name: amazonka-elastictranscoder version: 0.3.3 x-revision: 1 synopsis: Amazon Elastic Transcoder SDK. homepage: license: OtherLicense license-file: LICENSE author: Brendan Hay maintainer: Brendan Hay copyright: Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay category: Network, AWS, Cloud, Distributed Computing build-type: Simple extra-source-files: cabal-version: >= 1.10 description: Amazon Elastic Transcoder lets you convert media files that you have stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) into media files in the formats required by consumer playback devices. For example, you can convert large, high-quality digital media files into formats that users can play back on mobile devices, tablets, web browsers, and connected televisions. . /See:/ . /Warning:/ This is an experimental preview release which is still under heavy development and not intended for public consumption, caveat emptor! source-repository head type: git location: git:// library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src gen ghc-options: -Wall exposed-modules: Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.CancelJob , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.CreateJob , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.CreatePipeline , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.CreatePreset , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.DeletePipeline , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.DeletePreset , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.ListJobsByPipeline , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.ListJobsByStatus , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.ListPipelines , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.ListPresets , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.ReadJob , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.ReadPipeline , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.ReadPreset , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.TestRole , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.Types , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.UpdatePipeline , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.UpdatePipelineNotifications , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.UpdatePipelineStatus , Network.AWS.ElasticTranscoder.Waiters other-modules: build-depends: amazonka-core == 0.3.3.* , base >= 4.7 && < 4.19