module BallFSM (freeBallSF, controlledBallSF, outOfPlayBallSF) where import FRP.Yampa import FRP.Yampa.Geometry import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.FSM import Message import Physics import Object import States import Helper import BasicTypes import Global type BallPerception = (BallMsgParam, [VisibleState]) s1 :: State BallState BallTransition p [a] s1 = addTransition BTCollisionB 3 $ addTransition BTOutOfPlay 4 $ state 1 BSFree (const []) (const []) (const []) s2 :: Param -> State BallState BallTransition (BallMsgParam, (BallMsgParam, [VisibleState])) [Message] s2 param = addTransition BTCollisionB 3 $ addTransition BTOutOfPlay 4 $ addTransition BTLost 1 $ state 2 BSControlled (const []) (checkForOffsite param) (const []) s3 :: Param -> State BallState BallTransition (BallStateParam, BallPerception) [Message] s3 param = addTransition BTGained 2 $ addTransition BTGainedOOP 5 $ addTransition BTGainedGoalie 6 $ addTransition BTLostOOP 4 $ addTransition BTLost 1 $ state 3 BSChallenged (const []) (takeMe param) (const []) s4 :: State BallState BallTransition p [a] s4 = addTransition BTCollisionB 3 $ state 4 BSOutOfPlay (const []) (const []) (const []) s5 :: State BallState BallTransition p [a] s5 = addTransition BTLost 1 $ state 5 BSControlledOOP (const []) (const []) (const []) s6 :: Param -> State BallState BallTransition (BallMsgParam, (BallMsgParam, [VisibleState])) [Message] s6 param = addTransition BTLost 1 $ state 6 BSControlledGoalie (const []) (checkForOffsite param) (const []) fsm :: Param -> Either [Problem BallTransition] (FSM BallState BallTransition (BallMsgParam, (BallMsgParam, [VisibleState])) [Message]) fsm param = fromList [s1, s2 param, s3 param, s4, s5, s6 param] takeMe :: Param -> (BallStateParam, BallPerception) -> [Message] takeMe _ (BPWho playerIdTouching t, (BPWho me _,vss)) = let (ballState, ballParam) = vsBallState . fetchBallVS $ vss gameVS = fetchGameVS vss game = vsObjId gameVS attacker = vsAttacker gameVS playerVS = fetchVS vss playerIdTouching teamTouching = vsTeam playerVS in if ballState == BSOutOfPlay then if teamTouching == attacker then -- if colliding player is on the right team, send him a kickoff/throw-in/kick-corner message, -- otherwise ignore him [(playerIdTouching, PlayerMessage (PhysicalPlayerMessage (PPTPrepareThrowIn, BSPWhoAndWhen me t)))] else [(me, BallMessage (BTLostOOP, ballParam))] else -- ball was in play -- -- if goalie has the ball, then don't take it from him if ballState == BSControlledGoalie then [(me, BallMessage (BTLost, ballParam))] else [(playerIdTouching, PlayerMessage (PhysicalPlayerMessage (PPTTakeMe, BSPWhoAndWhen me t))), (game, GameMessage (GTTakePossession, GPTeamPosition teamTouching (-1) [] (Point2 0 0) (-1) False InPlay))] ++ map (\vs -> (vsObjId vs, PlayerMessage (PhysicalPlayerMessage (PPTLoseMe, BSPRelease 0 RTNothing)))) (filter hasBall vss) checkForOffsite :: Param -> (BallMsgParam, (BallMsgParam, [VisibleState])) -> [Message] checkForOffsite param (BPWho playerIdTouching t, (BPWho _ _,vss)) = let gameVS = fetchGameVS vss playerVS = fetchVS vss playerIdTouching teamTouching = vsTeam playerVS posTouching = vsPos playerVS in snd $ checkOffsite' param t (fst (vsGameState gameVS)) playerIdTouching teamTouching posTouching (snd $ vsGameState gameVS, vss) checkOffsite' :: Param -> Time -> GameState -> ObjId -> Team -> Position3 -> (GameStateParam, [VisibleState]) -> (Bool, [Message]) checkOffsite' param t gs playerIdTouching teamTouching _ (GPTeamPosition teamPassing playerIdPassing oposs posPassing _ _ _, vss) | gs /= GSOffsitePending = (False, []) | teamTouching /= teamPassing = (False, noOffsiteMsg) | playerIdTouching == playerIdPassing = (False, noOffsiteMsg) | noOffsite teamTouching (point2Y posPassing) (posYTouchingT0 playerIdTouching) = (False, noOffsiteMsg) | otherwise = (True, offsiteMsg) where me = vsObjId (fetchGameVS vss) noOffsite team posPassing' posTouchingT0 = (team == Home && posTouchingT0 > halfLine) || (team == Away && posTouchingT0 < halfLine) || (team == Home && posTouchingT0 >= posPassing') || (team == Away && posTouchingT0 <= posPassing') || (twoBehind team posTouchingT0 oposs) noOffsiteMsg = [(me, GameMessage (GTNoOffsite, GPTeamPosition teamTouching (-1) [] (Point2 0 50) t False InPlay))] offsiteMsg = [(me, GameMessage (GTOffsite, GPTeamPosition (otherTeam teamTouching) (-1) [] (Point2 0 50) t False OOPOffsite))] halfLine = pPitchLength param / 2 posYTouchingT0 oid = thrd3 $ fromJust $ find (\(_, oid', _) -> oid == oid') oposs twoBehind :: Ord a => Team -> a -> [(Team, t, a)] -> Bool twoBehind team p0 oposs = length (filter (\(t, _, p) -> t == otherTeam team && if team == Home then p < p0 else p > p0) oposs) > 1 freeBallSF :: Param -> BallStateParam -> SF (BallPerception, Event [(BallTransition, BallStateParam)]) ((State BallState BallTransition (BallStateParam, BallPerception) [Message], BallStateParam), [Message]) freeBallSF param = reactMachineMult (fromRight $ fsm param) s1 controlledBallSF :: Param -> Bool -> BallMsgParam -> SF ((BallMsgParam, [VisibleState]), Event [(BallTransition, BallMsgParam)]) ((State BallState BallTransition (BallMsgParam, (BallMsgParam, [VisibleState])) [Message], BallMsgParam), [Message]) controlledBallSF param goalie = reactMachineMult (fromRight $ fsm param) (if goalie then (s6 param) else s2 param) outOfPlayBallSF :: Param -> BallMsgParam -> SF ((BallMsgParam, [VisibleState]), Event [(BallTransition, BallMsgParam)]) ((State BallState BallTransition (BallMsgParam, (BallMsgParam, [VisibleState])) [Message], BallMsgParam), [Message]) outOfPlayBallSF param = reactMachineMult (fromRight $ fsm param) s4