module Database.Design.Ampersand.Prototype.Generate (generateGenerics, generateCustomCss) where import Database.Design.Ampersand import Database.Design.Ampersand.Core.AbstractSyntaxTree import Prelude hiding (writeFile,readFile,getContents,exp) import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import System.FilePath import System.Directory import Database.Design.Ampersand.FSpec.SQL import Database.Design.Ampersand.FSpec.FSpecAux import Database.Design.Ampersand.Prototype.ProtoUtil import qualified Database.Design.Ampersand.Prototype.ValidateEdit as ValidateEdit import Database.Design.Ampersand.Prototype.PHP (getTableName, signalTableSpec) import Control.Exception fatal :: Int -> String -> a fatal = fatalMsg "Generate" generateCustomCss :: FSpec -> IO () generateCustomCss fSpec = do { when (genStaticFiles (getOpts fSpec)) $ case customCssFile (getOpts fSpec) of Just customCssFilePath -> do { customCssContents <- readCustomCssFile customCssFilePath ; writePrototypeFile fSpec generatedCustomCssPath customCssContents } Nothing -> -- If no css file is specified, we use .css, if it exists. do { let dedicatedCSSPath = replaceExtension (fileName (getOpts fSpec)) "css" ; dedicatedCSSExists <- doesFileExist dedicatedCSSPath ; if dedicatedCSSExists then do { putStrLn $ " Found " ++ dedicatedCSSPath ++ ", which will be used as Custom.css." ; customCssContents <- readCustomCssFile dedicatedCSSPath ; writePrototypeFile fSpec generatedCustomCssPath customCssContents } else -- If not, we check whether there is a css/Custom.css in the prototype directory and create a default one if there isn't. do { customExists <- doesFileExist $ getGenericsDir fSpec generatedCustomCssPath ; if customExists then verboseLn (getOpts fSpec) $ " File " ++ generatedCustomCssPath ++ " already exists." else do { verboseLn (getOpts fSpec) $ " File " ++ generatedCustomCssPath ++ " does not exist, creating default for Oblomilan style." ; writePrototypeFile fSpec generatedCustomCssPath "@import url(\"Oblomilan.css\");" } } } } where generatedCustomCssPath = "css/Custom.css" readCustomCssFile f = catch (readFile f) (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException) _ <- fatal 75 ("ERROR: Cannot open custom css file ' " ++ f ++ "': " ++ err) return "") -- Generate Generics.php generateGenerics :: FSpec -> IO () generateGenerics fSpec = do { let filecontent = genPhp "Generate.hs" "Generics.php" genericsPhpContent -- ; verboseLn (getOpts fSpec) filecontent ; writePrototypeFile fSpec "Generics.php" filecontent } where genericsPhpContent :: [String] genericsPhpContent = intercalate [""] [ generateConstants fSpec , generateDBstructQueries fSpec , generateAllDefPopQueries fSpec , generateSpecializations fSpec , generateTableInfos fSpec , generateRules fSpec , generateConjuncts fSpec , generateRoles fSpec , generateViews fSpec , generateInterfaces fSpec ] generateConstants :: FSpec -> [String] generateConstants fSpec = [ "$versionInfo = "++showPhpStr ampersandVersionStr++";" -- so we can show the version in the php-generated html , "" , "$contextName = " ++ showPhpStr (fsName fSpec) ++ ";" , "" , "$dbName = isset($isValidationSession) && $isValidationSession ? "++showPhpStr ValidateEdit.tempDbName++" : "++showPhpStr (dbName opts)++";" , "// If this script is called with $isValidationSession == true, use the temporary db name instead of the normal one." , "" , "$signalTableName = "++showPhpStr (getTableName signalTableSpec)++";" , "" , "$isDev = "++showPhpBool (development