{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} module Data.FSM (FSM, State, state, content, addTransition, runTrans, fromList, checkStates, Problem, reactMachine, reactMachineMult, reactMachineHist, fsmToDot) where import FRP.Yampa import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List (nub, (\\), foldl') import Data.Monoid import Data.Function (on) -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Datatypes for States and FSMs -- -- ************************************************************************* type SId = Int data Problem t = NonUniqueState SId | MissingTarget SId t deriving (Show) -- State consists of an unique Id, a content describing the state -- (possibly an enum), functions for generating messages on -- leaving the current state or entering a new state, resp., and -- a transitiion table from a given state to its neighboring states data State a t perception messages = State { stateId :: SId, content :: a, while, onEnter, onExit :: perception -> messages, transition :: M.Map t Int } instance (Show t, Show a) => Show (State a t p m) -- where show s = "State " ++ show (content s) ++ ", (" -- ++ concatMap (\(t,y) -> ' ' : (show t ++ "->" ++ show y)) (M.toList (transition s)) -- ++ " )" where show s = "{" ++ show (stateId s) ++ "}" instance Eq (State a t p m) where (==) = (==) `on` stateId -- a FSM is defined as a Map of State Ids to its corresponding State data type FSM a t p m = M.Map SId (State a t p m) -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Basic functions for creating States and FSMs and for running transitions -- on a given FSM -- -- ************************************************************************* -- Construction of new State; new States instance start with an empty -- transition table state :: Int -> a -> (p -> m)-> (p -> m)-> (p -> m)-> State a t p m state id' a' while' onEnter' onExit' = State id' a' while' onEnter' onExit' M.empty -- adds a new transition to a given State instance addTransition :: Ord t => t -> Int -> State a t p m -> State a t p m addTransition t transStateId s = let newTrans = M.insert t transStateId (transition s) in s {transition = newTrans } -- Creates a new FSM from a list of previously generated states, returns -- either a Right FSM or - in case of duplicate states or transitions to -- non-existent states - a list of detected problems in the Leftt fromList :: [State a t p m] -> Either [Problem t] (FSM a t p m) fromList ss = case checkStates ss of [] -> Right $ foldl (\m s -> M.insert (stateId s) s m) M.empty ss ps -> Left ps -- Given a FSM, a current state and a transition, the function computes the -- next state (if transition is applicable) or Nothing (if transition is not -- applicable); if transition was applicable, the messages from leaving the -- old state and entering the new state will be collected runTrans :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t p m -> State a t p m -> t -> p -> Maybe (State a t p m, m) runTrans fsm currentState trans perception = do newId <- M.lookup trans (transition currentState) let Just newState = M.lookup newId fsm return (newState, onExit currentState perception `mappend` onEnter newState perception) -- Same as runTrans, but takes a list of transistions instead of a single transistion, returns -- an additional Bool that indicates whether any transition occured runTransMult :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t p m -> State a t p m -> [t] -> p -> (State a t p m, m, Bool) runTransMult _ currentState [] _ = (currentState, mempty, False) runTransMult fsm currentState (trans:transs) perception = case runTrans fsm currentState trans perception of Just (s1, m1) -> let (s2, m2, _) = runTransMult fsm s1 transs perception in (s2, m1 `mappend` m2, True) Nothing -> let (s2, m2, occ) = runTransMult fsm currentState transs perception in (s2, mempty `mappend` m2, occ) -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Create dot-output for rendering with graphviz. To do so: Capture the -- output of fsmToDot in a file, then use dot to convert -- -- Example of dot-format: -- -- digraph simple_hierarchy { -- B [label="The boss"] // node B -- E [label="The employee"] // node E -- B->E [label="commands", fontcolor=darkgreen] // edge B->E -- } -- ************************************************************************* fsmToDot :: (Show a, Show t) => FSM a t p m -> String fsmToDot fsm = "digraph fsm\n{\n" ++ (foldl (++) "" $ map statesToDot (M.elems fsm)) ++ "}\n" where formatTrans source k a result = result ++ show source ++ "->" ++ show a ++ " [label=\"" ++ show k ++ "\"]\n" statesToDot s = let ts = M.map (\dest -> content ((M.!) fsm dest)) $ transition s curr = content s in M.foldrWithKey (formatTrans curr) "" ts -- (M.fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Sanity checks on a set of FSM states, checks for duplicate states and -- transitions with missing target states -- -- ************************************************************************* checkStates :: [State a e p m] -> [Problem e] checkStates states = map NonUniqueState (checkDoubles states) ++ map (\(i,e,_) -> MissingTarget i e) (checkTransitions states) checkTransitions :: [State a e p m] -> [(Int, e, Int)] checkTransitions = foldl' checkProblem [] . allElems checkProblem :: [(Int, e, Int)] -> (State a e p m, [State a e p m]) -> [(Int, e, Int)] checkProblem ps (s, ts) = ps ++ missingStates (stateId s) (transition s) ts missingStates :: Int -> M.Map e Int -> [State a e p m] -> [(Int, e, Int)] missingStates s trans ss = let sIds = map stateId ss ts = M.toList trans in concatMap (\(e, sId) -> if elem sId sIds then [] else [(s, e, sId)]) ts allElems :: [a] -> [(a, [a])] allElems xs = let ixs = zip [0..length xs - 1] xs in map (\(i,_) -> ((xs!!i), xs)) ixs checkDoubles :: [State a e p m] -> [Int] checkDoubles states = let ids = map stateId states