module Database.Design.Ampersand.Graphic.ClassDiag2Dot ( classdiagram2dot ) where import Data.List import Database.Design.Ampersand.Basics import Database.Design.Ampersand.Classes import Database.Design.Ampersand.ADL1 hiding (Association,Box) import Database.Design.Ampersand.Misc import Data.String import Data.GraphViz.Types.Canonical hiding (attrs) import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVcomp import Data.GraphViz.Attributes as GVatt import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML as Html import Database.Design.Ampersand.Graphic.ClassDiagram -- | translate a ClassDiagram to a DotGraph, so it can be used to show it as a picture. classdiagram2dot :: Options -> ClassDiag -> DotGraph String classdiagram2dot opts cd = DotGraph { strictGraph = False , directedGraph = True , graphID = Nothing , graphStatements = DotStmts { attrStmts = [ GraphAttrs [ RankDir FromLeft , bgColor White] ] -- ++ [NodeAttrs [ ]] ++ [EdgeAttrs [ FontSize 11 , MinLen 4 ] ] , subGraphs = [] , nodeStmts = allNodes (classes cd) (nodes cd >- nodes (classes cd)) , edgeStmts = (map association2edge (assocs cd)) ++ (map aggregation2edge (aggrs cd)) ++ (concatMap generalization2edges (geners cd)) } } where allNodes :: [Class] -> [String] -> [DotNode String] allNodes cs others = map class2node cs ++ map nonClass2node others class2node :: Class -> DotNode String class2node cl = DotNode { nodeID = name cl , nodeAttributes = [ Shape PlainText , GVcomp.Color [WC (X11Color Purple) Nothing] , Label (HtmlLabel (Table htmlTable)) ] } where htmlTable = HTable { tableFontAttrs = Nothing , tableAttrs = [ Html.BGColor (X11Color White) , Html.Color (X11Color Black) -- the color used for all cellborders , Html.Border 0 -- 0 = no border , CellBorder 1 , CellSpacing 0 ] , tableRows = [ Cells -- Header row, containing the name of the class [ LabelCell [ Html.BGColor (X11Color Gray10) , Html.Color (X11Color Black) ] (Html.Text [ Html.Font [ Html.Color (X11Color White) ] [Html.Str (fromString (name cl))] ] ) ] ]++ map attrib2row (clAtts cl) ++ map method2row (clMths cl) } where attrib2row a = Cells [ Html.LabelCell [ Html.Align HLeft , (Port .PN .fromString) (attNm a) ] ( Html.Text [ Html.Str (fromString (if attOptional a then "o " else "+ ")) , Html.Str (fromString (name a)) , Html.Str (fromString " : ") , Html.Str (fromString (attTyp a)) ] ) ] method2row m = Cells [ Html.LabelCell [ Html.Align HLeft] ( Html.Text [ Html.Str (fromString "+ ") , Html.Str (fromString (show m)) ] ) ] nonClass2node :: String -> DotNode String nonClass2node str = DotNode { nodeID = str , nodeAttributes = [ Shape Box3D , Label (StrLabel (fromString str)) ] } ---- In order to make classes, all relations that are univalent and injective are flipped ---- attRels contains all relations that occur as attributes in classes. -- attRels = [r |r<-rels, isUni r, not (isInj r)] ++[flp r |r<-rels, not (isUni r), isInj r] ++ -- [r |r<-rels, isUni r, isInj r, isSur r]++[flp r |r<-rels, isUni r , isInj r, not (isSur r)] ---- assRels contains all relations that do not occur as attributes in classes -- assRels = [r |r<-relsLim, not (isUni r), not (isInj r)] -- attrs rs = [ OOAttr ((name.head.relsMentionedIn) r) (name (target r)) (not(isTot r)) -- | r<-rs, not (isPropty r)] -- isPropty r = null([Sym,Asy]>-multiplicities r) ------------------------------- -- ASSOCIATIONS: -- ------------------------------- association2edge :: Association -> DotEdge String association2edge ass = DotEdge { fromNode = assSrc ass , toNode = assTgt ass , edgeAttributes = [ ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod OpenArrow BothSides, NoArrow)]) -- No arrowHead , HeadLabel (mult2Lable (assrhm ass)) , TailLabel (mult2Lable (asslhm ass)) , Label (StrLabel (fromString (assrhr ass))) , LabelFloat True ] ++[(TailPort (LabelledPort (PN ((fromString.assSrcPort) ass)) Nothing))] } where mult2Lable = StrLabel . fromString . mult2Str mult2Str (Mult MinZero MaxOne) = "0-1" mult2Str (Mult MinZero MaxMany) = "*" mult2Str (Mult MinOne MaxOne) = "1" mult2Str (Mult MinOne MaxMany) = "1-*" ------------------------------- -- AGGREGATIONS: -- ------------------------------- aggregation2edge :: Aggregation -> DotEdge String aggregation2edge agg = DotEdge { fromNode = name . aggChild $ agg , toNode = name . aggParent $ agg , edgeAttributes = [ ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod (case aggDel agg of Open -> OpenArrow Close -> FilledArrow ) BothSides , Diamond) ]) ] } ------------------------------- -- GENERALIZATIONS: -- -- Ampersand statements such as "SPEC Dolphin ISA Animal" are called generalization. -- -- -- Generalizations are represented by a red arrow with a (larger) open triangle as arrowhead ------------------------------- generalization2edges :: Generalization -> [DotEdge String] generalization2edges ooGen = sub2edges (genAgen ooGen) where sub2edges gen = [DotEdge { fromNode = name spec , toNode = name gener , edgeAttributes = [ ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod OpenArrow BothSides, Normal)]) -- Open normal arrowHead , ArrowSize 2.0 ] ++ ( if blackWhite opts then [Style [SItem Dashed []]] else [GVcomp.Color [WC (X11Color Red) Nothing]] ) } | (spec,gener)<-splits gen] splits gen = case gen of Isa{} -> [(genspc gen, gengen gen)] IsE{} -> [(genspc gen, x ) | x<-(genrhs gen)] class CdNode a where nodes :: a->[String] instance CdNode ClassDiag where nodes cd = nub (concat ( map nodes (classes cd) ++map nodes (assocs cd) ++map nodes (aggrs cd) ++map nodes (geners cd) ) ) instance CdNode Class where nodes cl = [clName cl] instance CdNode a => CdNode [a] where nodes = concatMap nodes instance CdNode Association where nodes a = [assSrc a,assTgt a] instance CdNode Aggregation where nodes (OOAggr _ s t) = map name [s,t] instance CdNode Generalization where nodes g = map name ((concs.genAgen) g)