opts)++";" , "" , "$autoRefreshInterval = "++showPhpStr (show $ fromMaybe 0 $ autoRefresh opts)++";" ] where opts = getOpts fSpec generateDBstructQueries :: FSpec -> [String] generateDBstructQueries fSpec = [ "$allDBstructQueries =" ]++lines ( " array ( " ++ intercalate "\n , " (map showPhpStr theSQLstatements)) ++ [ " );" ] where theSQLstatements :: [String] theSQLstatements = createTableStatements ++ [ "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE" ] createTableStatements :: [String] createTableStatements = map (intercalate "\n ") [ [ "CREATE TABLE "++ show "__SessionTimeout__" , " ( "++show "SESSION"++" VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL" , " , "++show "lastAccess"++" BIGINT NOT NULL" , " ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_BIN" ] , [ "CREATE TABLE "++ show "__History__" , " ( "++show "Seconds"++" VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL" , " , "++show "Date"++" VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL" , " ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_BIN" ] , [ "INSERT INTO "++show "__History__"++" ("++show "Seconds"++","++show "Date"++")" , " VALUES (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(6)), NOW(6))" ] , [ "CREATE TABLE "++ show "__all_signals__" , " ( "++show "conjId"++" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" , " , "++show "src"++" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" , " , "++show "tgt"++" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" , " ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_BIN" ] ] ++ ( concatMap tableSpec2Queries [(plug2TableSpec p) | InternalPlug p <- plugInfos fSpec]) where tableSpec2Queries :: TableSpecNew -> [String] tableSpec2Queries ts = -- [ "DROP TABLE "++show (tsName ts)] ++ [ intercalate "\n " $ ( tsCmnt ts ++ ["CREATE TABLE "++show (tsName ts)] ++ (map (uncurry (++)) (zip (" ( ": repeat " , " ) ( map fld2sql (tsflds ts) ++ tsKey ts ) ) ) ++ [" , "++show "ts_insert"++" TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"] ++ [" , "++show "ts_update"++" TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NULL"] ++ [" ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_BIN"] ) ] fld2sql :: SqlField -> String fld2sql = fieldSpec2Str . fld2FieldSpec data TableSpecNew = TableSpec { tsCmnt :: [String] , tsName :: String , tsflds :: [SqlField] , tsKey :: [String] , tsEngn :: String } data FieldSpecNew = FieldSpec { fsname :: String , fstype :: String , fsauto :: Bool } fld2FieldSpec ::SqlField -> FieldSpecNew fld2FieldSpec fld = FieldSpec { fsname = name fld , fstype = showSQL (fldtype fld) , fsauto = fldauto fld } fieldSpec2Str :: FieldSpecNew -> String fieldSpec2Str fs = intercalate " " [ show (fsname fs) , fstype fs , if fsauto fs then " AUTO_INCREMENT" else " DEFAULT NULL" ] plug2TableSpec :: PlugSQL -> TableSpecNew plug2TableSpec plug = TableSpec { tsCmnt = commentBlockSQL (["Plug "++name plug,"","fields:"]++map (\x->showADL (fldexpr x)++" "++show (multiplicities $ fldexpr x)) (plugFields plug)) , tsName = name plug , tsflds = plugFields plug , tsKey = case (plug, (head.plugFields) plug) of (BinSQL{}, _) -> [] (_, primFld) -> case flduse primFld of TableKey isPrim _ -> [ (if isPrim then "PRIMARY " else "") ++ "KEY ("++(show . fldname) primFld++")" ] ForeignKey c -> fatal 195 ("ForeignKey "++name c++"not expected here!") PlainAttr -> [] , tsEngn = "InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_BIN" } commentBlockSQL :: [String] -> [String] commentBlockSQL xs = map ("-- "++) $ hbar ++ xs ++ hbar where hbar = [replicate (maximum . map length $ xs) '-'] generateAllDefPopQueries :: FSpec -> [String] generateAllDefPopQueries fSpec = [ "$allDefPopQueries =" ]++lines ( " array ( " ++ intercalate "\n , " (map showPhpStr theSQLstatements)) ++ [ " );" ] where theSQLstatements = fillSignalTable (initialConjunctSignals fSpec) ++ populateTablesWithPops fillSignalTable :: [(Conjunct, [AAtomPair])] -> [String] fillSignalTable [] = [] fillSignalTable conjSignals = [intercalate "\n " $ [ "INSERT INTO "++show (getTableName signalTableSpec) , " ("++intercalate ", " (map show ["conjId","src","tgt"])++")" ] ++ lines ( "VALUES " ++ intercalate "\n , " [ "(" ++intercalate ", " (map showAsValue [rc_id conj, showValPHP (apLeft p), showValPHP (apRight p)])++ ")" | (conj, viols) <- conjSignals , p <- viols ] ) ] populateTablesWithPops :: [String] populateTablesWithPops = concatMap populatePlug [p | InternalPlug p <- plugInfos fSpec] where populatePlug :: PlugSQL -> [String] populatePlug plug = case tableContents fSpec plug of [] -> [] tblRecords -> [intercalate "\n " $ [ "INSERT INTO "++show (name plug) , " ("++intercalate ", " (map (show . fldname) (plugFields plug))++")" ] ++ lines ( "VALUES " ++ intercalate "\n , " [ "(" ++valuechain md++ ")" | md<-tblRecords] ) ] where valuechain record = intercalate ", " [case fld of Nothing -> "NULL" Just val -> showValPHP val | fld <- record ] generateSpecializations :: FSpec -> [String] generateSpecializations fSpec = [ "$allSpecializations = // transitive, so including specializations of specializations" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ showPhpStr (name cpt)++" => array ("++ intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . name) specializations) ++")" ] | cpt <- concs fSpec, let specializations = smallerConcepts (vgens fSpec) cpt, not ( null specializations) ]) ) generateTableInfos :: FSpec -> [String] generateTableInfos fSpec = [ "$allRelations =" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [showPhpStr (showHSName decl)++" => array ( 'name' => "++showPhpStr (name decl) ++ ", 'srcConcept' => "++showPhpStr (name (source decl)) ++ ", 'tgtConcept' => "++showPhpStr (name (target decl)) ++ ", 'table' => "++showPhpStr (name table) ++ ", 'srcCol' => "++showPhpStr (fldname srcCol) ++ ", 'tgtCol' => "++showPhpStr (fldname tgtCol) ++ ", 'affectedInvConjunctIds' => array ("++ intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . rc_id) affInvConjs) ++")" ++ ", 'affectedSigConjunctIds' => array ("++ intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . rc_id) affSigConjs) ++")" ++ ")"] | decl@Sgn{} <- allDecls fSpec -- SJ 13 nov 2013: changed to generate all relations instead of just the ones used. , let (table,srcCol,tgtCol) = getDeclarationTableInfo fSpec decl , let affConjs = case lookup decl $ allConjsPerDecl fSpec of Nothing -> [] Just conjs -> conjs affInvConjs = filterFrontEndInvConjuncts affConjs affSigConjs = filterFrontEndSigConjuncts affConjs ])) ++ [ "" , "$allConcepts = array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 2 $ blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ ( c++" => array"] ++ (indent 2 $ [ "( 'affectedInvConjunctIds' => array ("++ intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . rc_id) affInvConjs) ++")" , ", 'affectedSigConjunctIds' => array ("++ intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . rc_id) affSigConjs) ++")" , ", 'conceptTables' => array" ] ++ (indent 3 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ "array ( 