{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-} module Rules ( runRules ,runner ,parseRule ,basicRules ,Rule(..) ,Priority(..) ,RuleId(..) ,ParseErrorId ,ParseErrorMsg) where import FRP.Yampa.Geometry import Data.List import Data.Function (on) import Data.Maybe import Object import BasicTypes import Message import AL import Helper -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Framework for defining rules -- -- ************************************************************************ concatMaybe :: Maybe [a] -> [a] concatMaybe Nothing = [] concatMaybe (Just xs) = xs uncollect :: [(a, [b])] -> [(a, b)] uncollect = concatMap (\(a, bs) -> zip (repeat a) bs) runRules' :: [ObjId] -> Facts -> [VisibleState] -> RuleBase -> [(ObjId, [(Priority, MessageBody)])] runRules' teamMates' facts vss = collect . map (\(p,(o,m)) -> (o, (p,m))) . uncollect . map (\rule -> (opPriority rule, concatMaybe $ opRule rule teamMates' facts vss)) -- collect all the messages for each player that have the lowest prio runRules :: [ObjId] -> Facts -> [VisibleState] -> RuleBase -> [(ObjId, MessageBody)] runRules teamMates' facts vss = concatMap (\(o, pms) -> let pmsSort = sortBy (compare `on` fst) pms lowest = fst $ head pmsSort relevantMsgs = map snd $ takeWhile ((lowest ==) . fst) pmsSort in zip (repeat o) relevantMsgs) . runRules' teamMates' facts vss -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Basic rules for all teams, not changeable by user -- -- ************************************************************************ rule_kick_off :: RuleFunction rule_kick_off _ facts vss = do _ <- factKickOff facts [] att <- factAttacking facts [] FPTeam me <- factWhoAmI facts [] _ <- factEq facts [FPTeam me, att] let x = if me == Home then 1 else (-1) return $ [(vsObjId p, tm (TPTKickedOff, tspNull))| p <- teamPlayers Home vss ++ teamPlayers Away vss] -- , vsObjId p /= ballCarrier] ++ [(vsObjId game, GameMessage (GTRunGame, (snd . vsGameState) game))] ++ [(ballCarrier, pm (PPTLoseMe, BSPShoot (x *^ (vector3 (-19) (-3) 0)))) | isJust bc] where game = fetchGameVS vss bc@(Just ballCarrier) = playerWithBall vss -- Weitere Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten: -- a. checken, dass nicht der einwerfende Spieler der erste ist, der den Ball wieder -- aufnimmt -- b. nicht sofort werfen, sondern eine halbe Sekunde oder so warten (vielleicht FactThrowinIn -- erst dann einstellen, wenn eine Mindestzeit rum ist?) Sonst sieht es doof aus -- c. der einwerfende Spieler soll in Richtung des Spots schauen, zu dem er werden will; -- vielleicht wäre ein TS "AimingForThrowIn" gut -- d. solange zielen (AimingForThrowIn), bis Güte des Spots über einen Schwellenwert -- liegt ODER die Zeit seit Start der Einwurfaktion überschritten ist rule_throw_in :: RuleFunction rule_throw_in _ facts _ = do FPPlayerId p <- factThrowingIn facts [] FPFromTo curr dest <- factBestPosition facts [] return $ (p, pm (PPTLoseMe, #if DEBUG_MODE trace ("RULE=" ++ show (BSPShoot (towards curr dest)) ++ show "; " ++ show dest) #endif BSPShoot (towards curr dest))) : (1, GameMessage (GTBallInPlay, GPTeamPosition Home (-1) [] (Point2 0 0) 0 False InPlay)) : [(p, tm (TPTReposition, tspNull))] rule_stop_idling :: RuleFunction rule_stop_idling _ facts _ = do FPPlayers ps <- factIdling facts [] return $ map (\p -> (p, tm (TPTHoldPosition, tspNull))) ps rule_punt :: RuleFunction rule_punt _ facts _ = do FPPlayerVector p v <- factPunt facts [] return $ [(p, pm (PPTLoseMe, BSPShoot v))] -- was passiert beim Anstoß: -- * 2 Spieler stehen am Anstoßpunkt -- * ein Spieler hat den Ball -- * auf Knopfdruck (bei eigenem Spieler) oder auf AI-Befehl geht der Ball von einem -- auf den anderen Spieler über -- * vorher kann sich keiner irgendwie drehen oder sonstwas -- * Frage: Laufen dann alle in Position? Oder wird "neu aufgestellt?" Letzteres ist -- wohl deutlich einfacher... Dann braucht es auch das ganze Status-Gehampel nicht... -- * Frage: Ist man vor dem eigentlich Anstoß innerhalb der reactimate-Schleife oder -- außerhalb? -- PRO außerhalb: Ganz wenig Rumgehampel mit Status und Knorz (sonst muss mindestens mal -- die handgesteuerten Spieler in einen Status versetzen, in dem er nicht -- gesteuert werden kann AUSSER wenn er selber den Anstoß macht, dann ist der -- einzige Steuerimpuls aber der Anstoß an sich) -- CON außerhalb: Rendering und Keyboard-Knorzung muss noch mal gebastelt oder -- mindestens mal angestoßen werden... -- klingt so, als sollte man es erst mal mit innerhalb probieren... basicRules :: [Rule] basicRules = [Rule (RuleId (-1000)) "throw in" (Priority 1) rule_throw_in ,Rule (RuleId (-1001)) "kickoff" (Priority 0) rule_kick_off ,Rule (RuleId (-1002)) "punt" (Priority 4) rule_punt ,Rule (RuleId (-1003)) "stop idling" (Priority 10) rule_stop_idling ] -- just some dummy stuff to later integrate more easily... type Clause = Facts -> [FactParam] -> Maybe FactParam type MsgMaker = [VisibleState] -> [FactParam] -> [Message] type ParamId = Int type Statement = [(Maybe ParamId, Clause, [RuleParam])] data RuleParam = PId ParamId | PConst FactParam deriving (Show) -- wrapper to run a parsed rule (set of clauses and message function) runner :: Statement -> (MsgMaker, [RuleParam]) -> RuleFunction runner clauses msgMaker myTeamMates facts vss = run myTeamMates vss facts clauses msgMaker emptyAL -- first runs a set of clauses and collects facts, then runs messaging function -- lets only those messages through that are intended for own team (no cheating!) run :: [ObjId] -> [VisibleState] -> Facts -> Statement -> (MsgMaker, [RuleParam]) -> AL ParamId FactParam -> Maybe [Message] run myTeamMates vss _ [] (msgMaker, params) paramFacts = return $ filterTeam myTeamMates $ msgMaker vss $ fetchParams paramFacts params run myTeamMates vss facts ((pId, clause, clauseParams):rs) msg paramFactsSoFar = do fp <- clause facts $ fetchParams paramFactsSoFar clauseParams run myTeamMates vss facts rs msg $ maybeInsertAL pId fp paramFactsSoFar maybeInsertAL :: Maybe k -> a -> AL k a -> AL k a maybeInsertAL Nothing _ paramFactsSoFar = paramFactsSoFar maybeInsertAL (Just pId) fp paramFactsSoFar = insertAL pId fp paramFactsSoFar filterTeam :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, t)] -> [(a, t)] filterTeam teamMates' = filter (\(oid,_) -> elem oid teamMates') fetchParams :: AL ParamId FactParam -> [RuleParam] -> [FactParam] fetchParams _ [] = [] fetchParams pvs (p:ps) = case p of PId p' -> pvs ! p' : fetchParams pvs ps PConst c -> c : fetchParams pvs ps type ParamName = String type RulePriority = Int type ParseErrorId = Int type ParseErrorMsg = String parseRule :: [String] -> Either (ParseErrorId, ParseErrorMsg) (RuleName ,RulePriority ,Statement ,(MsgMaker, [RuleParam])) parseRule ls = do -- let ls = lines ruleString let ln = length ls checkRuleStructure ls (ruleName, rulePrio) <- parseRuleHead (ls !! 