in ids \\ nub ids -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Reactivity -- -- ************************************************************************* -- Wrapper function for easy access to runTrans by accumHold; if no transition -- applies, the wrapper returns the old state and no messages -- additionaly, the function pushes through a state parameter that will be attached -- to the new state runMachine :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t (s, p) m -> (State a t (s, p) m, (m, s)) -> ((t, s), p) -> (State a t (s, p) m, (m, s)) runMachine fsm curr ((trans, stateParam), perc) = let (curr', (_, currParam)) = curr in case runTrans fsm curr' trans (stateParam, perc) of Nothing -> (curr', (mempty, currParam)) Just (newState, messages) -> (newState, (messages, stateParam)) -- Reactive FSM transition: yields the (time-varying) current state and -- for every transition (defined by an Event containing the transition -- and the perception for the onExit / onEnter functions) a Monoid of -- the collected messages from the onExit / onEnter functions -- additionaly, the function pushes through a state parameter that will be attached -- to the new state reactTransition :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t (s, p) m -> State a t (s, p) m -> s -> SF (Event ((t, s), p)) (State a t (s, p) m, Event (m, s)) reactTransition fsm init' initParam = accumBy (runMachine fsm) (init', (mempty, initParam)) >>> (fst ^<< hold (init', (mempty, initParam))) &&& arr (snd . splitE) -- Yields the (time-varying) current state and the messages (that originate from -- either the onExit / onEnter-function on a transition or the while-function -- if no transition occured) -- The event that yields a state transition (Event (t, s)) consist of the actual -- transition t that advances the FSM, and a state parameter s that will be attached -- to the new state. E.g. a event could be "Event (RunTo, Position 10 20)", telling -- a player in state "Waiting" to change to state "RunTo", and attaching the additional -- information "Position 10 20" to the new state reactMachine :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t (s, p) m -> State a t (s, p) m -> s -> SF (p, Event (t, s)) ((State a t (s, p) m, s), m) reactMachine fsm initState initParam = proc (perception, ets) -> do (state', result) <- reactTransition fsm initState initParam -< attach ets perception param <- hold initParam -< snd (splitE result) returnA -< ((state', param), if isEvent result then fst (fromEvent result) else while state' (param, perception)) -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Similar to reactMachine, but puts a whole list of transition through -- the FSM at a given point in time -- -- ************************************************************************* rMM :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t (s, p) m -> (State a t (s, p) m, s, Event [(t, s)], p) -> (State a t (s, p) m, (m, s)) rMM _ (s0, sp0, Event [], _) = (s0, (mempty, sp0)) rMM fsm (s0, sp0, Event ((t, s):tss), perc) = let (s1, (m1, sp1)) = case runTrans fsm s0 t (s, perc) of Nothing -> (s0, (mempty, sp0)) Just (s', m') -> (s', (m', s)) (s2, (m2, sp2)) = rMM fsm (s1, sp1, Event tss, perc) in (s2, (m1 `mappend` m2, sp2)) rMM _ (s0, sp0, _, _) = (s0, (mempty, sp0)) reactMachineMult :: (Ord t, Monoid m, Eq m) => FSM a t (s, p) m -> State a t (s, p) m -> s -> SF (p, Event [(t, s)]) ((State a t (s, p) m, s), m) reactMachineMult fsm initState initParam = proc (perception, tss) -> do rec (s2, sp2) <- iPre (initState, initParam) -< (s1, sp1) (s1, (ms, sp1)) <- arr (rMM fsm) -< (s2, sp2, tss, perception) -- Achtung, hier auch die while-Events aufsammeln!!! returnA -< ((s1, sp1), ms `mappend` (while s1 (sp1, perception))) -- instance (Show e) => Show (Event e) where -- show NoEvent = "NoEvent" -- show (Event e) = "Event " ++ show e -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Similar to reactMachineMult, but also provides the state parameter from -- the previous state to the message generators. (Special case, used by -- the key parser to determine the duration between keydown and keyup states -- -- ************************************************************************* runMachineHist :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t (s, (p,s)) m -> (State a t (s, (p,s)) m, (m, s)) -> (([t], s), (s,p)) -> (State a t (s, (p,s)) m, (m, s)) runMachineHist fsm (curr, (_,currParam)) ((transs, stateParam), (oldParam, perc)) = let (state', messages, transOccured) = runTransMult fsm curr transs (stateParam, (perc, oldParam)) in (state', (messages, if transOccured then stateParam else currParam)) reactHistTransitions :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t (s, (p,s)) m -> State a t (s, (p,s)) m -> s -> SF (Event (([t], s), (s, p))) (State a t (s, (p,s)) m, Event (m, s)) reactHistTransitions fsm init' initParam = accumBy (runMachineHist fsm) (init', (mempty, initParam)) >>> (fst ^<< hold (init', (mempty, initParam))) &&& arr (snd . splitE) -- This is a bit more complicated than it's single input counterpart: the onEnter etc. functions -- are not only provided with the stateParam s and the perception p, but also with the state -- param of the previous state, so the input to the onEnter etc. functions is (s, (p,s)) and -- not (s, p) as in reactMachine. reactMachineHist :: (Ord t, Monoid m) => FSM a t (s, (p,s)) m -> State a t (s, (p,s)) m -> s -> SF (p, Event ([t], s)) ((State a t (s, (p,s)) m, s), m) reactMachineHist fsm initState initParam = proc (perception, ets) -> do rec (state, result) <- reactHistTransitions fsm initState initParam -< attach ets (oldParam, perception) param <- hold initParam -< snd (splitE result) oldParam <- iPre initParam -< param returnA -< ((state, param), if isEvent result then fst (fromEvent result) else while state (param, (perception, oldParam)))