'table' => "++( table ++ ", 'cols' => array ("++ intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . fldname) conceptFields) ++")" ++ " )" ] -- get the concept tables (pairs of table and column names) for the concept and its generalizations and group them per table name | (table,conceptFields) <- groupOnTable . concatMap (lookupCpt fSpec) $ c : largerConcepts (vgens fSpec) c ])) ++ [ ", 'type' => '"++(show . cptTType fSpec) c++"'" ]++ [ ", 'specializations' => array ("++intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . name)(smallerConcepts (vgens fSpec) c))++")"]++ [ ", 'defaultViewId' => "++(showPhpStr . vdlbl $ dfltV) | Just dfltV <- [getDefaultViewForConcept fSpec c] ]++ [ ")" ] ) | c <- concs fSpec , let affConjs = nub [ conj | Just conjs<-[lookup c (allConjsPerConcept fSpec)] , conj<-conjs ] affInvConjs = filterFrontEndInvConjuncts affConjs affSigConjs = filterFrontEndSigConjuncts affConjs ] ) ++ [ "" , "$tableColumnInfo =" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ ( plug++" =>" , " array" ] ++ indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ (showPhpStr.fldname) field++ " => array ( 'concept' => "++( field++ ", 'unique' => " ++(showPhpBool.flduniq) field++ ", 'null' => " ++ (showPhpBool.fldnull) field++ ")" ] | field <- plugFields plug] ) | InternalPlug plug <- plugInfos fSpec ] ) ) where groupOnTable :: [(PlugSQL,SqlField)] -> [(PlugSQL,[SqlField])] groupOnTable tablesFields = [(t,fs) | (t:_, fs) <- map unzip . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (\(x,_) (y,_) -> name x `compare` name y) tablesFields ] generateRules :: FSpec -> [String] generateRules fSpec = [ "$allRules =" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ (showPhpStr.rrnm) rule ++ " =>" , " array ( 'name' => "++(showPhpStr.rrnm) rule , " , 'ruleAdl' => "++(showPhpStr.showADL.rrexp) rule , " , 'origin' => "++( rule , " , 'meaning' => "++(showPhpStr.showMeaning) rule , " , 'message' => "++(showPhpStr.showMessage) rule , " , 'srcConcept' => "++( rule , " , 'tgtConcept' => "++( rule , " , 'conjunctIds' => array ("++intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . rc_id) conjs) ++")" ] ++ ( if development (getOpts fSpec) then [ " // Rule Ampersand: "++escapePhpStr (showADL rExpr) , " , 'contentsSQL' => " ++ let contentsExpr = conjNF (getOpts fSpec) rExpr in showPhpStr (prettySQLQuery fSpec 26 contentsExpr) -- with --dev, also generate sql for the rule itself (without negation) so it can be tested with -- php/Database.php?testRule=RULENAME ] else [] ) ++ [ " , 'pairView' =>" -- a list of sql queries for the pair-view segments , " array" ] ++ indent 14 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," ((genMPairView.rrviol) rule ) ) ++ [ " )" ] | (rule, conjs) <- allConjsPerRule fSpec , let rExpr=rrexp rule ] ) ) where showMeaning rule = maybe "" (aMarkup2String ReST) (meaning (fsLang fSpec) rule) showMessage rule = case [ markup | markup <- rrmsg rule, amLang markup == fsLang fSpec ] of [] -> "" markup:_ -> aMarkup2String ReST markup genMPairView Nothing = [] genMPairView (Just (PairView pvsegs)) = map genPairViewSeg pvsegs genPairViewSeg (PairViewText _ str) = [ "array ( 'segmentType' => 'Text', 'Text' => " ++ showPhpStr str ++ ")" ] genPairViewSeg (PairViewExp _ srcOrTgt exp) = [ "array ( 'segmentType' => 'Exp'" , " , 'srcOrTgt' => "++showPhpStr (show srcOrTgt) , " , 'expTgt' => "++showPhpStr (show $ target exp) , " , 'expSQL' =>" , " " ++ showPhpStr (prettySQLQuery fSpec 33 exp) , " )" ] generateConjuncts :: FSpec -> [String] generateConjuncts