -> Text -> IO ()
runSpecificTestCase pst wrangler cname = do
    let config = pa pst
    fullsuite <- loadTestSuite pst wrangler
    case find (\x -> tcName x == cname) fullsuite  of
        Nothing ->
            fail $ "No such test case: " ++ T.unpack cname
        Just tc ->
            runOnSemInput pst (runAsStandalone config) wrangler tc >> return ()

-- | Runs the tests specified in our instructions list.
--   We assume that the grammar and lexicon are already
--   loaded into the monadic state.
--   If batch processing is enabled, save the results to the batch output
--   directory with one subdirectory per suite and per case within that suite.
runInstructions :: ProgStateRef -> CustomSem sem -> IO ()
runInstructions pstRef wrangler = do
    pst <- readIORef pstRef
    batchDir <- getBatchDir pst
    runBatch batchDir
    unless (hasFlag BatchDirFlg pst) $ ePutStr. unlines $
        [ ""
        , "Results saved to directory " ++ batchDir
        , "To save results in a different directory, use the --batchdir flag"
    runBatch bdir = do
        pst <- readIORef pstRef
        let instructions = getListFlag TestInstructionsFlg pst
        mapM_ (runSuite bdir) instructions
    runSuite bdir next@(file, _) = do
        suite  <- loadNextSuite pstRef wrangler next
        -- we assume the that the suites have unique filenames
        let bsubdir = bdir </> takeFileName file
        createDirectoryIfMissing True bsubdir
        if any (T.null . tcName) suite
            then fail $
                "Can't do batch processing. The test suite " ++ file ++ " has cases with no name."
            else do
                ePutStrLn "Batch processing mode"
                mapM_ (runCase bsubdir) suite
    runCase bdir tc = do
        pst <- readIORef pstRef
        let verbose    = hasFlag VerboseModeFlg pst
            earlyDeath = hasFlag EarlyDeathFlg  pst
        when verbose $
            ePutStrLn "======================================================"
        gresults <- runOnSemInput pst (PartOfSuite (tcName tc) bdir) wrangler tc
        let res = grResults gresults
        T.hPutStrLn stderr $ summary tc gresults
        when (null res && earlyDeath) $ do
            T.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Exiting early because test case" <+> tcName tc <+> "failed."
    summary tc gresults =
        " " <> tcName tc <+> "-" <+> pretty (length goodres) <+> "results" <+>
        (if null badres then "" else parens (pretty (length badres) <+> "failures"))
        (goodres, badres) = partition isSuccess (grResults gresults)

-- | Return the batch directory or a temporary directory if unset
getBatchDir :: HasFlags fs => fs -> IO FilePath
getBatchDir pst = do
    case getFlag BatchDirFlg pst of
        Nothing  -> do
            t   <- getTemporaryDirectory
            utc <- fmtTime <$> getCurrentTime
            return (t </> "geni-" ++ utc)
        Just bdir -> return bdir
    fmtTime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H%M"))

-- | Used in processing instructions files. Each instruction consists of a
--   suite file and a list of test case names from that file
--   See <http://projects.haskell.org/GenI/manual/command-line.html> for
--   how testsuite, testcase, and instructions are expected to interact
--   (Exported for use by regression testing code)
loadNextSuite :: ProgStateRef
              -> CustomSem sem
              -> (FilePath, Maybe [Text])
              -> IO [TestCase sem]
loadNextSuite pstRef wrangler (file, mtcs) = do
    debugM logname $ "Loading next test suite: " ++ file
    debugM logname $ "Test case filter: " ++ maybe "none" (\xs -> show (length xs) ++ " items") mtcs
    modifyIORef pstRef (setFlag TestSuiteFlg file) -- yucky statefulness! :-(
    pst <- readIORef pstRef
    let mspecific = getFlag TestCaseFlg pst
    debugM logname . T.unpack $ "Test case to pick out:" <+> fromMaybe "none"  mspecific
    fullsuite <- loadTestSuite pst wrangler
    return (filterSuite mtcs mspecific fullsuite)
    filterSuite _         (Just c) suite = filter (\t -> tcName t == c) suite
    filterSuite Nothing   Nothing  suite = suite
    filterSuite (Just cs) Nothing  suite = filter (\t -> tcName t `elem` cs) suite

data RunAs = Standalone  FilePath FilePath
           | PartOfSuite Text FilePath

runAsStandalone :: Params -> RunAs
runAsStandalone config =
    Standalone (fromMaybe "" $ getFlag OutputFileFlg config)
               (fromMaybe "" $ getFlag StatsFileFlg config)

