{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Database.Design.Ampersand.Core.ToMeta (toMeta) where import Database.Design.Ampersand.Misc import Database.Design.Ampersand.Core.ParseTree -- | When dealing with meta-stuff for Ampersand, (Like makeGenerics, makeRAP), -- the names of Concepts should be different than 'normal', user-defined Concepts. -- This function modifies everything in the context to reflect that. toMeta :: MakeMeta a => Options -> (a -> a) toMeta opts = if metaTablesHaveUnderscore opts then makeMeta (string2Meta opts) else id string2Meta :: Options -> String -> String string2Meta opts str = if metaTablesHaveUnderscore opts then show ("__"++unquoted++"__") else str where unquoted | length str < 2 = str | head str == '"' && last str == '"' = reverse . tail . reverse . tail $ str | otherwise = str class MakeMeta a where makeMeta :: (String -> String) -> a -> a instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (Maybe a) where makeMeta _ Nothing = Nothing makeMeta f (Just a) = Just (makeMeta f a) instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta [a] where makeMeta _ [] = [] makeMeta f xs = map (makeMeta f) xs instance MakeMeta P_Context where makeMeta f ctx = PCtx{ ctx_nm = (ctx_nm ctx) , ctx_pos = makeMeta f (ctx_pos ctx) , ctx_lang = makeMeta f (ctx_lang ctx) , ctx_markup= makeMeta f (ctx_markup ctx) , ctx_thms = (ctx_thms ctx) , ctx_pats = makeMeta f (ctx_pats ctx) , ctx_rs = makeMeta f (ctx_rs ctx) , ctx_ds = makeMeta f (ctx_ds ctx) , ctx_cs = makeMeta f (ctx_cs ctx) , ctx_ks = makeMeta f (ctx_ks ctx) , ctx_rrules= makeMeta f (ctx_rrules ctx) , ctx_rrels = makeMeta f (ctx_rrels ctx) , ctx_reprs = makeMeta f (ctx_reprs ctx) , ctx_vs = makeMeta f (ctx_vs ctx) , ctx_gs = makeMeta f (ctx_gs ctx) , ctx_ifcs = makeMeta f (ctx_ifcs ctx) , ctx_ps = makeMeta f (ctx_ps ctx) , ctx_pops = makeMeta f (ctx_pops ctx) , ctx_sql = makeMeta f (ctx_sql ctx) , ctx_php = makeMeta f (ctx_php ctx) , ctx_metas = makeMeta f (ctx_metas ctx) } instance MakeMeta P_Pattern where makeMeta f p = P_Pat { pt_pos = makeMeta f (pt_pos p) , pt_nm = (pt_nm p) , pt_rls = makeMeta f (pt_rls p) , pt_gns = makeMeta f (pt_gns p) , pt_dcs = makeMeta f (pt_dcs p) , pt_RRuls = makeMeta f (pt_RRuls p) , pt_RRels = makeMeta f (pt_RRels p) , pt_Reprs = makeMeta f (pt_Reprs p) , pt_cds = makeMeta f (pt_cds p) , pt_ids = makeMeta f (pt_ids p) , pt_vds = makeMeta f (pt_vds p) , pt_xps = makeMeta f (pt_xps p) , pt_pop = makeMeta f (pt_pop p) , pt_end = makeMeta f (pt_end p) } instance MakeMeta Representation where makeMeta f rep = Repr { reprpos = makeMeta f (reprpos rep) , reprcpts = map f (reprcpts rep) , reprdom = (reprdom rep) } instance MakeMeta ConceptDef where makeMeta f cd = Cd { cdpos = makeMeta f (cdpos cd) , cdcpt = f (cdcpt cd) , cdplug = (cdplug cd) , cddef = (cddef cd) , cdref = (cdref cd) , cdfrom = (cdfrom cd) } instance MakeMeta P_Declaration where makeMeta f d = P_Sgn { dec_nm = f (dec_nm d) , dec_sign = makeMeta f (dec_sign d) , dec_prps = makeMeta f (dec_prps d) , dec_pragma = (dec_pragma d) , dec_Mean = makeMeta f (dec_Mean d) , dec_popu = makeMeta f (dec_popu d) , dec_fpos = makeMeta f (dec_fpos d) , dec_plug = (dec_plug d) } instance MakeMeta