fSpec = [ "$allConjuncts =" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ showPhpStr (rc_id conj) ++ " =>" , " array ( 'signalRuleNames' => array ("++ intercalate ", " signalRuleNames ++")" , " , 'invariantRuleNames' => array ("++ intercalate ", " invRuleNames ++")" -- the name of the rules that gave rise to this conjunct ] ++ ( if verboseP (getOpts fSpec) then [" // Normalization steps:"] ++[" // "++ls | ls<-(showPrf showADL . cfProof (getOpts fSpec)) violExpr] ++[" // "] else [] ) ++ ( if development (getOpts fSpec) then [ " // Conjunct Ampersand: "++escapePhpStr (showADL rExpr) ] ++ [ " // Normalized complement (== violationsSQL): " ] ++ (lines ( " // "++(showHS (getOpts fSpec) "\n // ") violationsExpr)) else [] ) ++ [ " , 'violationsSQL' => "++ showPhpStr (prettySQLQuery fSpec 36 violationsExpr) , " )" ] | conj<-vconjs fSpec , let rExpr=rc_conjunct conj , let signalRuleNames = [ showPhpStr $ name r | r <- rc_orgRules conj, isFrontEndSignal r ] , let invRuleNames = [ showPhpStr $ name r | r <- rc_orgRules conj, isFrontEndInvariant r ] , let violExpr = notCpl rExpr , let violationsExpr = conjNF (getOpts fSpec) violExpr ] ) ) -- Because the signal/invariant condition appears both in generateConjuncts and generateInterface, we use -- two abstractions to guarantee the same implementation. isFrontEndInvariant :: Rule -> Bool isFrontEndInvariant r = not (isSignal r) && not (ruleIsInvariantUniOrInj r) isFrontEndSignal :: Rule -> Bool isFrontEndSignal r = isSignal r -- NOTE that results from filterFrontEndInvConjuncts and filterFrontEndSigConjuncts may overlap (conjunct appearing in both invariants and signals) -- and that because of extra condition in isFrontEndInvariant (not (ruleIsInvariantUniOrInj r)), some parameter conjuncts may not be returned -- as either inv or sig conjuncts (i.e. conjuncts that appear only in uni or inj rules) filterFrontEndInvConjuncts :: [Conjunct] -> [Conjunct] filterFrontEndInvConjuncts conjs = filter (\c -> any isFrontEndInvariant $ rc_orgRules c) conjs filterFrontEndSigConjuncts :: [Conjunct] -> [Conjunct] filterFrontEndSigConjuncts conjs = filter (\c -> any isFrontEndSignal $ rc_orgRules c) conjs generateRoles :: FSpec -> [String] generateRoles fSpec = concatMap showRoles [False,True] where showRoles isService = [ if isService then "$allServices =" else "$allRoles =" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ "array ( 'id' => "++show i , " , 'name' => "++showPhpStr (name role) , " , 'ruleNames' => array ("++ intercalate ", " ((map (showPhpStr . name . snd) . filter (maintainedByRole role) . fRoleRuls) fSpec) ++")" , " , 'interfaces' => array ("++ intercalate ", " ((map (showPhpStr . name) . filter (forThisRole role) . interfaceS) fSpec) ++")" , " )" ] | (i,role) <- zip [1::Int ..] (filter serviceOrRole $ fRoles fSpec) ] ) ) where serviceOrRole Role{} = not isService serviceOrRole Service{} = isService maintainedByRole role (role',_) = role == role' forThisRole role interf = case ifcRoles interf of [] -> True -- interface is for all roles rs -> role `elem` rs generateViews :: FSpec -> [String] generateViews fSpec = [ "//$allViews is sorted from spec to gen such that the first match for a concept will be the most specific (e.g. see DatabaseUtils.getView())." , "$allViews =" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," [ [ " array ( 'label' => "++showPhpStr label , " , 'concept' => "++showPhpStr (name cpt) , " , 'isDefault' => "++showPhpBool isDefault , " , 'segments' =>" -- a labeled list of sql