IPv6Addr- Library to deal with IPv6 address text representations.

CopyrightCopyright © Michel Boucey 2011-2015
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Dealing with IPv6 address text representations, canonization and manipulations.



randIPv6AddrChunk :: String -> IO IPv6AddrToken Source

Returns Just a random SixteenBit token based on a mask "____", each underscore being replaced by a random hexadecimal digit.

randIPv6AddrChunk "_f__" == Just (SixteenBit "bfd4")

randPartialIPv6Addr :: Int -> IO [IPv6AddrToken] Source

Generates a random partial IPv6Addr with n SixteenBit

macAddrToIPv6AddrTokens :: Text -> Maybe [IPv6AddrToken] Source

Given a MAC address, returns the corresponding IPv6AddrToken list, or an empty list.

macAddrToIPv6AddrTokens "fa:1d:58:cc:95:16" == [SixteenBit "fa1d",Colon,SixteenBit "58cc",Colon,SixteenBit "9516"]

getTokIPv6AddrOf :: String -> IO (Maybe [IPv6AddrToken]) Source

Given a valid name of a local network interface, returns Just the list of tokens of the interface's IPv6 address, or Nothing.

getTokIPv6AddrOf "eth0" == Just [SixteenBit "fe80",DoubleColon,SixteenBit "fa1d",Colon,SixteenBit "58cc",Colon,SixteenBit "9516"]

getTokMacAddrOf :: String -> IO (Maybe [IPv6AddrToken]) Source

Given a valid name of a local network interface, returns Just the corresponding list of IPv6AddrToken of the interface's MAC Address, or Nothing.

getTokMacAddrOf "eth0" == Just [SixteenBit "fa1d",Colon,SixteenBit "58cc",Colon,SixteenBit "9516"]