{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- | Monadic test harness and other stubs for unit tests. module UnitTestHelpers ( CliState(..) , emptyCliState , executorCli , reportToTexts , stubLevel , stubState , stubCliState , stubItem , testActor , testActorId , testActorWithItem , testCliStateWithItem , testFactionId , testItemId , testLevel , testLevelId #ifdef EXPOSE_INTERNAL -- * Internal operations , fchanFrontendStub , CliMock(..) #endif ) where import Prelude () import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT (StateT, runStateT), gets, state) import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM import qualified Data.Text as Text import Game.LambdaHack.Atomic (MonadStateWrite (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Client import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Client.BfsM as BfsM import Game.LambdaHack.Client.HandleResponseM import Game.LambdaHack.Client.MonadClient import Game.LambdaHack.Client.State (StateClient (..), TGoal (..), Target (..), emptyStateClient, updateLeader) import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI (MonadClientUI (..), SessionUI (..), emptySessionUI) import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.ActorUI (ActorUI (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Content.Screen (emptyScreenContent, rheight, rwidth) import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.ContentClientUI (coscreen, emptyCCUI) import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Frontend (ChanFrontend (..), FrontReq (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Key (KMP (..)) import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Key as K import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Msg import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Overlay import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.PointUI (PointUI (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.UIOptions (UIOptions (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor (Actor (..), ResDelta (..), Watchfulness (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Area (Area, toArea, trivialArea) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ClientOptions (ClientOptions (..), FullscreenMode (..), defClientOptions) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction (Faction (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind (COps (..), emptyUIFaction) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level (Level (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc (FontSet (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.MonadStateRead import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Perception (emptyPer) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point (Point (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State ( State , emptyState , unknownTileMap , updateActorD , updateActorMaxSkills , updateCOpsAndCachedData , updateDungeon , updateFactionD ) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Time (timeZero) import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Types (ActorId, FactionId, ItemId, LevelId) import Game.LambdaHack.Content.RuleKind (RuleContent (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind (unknownId) import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Core.Dice as Dice import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Ability as Ability import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Color (Color (..)) import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.DefsInternal (toContentId) import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Flavour -- * UI frontend stub -- Read UI requests from the client and send them to the frontend, fchanFrontendStub :: ChanFrontend fchanFrontendStub = ChanFrontend $ \case FrontFrame _ -> putStr "FrontFrame" FrontDelay _ -> putStr "FrontDelay" FrontKey _ _ -> return KMP {kmpKeyMod = K.escKM, kmpPointer = PointUI 0 0} FrontPressed -> return False FrontDiscardKey -> putStr "FrontDiscardKey" FrontResetKeys -> putStr "FrontResetKeys" FrontShutdown -> putStr "FrontShutdown" FrontPrintScreen -> putStr "FrontPrintScreen" -- * Mock client state implementation data CliState = CliState { cliState :: State -- ^ current global state , cliClient :: StateClient -- ^ current client state , cliSession :: Maybe SessionUI -- ^ UI state, empty for AI clients -- Not needed for the mock monad (and blank line needed to avoid making this -- comment a haddock for @cliSession@ field): -- , cliDict :: ChanServer -- , cliToSave :: Save.ChanSave (StateClient, Maybe SessionUI) } -- * Option stubs stubUIOptions :: UIOptions stubUIOptions = UIOptions { uCommands = [] , uHeroNames = [] , uVi = False , uLeftHand = False , uChosenFontset = "" , uAllFontsScale = 0.0 , uFullscreenMode = NotFullscreen , uhpWarningPercent = 0 , uMsgWrapColumn = 0 , uHistoryMax = 0 , uMaxFps = 0.0 , uNoAnim = False , uOverrideCmdline = [] , uFonts = [] , uFontsets = [] , uMessageColors = [] } stubClientOptions :: ClientOptions stubClientOptions = defClientOptions { schosenFontset = Just "snoopy" , sfontsets = [("snoopy", FontSet { fontMapScalable = "scalable" , fontMapBitmap = "bitmap" , fontPropRegular = "propRegular" , fontPropBold = "propBold" , fontMono = "mono" })] } stubItem :: Item stubItem = Item { jkind = IdentityObvious (toContentId 0), jfid = Nothing, jflavour = dummyFlavour } testLevel :: Level testLevel = Level { lkind = toEnum 0 , ldepth = Dice.AbsDepth 1 , lfloor = EM.empty , lembed = EM.empty , lbig = EM.empty , lproj = EM.empty , ltile = unknownTileMap (fromJust (toArea (0,0,0,0))) unknownId 10 10 --PointArray.empty , lentry = EM.empty , larea = trivialArea (Point 0 0) , lsmell = EM.empty , lstair = ([],[]) , lescape = [] , lseen = 0 , lexpl = 0 , ltime = timeZero , lnight = False } -- * Stub identifiers -- Using different arbitrary numbers for these so that if tests fail -- due to missing keys we'll have more of a clue. testLevelId :: LevelId testLevelId = toEnum 111 testActorId :: ActorId testActorId = toEnum 112 testItemId :: ItemId testItemId = toEnum 113 testFactionId :: FactionId testFactionId = toEnum 114 -- * Game arena element stubs testArea :: Area testArea = fromJust(toArea (0, 0, 0, 0)) testLevelDimension :: Int testLevelDimension = 3 stubLevel :: Level stubLevel = Level { lkind = toEnum 0 , ldepth = Dice.AbsDepth 1 , lfloor = EM.empty , lembed = EM.empty , lbig = EM.empty , lproj = EM.empty , ltile = unknownTileMap testArea unknownId testLevelDimension testLevelDimension , lentry = EM.empty , larea = trivialArea (Point 0 0) , lsmell = EM.empty , lstair = ([],[]) , lescape = [] , lseen = 0 , lexpl = 0 , ltime = timeZero , lnight = False } testFaction :: Faction testFaction = Faction { gkind = emptyUIFaction , gname = "" , gcolor = Black , gdoctrine = Ability.TBlock , gunderAI = True , ginitial = [] , gdipl = EM.empty , gquit = Nothing , _gleader = Nothing , gstash = Nothing , gvictims = EM.empty } testActor :: Actor testActor = Actor { btrunk = testItemId , bnumber = Nothing , bhp = 0 , bhpDelta = ResDelta (0,0) (0,0) , bcalm = 0 , bcalmDelta = ResDelta (0,0) (0,0) , bpos = Point 0 0 , boldpos = Nothing , blid = testLevelId , bfid = testFactionId , btrajectory = Nothing , borgan = EM.empty , beqp = EM.empty , bweapon = 0 , bweapBenign = 0 , bwatch = WWatch , bproj = False } testActorWithItem :: Actor testActorWithItem = testActor { beqp = EM.singleton testItemId (1,[])} -- Stublike state that should barely function for testing. stubState :: State stubState = let singletonFactionUpdate _ = EM.singleton testFactionId testFaction singletonDungeonUpdate _ = EM.singleton testLevelId stubLevel singletonActorDUpdate _ = EM.singleton testActorId testActor singletonActorMaxSkillsUpdate _ = EM.singleton testActorId Ability.zeroSkills copsUpdate oldCOps = oldCOps {corule = (corule oldCOps) { rWidthMax = testLevelDimension , rHeightMax = testLevelDimension }} stateWithMaxLevelDimension = updateCOpsAndCachedData copsUpdate emptyState stateWithFaction = updateFactionD singletonFactionUpdate stateWithMaxLevelDimension stateWithActorD = updateActorD singletonActorDUpdate stateWithFaction stateWithActorMaxSkills = updateActorMaxSkills singletonActorMaxSkillsUpdate stateWithActorD stateWithDungeon = updateDungeon singletonDungeonUpdate stateWithActorMaxSkills in stateWithDungeon testStateWithItem :: State testStateWithItem = let swapToItemActor _ = EM.singleton testActorId testActorWithItem in updateActorD swapToItemActor stubState emptyCliState :: CliState emptyCliState = CliState { cliState = emptyState , cliClient = emptyStateClient testFactionId , cliSession = Nothing } stubSessionUI :: SessionUI stubSessionUI = let actorUI = ActorUI { bsymbol = 'j' , bname = "Jamie" , bpronoun = "he/him" , bcolor = BrCyan } in (emptySessionUI stubUIOptions) { sactorUI = EM.singleton testActorId actorUI , sccui = emptyCCUI { coscreen = emptyScreenContent { rwidth = testLevelDimension , rheight = testLevelDimension + 3 } } , schanF = fchanFrontendStub } stubCliState :: CliState stubCliState = CliState { cliState = stubState , cliClient = (emptyStateClient testFactionId) { soptions = stubClientOptions , sfper = EM.singleton testLevelId emptyPer } , cliSession = let target = TPoint TUnknown testLevelId (Point 1 0) in Just (stubSessionUI {sxhair = Just target}) } testCliStateWithItem :: CliState testCliStateWithItem = stubCliState { cliState = testStateWithItem } -- * Monad harness mock -- | Client state transformation monad mock. newtype CliMock a = CliMock { runCliMock :: StateT CliState IO a } -- we build off io so we can compile but we don't want to use it; -- TODO: let's try to get rid of the IO. I can't see any problem right now. -- We'd need to to define dummy liftIO in some monads, etc. deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative) instance MonadStateRead CliMock where {-# INLINE getsState #-} getsState f = CliMock $ gets $ f . cliState instance MonadStateWrite CliMock where {-# INLINE modifyState #-} modifyState f = CliMock $ state $ \cliS -> let !newCliS = cliS {cliState = f $ cliState cliS} in ((), newCliS) {-# INLINE putState #-} putState newCliState = CliMock $ state $ \cliS -> let !newCliS = cliS {cliState = newCliState} in ((), newCliS) instance MonadClientRead CliMock where {-# INLINE getsClient #-} getsClient f = CliMock $ gets $ f . cliClient liftIO = CliMock . IO.liftIO instance MonadClient CliMock where {-# INLINE modifyClient #-} modifyClient f = CliMock $ state $ \cliS -> let !newCliS = cliS {cliClient = f $ cliClient cliS} in ((), newCliS) instance MonadClientUI CliMock where {-# INLINE getsSession #-} getsSession f = CliMock $ gets $ f . fromJust . cliSession {-# INLINE modifySession #-} modifySession f = CliMock $ state $ \cliS -> let !newCliSession = f $ fromJust $ cliSession cliS !newCliS = cliS {cliSession = Just newCliSession} in ((), newCliS) updateClientLeader aid = do s <- getState modifyClient $ updateLeader aid s getCacheBfs = BfsM.getCacheBfs getCachePath = BfsM.getCachePath instance MonadClientAtomic CliMock where {-# INLINE execUpdAtomic #-} execUpdAtomic _ = return () -- handleUpdAtomic, until needed, save resources -- Don't catch anything; assume exceptions impossible. {-# INLINE execPutState #-} execPutState = putState executorCli :: CliMock a -> CliState -> IO (a, CliState) executorCli = runStateT . runCliMock -- | Transform 'Report' type to a list of 'Text'. reportToTexts :: Report -> [Text.Text] reportToTexts report = Text.pack . attrStringToString <$> renderReport False report