queries for the view expressions , " array" ] ++ indent 14 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," (map genViewSeg viewSegs)) ++ [ " )" ] | Vd _ label cpt isDefault _ viewSegs <- [ v | c<-conceptsFromSpecificToGeneric, v <- vviews fSpec, vdcpt v==c ] --sort from spec to gen ] ) ) where genViewSeg (ViewText i str) = [ "array ( 'segmentType' => 'Text'" , " , 'label' => " ++ lab i , " , 'Text' => " ++ showPhpStr str , " )" ] genViewSeg (ViewHtml i str) = [ "array ( 'segmentType' => 'Html'" , " , 'label' => " ++ lab i , " , 'Html' => " ++ showPhpStr str , " )" ] genViewSeg (ViewExp _ objDef) = [ "array ( 'segmentType' => 'Exp'" , " , 'label' => " ++ showPhpStr (objnm objDef) ++ " // view exp: " ++ escapePhpStr (showADL $ objctx objDef) -- note: unlabeled exps are labeled by (index + 1) , " , 'expSQL' =>" , " " ++ showPhpStr (prettySQLQuery fSpec 33 (objctx objDef)) , " )" ] conceptsFromSpecificToGeneric = concatMap reverse (kernels fSpec) lab i = showPhpStr ("seg_"++show i) generateInterfaces :: FSpec -> [String] generateInterfaces fSpec = [ "$allInterfaceObjects =" , " array" ] ++ addToLastLine ";" (indent 4 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," (map (generateInterface fSpec) (interfaceS fSpec ++ interfaceG fSpec)) ) ) generateInterface :: FSpec -> Interface -> [String] generateInterface fSpec interface = let roleStr = case ifcRoles interface of [] -> " for all roles" rolez -> " for role"++ (if length rolez == 1 then "" else "s") ++" " ++ intercalate ", " (map name (ifcRoles interface)) arrayKey | newFrontend $ getOpts fSpec = escapeIdentifier $ name interface -- For new front-end only, index on escaped name (id) | otherwise = name interface -- otherwise, use normal name to prevent breakage on old prototypes in ["// Top-level interface " ++ name interface ++ roleStr ++ ":" , showPhpStr arrayKey ++ " => " ] ++ indent 2 (genInterfaceObjects fSpec (ifcParams interface) (Just $ topLevelFields) 1 (ifcObj interface)) where topLevelFields = -- for the top-level interface object we add the following fields (saves us from adding an extra interface node to the php data structure) [ " , 'interfaceRoles' => array (" ++ intercalate ", " (map ( $ ifcRoles interface) ++")" , " , 'invConjunctIds' => array ("++intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . rc_id) $ invConjuncts) ++")" , " , 'sigConjunctIds' => array ("++intercalate ", " (map (showPhpStr . rc_id) $ sigConjuncts) ++")" ] invConjuncts = [ c | c <- ifcControls interface, any isFrontEndInvariant $ rc_orgRules c ] -- NOTE: these two sigConjuncts = [ c | c <- ifcControls interface, any isFrontEndSignal $ rc_orgRules c ] -- may overlap genInterfaceObjects :: FSpec -> [Declaration] -> Maybe [String] -> Int -> ObjectDef -> [String] genInterfaceObjects fSpec editableRels mTopLevelFields depth object = [ "array ( 'name' => "++ showPhpStr (name object) , " , 'id' => " ++ show (escapeIdentifier $ name object) -- only for new front-end , " , 'label' => " ++ showPhpStr (name object) -- only for new front-end ] ++ maybe [] (\viewId -> [" , 'viewId' => " ++ showPhpStr viewId]) mViewId ++ (if verboseP (getOpts fSpec) -- previously, this included the condition objctx object /= normalizedInterfaceExp then [" // Normalization steps:"] ++ [" // "++ls | ls<-(showPrf showADL.cfProof (getOpts fSpec).objctx) object] -- let's hope that none of the names in the relation contains a newline ++ [" //"] else [] ) ++ [" // Normalized interface expression (== expressionSQL): "++escapePhpStr (showADL