# v1.4.2.1 * Fix benchmarks for GHC 9.8 # v1.4.2.0 * Drop support for GHC 8.10 + 9.0 + 9.2 * Add support for GHC 9.8 # v1.4.1.0 * Add support for GHC 9.6 # v1.4.0.1 * Add support for GHC 9.4 # v1.4.0.0 * Drop support for GHC < 8.10 * Drop support for megaparsec < 7 # v1.3.5.1 * Fix benchmarks for `aeson-2` # v1.3.5 * Support `aeson-` # v1.3.4 * Support `template-haskell-` for GHC 9 # v1.3.3 * Fix test failure in newer Stack snapshots # v1.3.2 Performance: * Optimized including other schemas in a schema, which previously caused a huge slowdown, and possibly even out-of-memory errors. # v1.3.1 Bug fixes: * Update extra-source-files with files needed for testing # v1.3.0 Breaking changes: * Refactored types to be correct by construction. Namely, the `schema` parameter in `Object schema` now has kind `Schema` instead of `SchemaType`, which prevents the possibility of a non-object schema stored in an `Object`. This means that any schemas previously annotated with the `SchemaType` kind should now be annotated as `Schema`. * Instead of using `IsSchemaObject` is obviated because of this change, so it's been removed. You may use the new `IsSchema` instead, if you need it. * `SchemaResult` has been removed from the export list of `Data.Aeson.Schema`. You probably won't need this in typical usage of this library, but if you need it, you can always get it from `Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal`. New features: * Add support for unwrapping into included schemas * Add `toMap` * Re-export `showSchema` in `Data.Aeson.Schema` Bug fixes: * Avoid requiring `TypeApplications` when using `get` quasiquoter ([#16](https://github.com/brandonchinn178/aeson-schemas/issues/16)) * Allow optional quotes around keys, both in getter-expressions and in schema definitions * Allow `//` at the beginning of phantom keys (were previously parsed as comments) Performance: * We've added benchmarks! To view performance metrics, you can clone the repo and run `stack bench`. You may also view the benchmark statistics in CI, but due to Circle CI's memory limitations, we're forced to run them with `--fast`, so it'll be a factor slower than it would actually be at runtime. * Fixed the `Show` instance from being `O(n^2)` to `O(n)`, where `n` is the depth of the object. * In order to fix some bugs and implement new features, the `schema` quasiquoter took a performance hit. The biggest slowdown occurs if you're including other schemas like: ``` { user: #UserSchema } ``` If this causes your build to be noticeably slower, please open an issue. Thanks! Miscellaneous changes: * The `Show` instance for objects added some whitespace, from `{"foo": 0}` to `{ "foo": 0 }` # v1.2.0 New features: * Add support for phantom keys * Add support for `Try` schemas # v1.1.0 New features: * Added support for unions * Added `ToJSON` instance for enums generated with `mkEnum` # v1.0.3 Support GHC 8.8 # v1.0.2 Bundle test data files in release tarball # v1.0.1 Add support with `first-class-families-` # v1.0.0 Initial release: * Defining JSON schemas with the `schema` quasiquoter * Extract JSON data using the `get` quasiquoter * Extracting intermediate schemas with the `unwrap` quasiquoter * Include `mkGetter` helper function for generating corresponding `get` and `unwrap` expressions.