apiary-0.12.3: Simple and type safe web framework that can be automatically generate API documentation.

Safe HaskellNone




function :: Monad n => (Doc -> Doc) -> (SList c -> Request -> Maybe (SList c')) -> ApiaryT c' n m b -> ApiaryT c n m bSource

low level filter function.

function' :: Monad n => (Doc -> Doc) -> (Request -> Maybe a) -> ApiaryT (Snoc as a) n m b -> ApiaryT as n m bSource

filter and append argument.

function_ :: Monad n => (Doc -> Doc) -> (Request -> Bool) -> ApiaryT c n m b -> ApiaryT c n m bSource

filter only(not modify arguments).

focus :: Monad n => (Doc -> Doc) -> (SList c -> ActionT n (SList c')) -> ApiaryT c' n m a -> ApiaryT c n m aSource

filter by action. since