-- | Runs a case in the test suite.  If the user does not specify any test
--   cases, we run the first one.  If the user specifies a non-existing
--   test case we raise an error.
runOnSemInput :: ProgState
              -> RunAs
              -> CustomSem sem
              -> TestCase  sem
              -> IO GeniResults
runOnSemInput pst args wrangler tc = do
    case getBuilderType (pa pst) of
             SimpleBuilder         -> helper simpleBuilder_2p
             SimpleOnePhaseBuilder -> helper simpleBuilder_1p
    csem = tcSem tc
    cstr = tcSemString tc
    helper builder = do
         res <- simplifyResults <$> (runExceptT $ runGeni pst wrangler builder tc)
         writeResults pst args wrangler cstr csem res
         return res

-- | Not just the global warnings but the ones local to each response too
allWarnings :: GeniResults -> [Text]
allWarnings res = concat
    $ grGlobalWarnings res
    : [ grWarnings s | GSuccess s <- grResults res ]

writeResults :: ProgState
             -> RunAs
             -> CustomSem sem
             -> Text -- ^ raw text representation
             -> sem
             -> GeniResults -> IO ()
writeResults pst args wrangler cstr csem gresults = do
    -- create output directory as needed
    case args of
        PartOfSuite n f -> createDirectoryIfMissing True (f </> T.unpack n)
        _               -> return ()
    -- print responses
    if dump
       then writeResponses $ ppJSON results
       else writeResponses $ T.unlines . concatMap (fromResult formatResponses) $ results
    -- print out statistical data (if available)
    when (isJust $ getFlag MetricsFlg pst) $
       writeStats (ppJSON stats)
    -- print any warnings we picked up along the way
    unless (null warnings) $ do
       T.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Warnings:\n" <> formatWarnings warnings
       writeBatchFile "warnings" $ T.unlines warnings
    -- other outputs when run in batch mode
    writeBatchFile "raw-semantics" cstr
    writeBatchFile "custom-semantics" $
         customRenderSem wrangler csem
    writeBatchFile "semantics"  $
         either ("ERROR:" <+>) geniShowText $
         fromCustomSemInput wrangler csem
    writeBatchFile "derivations"$ ppJSON results
    results     = grResults    gresults
    warnings    = allWarnings  gresults
    stats       = grStatistics gresults
    dump        = hasFlag DumpDerivationFlg pst
    -- do we print ranking information and all that other jazz?
    formatResponses = if isNothing (ranking (pa pst))
                         then grRealisations
                         else pure . prettyResult pst
    formatWarnings = T.unlines . map (" - " <>)
    writeBatchFile key = case args of
        Standalone _  _ -> const (return ())
        PartOfSuite n f -> writeFileUtf8 (f </> T.unpack n </> key)
    writeResponses = case args of
        Standalone "" _ -> putStrLnUtf8
        Standalone f  _ -> writeFileUtf8 f
        PartOfSuite _ _ -> writeBatchFile "responses"
    writeStats = case args of
        Standalone _ "" -> putStrLnUtf8
        Standalone _ f  -> writeFileUtf8 f
        PartOfSuite _ _ -> writeBatchFile "stats"
    fromResult :: (GeniSuccess -> [Text]) -> GeniResult -> [Text]
    fromResult _ (GError errs) = [ pretty errs ]
    fromResult f (GSuccess x)  = f x

-- | TODO: If somebody puts together a render function that emits Data.Text
--   we should just use that instead
ppJSON :: JSON a => a -> Text
ppJSON = T.pack . render . pp_value . showJSON

writeFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
writeFileUtf8 f = B.writeFile f . T.encodeUtf8

putStrLnUtf8 :: Text -> IO ()
putStrLnUtf8 = B.putStr . T.encodeUtf8 . (<> "\n")

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Odds and ends
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

data MNAME = MNAME deriving Typeable
logname :: String
logname = mkLogname MNAME