Changelog for StockholmAlignment-1.2.0


1.2.0 Florian Eggenhofer 19. November 2019

* Changed to Biobase repository layout

1.1.2 Florian Eggenhofer 14. January 2018

* Improved index label placement

1.1.1 Florian Eggenhofer 7. May 2017

* Fixed use of vector index instead of column number for col index and label placing

1.1.0 Florian Eggenhofer 7. May 2017

* Specific column labels are now passed as color vectors independent of model indices
* Added consensus secondary structure to alignment visualisation

1.0.4 Florian Eggenhofer 27. April 2017

* Added visualisation of consensus secondary structure if present

1.0.3 Florian Eggenhofer 24. April 2017

* Relaxed version bounds on diagrams library

1.0.2 Florian Eggenhofer 12. April 2017

* Included additional tag characters

1.0.1 Florian Eggenhofer 14. January 2017

* Linted code

1.0.0 Florian Eggenhofer 21. December 2016

* Initial release