P_Sign where makeMeta f sgn = P_Sign { pSrc = makeMeta f (pSrc sgn) , pTgt = makeMeta f (pTgt sgn) } instance MakeMeta P_Concept where makeMeta f cpt = case cpt of PCpt{} -> PCpt{p_cptnm = f(p_cptnm cpt)} P_Singleton -> cpt instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (P_Rule a) where makeMeta f rul = P_Ru { rr_fps = makeMeta f (rr_fps rul) , rr_nm = (rr_nm rul) , rr_exp = makeMeta f (rr_exp rul) , rr_mean = makeMeta f (rr_mean rul) , rr_msg = makeMeta f (rr_msg rul) , rr_viol = makeMeta f (rr_viol rul) } instance MakeMeta P_RoleRule where makeMeta f rr = Maintain { mPos = makeMeta f (mPos rr) , mRoles = (mRoles rr) , mRules = (mRules rr) } instance MakeMeta P_RoleRelation where makeMeta f rr = P_RR { rr_Pos = makeMeta f (rr_Pos rr) , rr_Roles = (rr_Roles rr) , rr_Rels = makeMeta f (rr_Rels rr) } instance MakeMeta P_IdentDef where makeMeta f ident = P_Id { ix_pos = makeMeta f (ix_pos ident) , ix_lbl = f (ix_lbl ident) -- TODO: HJO20150209: Not sure if it is wise to 'f' the label. Check with Michiel. , ix_cpt = makeMeta f (ix_cpt ident) , ix_ats = makeMeta f (ix_ats ident) } instance MakeMeta P_IdentSegment where makeMeta f sgmt = P_IdentExp { ks_obj = makeMeta f (ks_obj sgmt) } instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (P_ViewD a) where makeMeta f vd = P_Vd { vd_pos = makeMeta f (vd_pos vd) , vd_lbl = (vd_lbl vd) -- No need to meta these labels (only used as template variable names) , vd_cpt = makeMeta f (vd_cpt vd) , vd_isDefault = (vd_isDefault vd) , vd_html = (vd_html vd) -- No need to meta the html template filename or inline html code , vd_ats = makeMeta f (vd_ats vd) } instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (P_ViewSegmt a) where makeMeta f vs = case vs of P_ViewExp{} -> P_ViewExp { vs_nr = vs_nr vs , vs_obj = makeMeta f (vs_obj vs) } P_ViewText{} -> vs P_ViewHtml{} -> vs instance MakeMeta P_Gen where makeMeta f gen = case gen of P_Cy{} -> P_Cy { gen_fp = makeMeta f (gen_fp gen) , gen_spc = makeMeta f (gen_spc gen) , gen_rhs = makeMeta f (gen_rhs gen) } PGen{} -> PGen { gen_fp = makeMeta f (gen_fp gen) , gen_spc = makeMeta f (gen_spc gen) , gen_gen = makeMeta f (gen_gen gen) } instance MakeMeta P_Interface where makeMeta f ifc = P_Ifc { ifc_Name = (ifc_Name ifc) , ifc_Class = (ifc_Class ifc) , ifc_Params = makeMeta f (ifc_Params ifc) , ifc_Args = (ifc_Args ifc) , ifc_Roles = (ifc_Roles ifc) , ifc_Obj = makeMeta f (ifc_Obj ifc) , ifc_Pos = makeMeta f (ifc_Pos ifc) , ifc_Prp = (ifc_Prp ifc) } instance MakeMeta PPurpose where makeMeta f prp = PRef2 { pexPos = makeMeta f (pexPos prp) , pexObj = makeMeta f (pexObj prp) , pexMarkup = makeMeta f (pexMarkup prp) , pexRefIDs = (pexRefIDs prp) } instance MakeMeta P_Markup where makeMeta f m = P_Markup { mLang = makeMeta f (mLang m) , mFormat = makeMeta f (mFormat m) , mString = (mString m) } instance MakeMeta PRef2Obj where makeMeta f ref = case ref of PRef2ConceptDef s -> PRef2ConceptDef (f s) PRef2Declaration t -> PRef2Declaration (makeMeta f t) PRef2Rule _ -> ref PRef2IdentityDef _ -> ref PRef2ViewDef _ -> ref PRef2Pattern _ -> ref PRef2Interface _ -> ref PRef2Context _ -> ref instance MakeMeta PMeaning where makeMeta f (PMeaning m) = PMeaning (makeMeta f