This is the Holumbus-Storage library Version 0.1.0 Stefan Schmidt About ----- Holumbus is a set of Haskell libraries. This package contains the Holumbus-Storage library for building and distributed storage systems. This library depends on the Holumbus-Distribution library. Contents -------- Examples Some example applications and utilities. source Source code of the Holumbus-Storage library. Requirements ------------ So far, this library is only tested under Linux, please let us know, if there are any problems under Windows or other OSes. The Holumbus-MapReduce library requires at least GHC 6.10 and the following packages (available via Hackage). containers hslogger directory network time bytestring binary hxt Holumbus-Distribution Installation ------------ A Cabal file is provided, therefore Holumbus-Storage can be installed using the standard Cabal way: $ runhaskell Setup.hs configure $ runhaskell Setup.hs build $ runhaskell Setup.hs install # with root privileges If you prefer to do it the old way there with make: $ make build $ make install # with root privileges