0) (clauses, params) <- gatherClauses (take (ln - 2) (tail ls)) [] (msg, msgParams) <- parseMsg (last ls) params return (ruleName, rulePrio, clauses, (msg, msgParams)) checkRuleStructure :: Num t => [a] -> Either (t, String) () checkRuleStructure ls = if length ls < 3 then Left $ (10, "rule must consist of rule head, at least one clause and message") else Right () gatherClauses :: [String] -> [(ParamId, ParamName)] -> Either (ParseErrorId, ParseErrorMsg) (Statement, [(ParamId, ParamName)]) gatherClauses [c] acc = do (maybeVar, clause, params) <- parseClause c acc return ([(fst `fmap` maybeVar, clause, params)], pushIfJust maybeVar acc) gatherClauses (c:cs) acc = do (maybeVar, clause, params) <- parseClause c acc (restClauses, newAcc) <- gatherClauses cs (pushIfJust maybeVar acc) return ((fst `fmap` maybeVar, clause, params) : restClauses, newAcc) pushIfJust :: Maybe a -> [a] -> [a] pushIfJust Nothing xs = xs pushIfJust (Just x) xs = x : xs parseRuleHead :: String -> Either (ParseErrorId, ParseErrorMsg) (RuleName, RulePriority) parseRuleHead rh = let ws = words rh in if null ws || head ws /= "rule" || length ws /= 4 || ws !! 2 /= "priority" || null (reads (ws !! 3) :: [(Int, String)]) then Left (1, "rule head must be of form 'rule rulename priority xxx'") else Right (ws !! 1, fst $ head (reads (ws !! 3) :: [(Int, String)])) parseClause :: String -> [(ParamId, ParamName)] -> Either (ParseErrorId, ParseErrorMsg) (Maybe (ParamId, ParamName), Clause, [RuleParam]) parseClause clause params = do let tokens = words clause hasVar <- checkClauseStructure tokens maybeVar <- checkVariable params (tokens !! 0) hasVar fact <- checkFact (tokens !! (if hasVar then 2 else 1)) ps <- parseParams params (drop (if hasVar then 3 else 2) tokens) return (maybeVar, fact, ps) checkClauseStructure :: Num t => [String] -> Either (t, String) Bool checkClauseStructure tokens = if length tokens >= 3 && tokens !! 1 == "is" then Right True else if length tokens >= 2 && tokens !! 0 == "check" then Right False else Left (2, "clause must be of form 'var is fact params' or 'check fact params': " ++ concat (zipWith (++) tokens (repeat " "))) checkVariable :: [(ParamId, ParamName)] -> String -> Bool -> Either (ParseErrorId, ParseErrorMsg) (Maybe (ParamId, ParamName)) checkVariable params token True = if elem token (map snd params) then Left (2, "variable name already used: " ++ token) else Right $ Just (newParamId params, token) checkVariable _ _ False = Right Nothing newParamId :: (Num a, Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> a newParamId params = if null params then 1 else 1 + (maximum $ map fst params) parseParams :: Num t => [(ParamId, String)] -> [String] -> Either (t, String) [RuleParam] parseParams _ [] = Right [] parseParams params ("scalar":tokens) = do (scalar, rest) <- checkParamScalar tokens result <- parseParams params rest return $ (PConst (FPScalar scalar)) : result parseParams params ("spot":tokens) = do (x, y, rest) <- checkParamSpot tokens result <- parseParams params rest return $ (PConst (FPSpot $ Spot x y)) : result parseParams params (paramName:tokens) = do pid <- checkParamName params paramName result <- parseParams params tokens return $ (PId pid) : result checkParamScalar :: Num t => [String] -> Either (t, String) (Double, [String]) checkParamScalar tokens = if null tokens then Left (4, "unexpected end of clause after scalar keyword") else if null (reads (head tokens) :: [(Double, String)]) then Left (5, "no number after scalar: " ++ head tokens) else Right (fst $ head (reads (head tokens) :: [(Double, String)]), tail tokens) checkParamSpot :: Num t => [String] -> Either (t, String) (Double, Double, [String]) checkParamSpot tokens = if length tokens < 2 then Left (4, "unexpected end of clause after spot keyword") else if null (reads (tokens !! 