{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.SegmentTree -- Copyright : (c) Dmitry Astapov 2010 -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : dastapov@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (MPTCs, etc - see above) -- -- Segment Tree implemented following section 10.3 and 10.4 of -- -- * Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars -- "Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Applications", Third Edition -- (2008) pp 231-237 -- \"Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure\", -- /Journal of Functional Programming/ 16:2 (2006) pp 197-217. -- -- -- Accumulation of results with monoids following "Monoids and Finger Trees", -- http://apfelmus.nfshost.com/articles/monoid-fingertree.html -- -- An amortized running time is given for each operation, with /n/ -- referring to the number of intervals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.SegmentTree ( R(..), Interval(..), Boundary(..), STree(..), fromList, insert, queryTree, countingQuery, stabbingQuery ) where import Data.SegmentTree.Interval import Data.SegmentTree.Measured import Data.List (sort, unfoldr, foldl') import Data.Monoid import Text.Printf -- | Segment Tree is a binary tree that stores Interval in each leaf or branch. -- By construction (see `leaf' and `branch') intervals in branches should be union -- of the intervals from left and right subtrees. -- -- Additionally, each node carries a "tag" of type "t" (which should be monoid). -- By supplying different monoids, segment tree could be made to support different types -- of stabbing queries: Sum or Integer monoid will give tree that counts hits, and list or -- Set monoids will give a tree that returns actual intervals containing point. data STree t a = Leaf !t !(Interval a) | Branch !t !(Interval a) !(STree t a) !(STree t a) instance (Show t, Show a) => Show (STree t a) where show (Leaf t i) = printf "Leaf %s %s" (show t) (show i) show (Branch t i left right) = printf "Branch %s %s (\n %s\n %s)" (show t) (show i) (show left) (show right) -- Selectors for STree tag :: STree t a -> t tag (Leaf t _) = t tag (Branch t _ _ _) = t interval (Leaf _ i) = i interval (Branch _ i _ _) = i -- Constructors for STree nodes branch :: (Ord a, Measured (Interval a) t) => STree t a -> STree t a -> STree t a branch x y = Branch (tag x `mappend` tag y) (merge (interval x) (interval y)) x y leaf :: (Ord a, Measured (Interval a) t) => Interval a -> STree t a leaf a = Leaf (measure a) a -- Instances that allow creation of useful trees. -- -- Trees for stabbing count queries: -- @ -- STree Integer Rational -- STree (Sum Integer) Rational -- @ -- -- Trees for stabbing queries: -- @ -- STree [Interval Rational] Rational -- STree (Set (Interval Rational)) Rational -- @ instance Measured (Interval a) [Interval a] where measure x = [x] instance (Num a, Num b) => Measured (Interval a) (Sum b) where measure _ = Sum 1 -- instance Monoid Integer where -- mempty = 0 -- mappend = (+) -- | Build the 'SegmentTree' for the given list of pair of points. Time: O(n*log n) -- Segment tree is built as follows: -- * Supplied list of point pairs define so-called "atomic intervals" -- * They are used to build "skeleton" binary tree -- * Each supplied interval is then "inserted" into this tree, updating tag values -- in tree branches and leaves fromList :: (Monoid t, Measured (Interval a) t, Ord a) => [(a,a)] -> STree t a fromList pairs = foldl' insert skeleton intervals where -- "intervals" is just an original list of pairs converted to "Interval" datatype intervals = map pair2interval pairs pair2interval (a,b) = Interval Closed (R a) (R b) Closed -- "skeleton" tree is a binary tree where each leaf holds some atomic interval (and empty tag) -- and each branch holds union of intervals from its leaves (and empty tag). -- Tree is built from bottom up, by making "leaves" first and then connecting them with branches -- pairwise, until a single root is obtained. ([skeleton]:_) = dropWhile (not.converged) $ iterate (unfoldr connect) leaves leaves = map (Leaf mempty) atomics connect [] = Nothing connect [x,y,z] = Just $ ((x `branch` y) `branch` z, []) connect (x:y:rest) = Just $ (x `branch` y, rest) converged [x] = True converged _ = False -- Open "atomic" intervals are formed between the (sorted) endpoints of original intervals. -- Leftmost atomic interval starts from minu infinity, rightmost ends with infinity. -- All endpoints are also converted to closed single-point atomic intervals. -- For details, see book referenced above or wikipedia. atomics = concat (zipWith atomicInterval endpoints (drop 1 endpoints)) atomicInterval a PlusInf = [Interval Open a PlusInf Open] atomicInterval a b = [Interval Open a b Open, Interval Closed b b Closed] endpoints = sort $ foldl' (\acc i -> (low i):(high i):acc) [MinusInf,PlusInf] intervals -- | Insert interval `i' into segment tree, updating tag values as necessary. -- Semantics of tags depends on the monoid used (see `fromList') insert :: (Ord a, Measured (Interval a) t) => STree t a -> Interval a -> STree t a insert leaf@(Leaf t iu) i | iu `subinterval` i = Leaf (t `mappend` (measure i)) iu | otherwise = leaf insert (Branch t iu left right) i | iu `subinterval` i = Branch (t `mappend` (measure i)) iu left right | otherwise = let left' = if i `intersects` (interval left) then insert left i else left right' = if i `intersects` (interval right) then insert right i else right in Branch t iu left' right' -- | Query the segment tree for the specified point. Time: O(log n) queryTree :: (Monoid t, Measured (Interval a) t, Ord a) => STree t a -> a -> t queryTree t point = go t (R point) where go (Leaf t ivl) point | point `inside` ivl = t | otherwise = mempty go (Branch t ivl left right) point = t `mappend` qleft `mappend` qright where qleft = if point `inside` (interval left) then go left point else mempty qright = if point `inside` (interval right) then go right point else mempty -- | Convenience wrapper around `queryTree'. Returns count of intervals covering the `point' countingQuery :: (Measured (Interval a) (Sum b), Ord a) => STree (Sum b) a -> a -> b countingQuery tree point = getSum (queryTree tree point) -- | Convenience wrapper around `queryTree' to perform stabbing query. Returns list of intevals coverting the point stabbingQuery :: (Measured (Interval a) [Interval a], Ord a) => STree [Interval a] a -> a -> [Interval a] stabbingQuery = queryTree -- | Convenience wrapper around `queryTree' to perform stabbing query. Returns set of intevals coverting the point -- stabbingSetQuery :: (Measured (Interval a) (Set (Interval a)), Ord a) => STree (Set (Interval a)) a -> a -> Set (Interval a) -- stabbingSetQuery = queryTree