m) instance MakeMeta PMessage where makeMeta f (PMessage m) = PMessage (makeMeta f m) instance MakeMeta P_Population where makeMeta f pop = case pop of P_RelPopu{} -> P_RelPopu { p_src = (p_src pop) , p_tgt = (p_tgt pop) , p_nmdr = makeMeta f (p_nmdr pop) , p_orig = makeMeta f (p_orig pop) , p_popps = makeMeta f (p_popps pop) } P_CptPopu{} -> P_CptPopu { p_cnme = f (p_cnme pop) , p_orig = makeMeta f (p_orig pop) , p_popas = (p_popas pop) } instance MakeMeta Meta where makeMeta f m = Meta { mtPos = makeMeta f (mtPos m) , mtObj = (mtObj m) , mtName = (mtName m) , mtVal = (mtVal m) } instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (P_ObjDef a) where makeMeta f obj = P_Obj { obj_nm = f (obj_nm obj) , obj_pos = makeMeta f (obj_pos obj) , obj_ctx = makeMeta f (obj_ctx obj) , obj_mView = (obj_mView obj) , obj_msub = makeMeta f (obj_msub obj) , obj_strs = (obj_strs obj) } instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (P_SubIfc a) where makeMeta f sub = case sub of P_Box{} -> P_Box { si_ori = makeMeta f (si_ori sub) , si_class = (si_class sub) , si_box = makeMeta f (si_box sub) } P_InterfaceRef{} -> P_InterfaceRef{ si_ori = makeMeta f (si_ori sub) , si_isLink = si_isLink sub , si_str = (si_str sub) } instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (PairView a) where makeMeta f pv = PairView {ppv_segs = makeMeta f (ppv_segs pv)} instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (PairViewSegment a) where makeMeta f sgmt = case sgmt of PairViewText{} -> sgmt PairViewExp{} -> sgmt{pvsExp = makeMeta f (pvsExp sgmt)} instance MakeMeta a => MakeMeta (Term a) where makeMeta f t = case t of Prim a -> Prim (makeMeta f a) PEqu o a b -> PEqu o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PInc o a b -> PInc o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PIsc o a b -> PIsc o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PUni o a b -> PUni o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PDif o a b -> PDif o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PLrs o a b -> PLrs o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PRrs o a b -> PRrs o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PDia o a b -> PDia o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PCps o a b -> PCps o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PRad o a b -> PRad o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PPrd o a b -> PPrd o (makeMeta f a) (makeMeta f b) PKl0 o a -> PKl0 o (makeMeta f a) PKl1 o a -> PKl1 o (makeMeta f a) PFlp o a -> PFlp o (makeMeta f a) PCpl o a -> PCpl o (makeMeta f a) PBrk o a -> PBrk o (makeMeta f a) instance MakeMeta TermPrim where makeMeta f t = case t of PI _ -> t Pid o c -> Pid o (makeMeta f c) Patm o a c -> Patm o a (makeMeta f c) PVee _ -> t Pfull o src tgt -> Pfull o (makeMeta f src)(makeMeta f tgt) PNamedR nr -> PNamedR (makeMeta f nr) instance MakeMeta P_NamedRel where makeMeta f (PNamedRel o nm sgn) = PNamedRel o (f nm) (makeMeta f sgn) instance MakeMeta PAtomPair where makeMeta _ = id instance MakeMeta Origin where makeMeta _ = id instance MakeMeta Lang where makeMeta _ = id instance MakeMeta PandocFormat where makeMeta _ = id instance MakeMeta Prop where makeMeta _ = id