normalizedInterfaceExp) ] ++ [" // normalizedInterfaceExp = " ++ show normalizedInterfaceExp | development (getOpts fSpec) ] -- escape for the pathological case that one of the names in the relation contains a newline ++ fromMaybe [] mTopLevelFields -- declare extra fields if this is a top level interface object ++ case mEditableDecl of Just (decl, isFlipped) -> [ " , 'relation' => "++showPhpStr (showHSName decl) ++ " // this interface represents a declared relation" , " , 'relationIsEditable' => "++ showPhpBool (decl `elem` editableRels) , " , 'relationIsFlipped' => "++showPhpBool isFlipped ] ++ if isFlipped then [ " , 'min' => "++ if isSur decl then "'One'" else "'Zero'" , " , 'max' => "++ if isInj decl then "'One'" else "'Many'" ] else [ " , 'min' => "++ if isTot decl then "'One'" else "'Zero'" , " , 'max' => "++ if isUni decl then "'One'" else "'Many'" ] Nothing -> [ " , 'relation' => '' // this interface expression does not represent a declared relation" , " , 'relationIsFlipped' => ''" ] ++ [ " , 'srcConcept' => "++showPhpStr (name srcConcept) -- NOTE: these are src and tgt of the expression, not necessarily the relation (if there is one), , " , 'tgtConcept' => "++showPhpStr (name tgtConcept) -- which may be flipped. , " , 'exprIsUni' => " ++ showPhpBool (isUni normalizedInterfaceExp) -- We could encode these by creating min/max also for non-editable, , " , 'exprIsTot' => " ++ showPhpBool (isTot normalizedInterfaceExp) -- but this is more in line with the new front-end templates. , " , 'exprIsProp' => " ++ showPhpBool (isProp normalizedInterfaceExp) , " , 'exprIsIdent' => " ++ showPhpBool (isIdent normalizedInterfaceExp) , " , 'expressionSQL' => " ++ showPhpStr (prettySQLQuery fSpec (22+14*depth) normalizedInterfaceExp) ] ++ generateMSubInterface fSpec editableRels depth (objmsub object) ++ [ " )" ] where mViewId = case objmView object of Just vId -> Just vId Nothing -> case getDefaultViewForConcept fSpec tgtConcept of Just Vd{vdlbl=vId} -> Just vId Nothing -> Nothing normalizedInterfaceExp = conjNF (getOpts fSpec) $ objctx object (srcConcept, tgtConcept, mEditableDecl) = case getExpressionRelation normalizedInterfaceExp of Just (src, decl, tgt, isFlipped) -> (src, tgt, Just (decl, isFlipped)) Nothing -> (source normalizedInterfaceExp, target normalizedInterfaceExp, Nothing) -- fall back to typechecker type generateMSubInterface :: FSpec -> [Declaration] -> Int -> Maybe SubInterface -> [String] generateMSubInterface fSpec editableRels depth subIntf = case subIntf of Nothing -> [ " // No subinterfaces" ] Just (InterfaceRef isLink nm) -> [ " // InterfaceRef" -- , " , 'refSubInterface' => " ++ showPhpStr nm , " , 'refSubInterfaceId' => " ++ showPhpStr (escapeIdentifier nm) -- only for new front-end , " , 'isLinkTo' => "++ show isLink ] Just (Box _ cl objects) -> [ " // Box" ++ (maybe "" (\c -> "<"++c++">") cl) , " , 'boxSubInterfaces' =>" , " array" ] ++ indent 12 (blockParenthesize "(" ")" "," (map (genInterfaceObjects fSpec editableRels Nothing (depth + 1)) objects)) -- utils -- generatorModule is the Haskell module responsible for generation, makes it easy to track the origin of the php code genPhp :: String -> String -> [String] -> String genPhp generatorModule moduleName contentLines = unlines $ [ "" ] showAsValue :: String -> String showAsValue str = "'"++f str++"'" where f :: String -> String f str'= case str' of [] -> [] ('\'':cs) -> "\\\'"++ f cs --This is required to ensure that the result of showValue will be a proper singlequoted string. (c:cs) -> c : f cs