0) :: [(Double, String)]) || null (reads (tokens !! 1) :: [(Double, String)]) then Left (5, "no number after spot: " ++ (tokens !! 0) ++ ", " ++ (tokens !! 1)) else Right (fst $ head (reads (tokens !! 0) :: [(Double, String)]), fst $ head (reads (tokens !! 1) :: [(Double, String)]), drop 2 tokens) checkParamName :: Num t => [(b, String)] -> String -> Either (t, String) b checkParamName params paramName = case find ((paramName ==) . snd) params of Just (pid, _) -> Right pid Nothing -> Left (6, "parameter not known: " ++ paramName) parseMsg :: String -> [(ParamId, ParamName)] -> Either (ParseErrorId, ParseErrorMsg) (MsgMaker, [RuleParam]) parseMsg input params = do let tokens = words input checkMsgStructure tokens msg <- checkMsg (tokens !! 1) ps <- parseParams params (drop 2 tokens) return (msg, ps) checkMsgStructure :: Num t => [String] -> Either (t, String) () checkMsgStructure tokens = if null tokens || length tokens < 2 || tokens !! 0 /= "send" then Left (8, "message must be of form 'send msg params': " ++ concat (zipWith (++) tokens (repeat " "))) else Right () checkMsg :: Num t => String -> Either (t, String) MsgMaker checkMsg "msgKick" = Right msgKick checkMsg "msgPassTo" = Right msgPassTo checkMsg "msgIntercept" = Right msgIntercept checkMsg x = Left (3, "no valid message: " ++ x) checkFact :: String -> Either a (Facts -> FactFunction) checkFact "factCanIntercept" = Right factCanIntercept checkFact "factIsCloseTo" = Right factIsCloseTo checkFact "factInLineWith" = Right factInLineWith checkFact "factBestFreePlayer" = Right factBestFreePlayer checkFact "factNearestAIPlayer" = Right factNearestAIPlayer checkFact "factBallIsFree" = Right factBallIsFree checkFact "factAttacking" = Right factAttacking checkFact "factThrowingIn" = Right factThrowingIn checkFact "factBestPosition" = Right factBestPosition checkFact "factKickOff" = Right factKickOff checkFact "factBallCarrier" = Right factBallCarrier checkFact "factPlayerSpot" = Right factPlayerSpot checkFact "factSpotValue" = Right factSpotValue checkFact "factBestShootingVector" = Right factBestShootingVector checkFact "factBestPassingVector" = Right factBestPassingVector checkFact "factPunt" = Right factPunt checkFact "factIdling" = Right factIdling checkFact "factWhoAmI" = Right factWhoAmI checkFact "factEq" = Right factEq checkFact "factGT" = Right factGT checkFact "factGetVector" = Right factGetVector msgKick :: MsgMaker msgKick _ [FPPlayerId ballCarrier, FPVector goalVector] = [(ballCarrier, tm (TPTKickTowards, (TacticalStateParam Nothing (Just goalVector) False Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing)))] msgPassTo :: MsgMaker msgPassTo _ [FPPlayerId ballCarrier, FPPlayerId receiver] = [(ballCarrier, tm (TPTKickTowards, (TacticalStateParam Nothing Nothing False (Just receiver) Nothing (Just RTLow) Nothing)))] msgIntercept :: MsgMaker msgIntercept _ [FPPlayerId np, FPSpot p1] = [(np, tm (TPTIntercept, TacticalStateParam (Just $ spotToPoint p1) Nothing False Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing))]