# Motivation ## The problem Say that we want to compute the [3-smooth numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smooth_number), i.e., the integers that can be written in the form $2^{i} 3^{j}$, where $i$ and $j$ are non-negative integers. It's easy enough to compute the powers of 2 and 3: ```haskell powersOf2 :: [Integer] powersOf2 = iterate (*2) 1 powersOf3 :: [Integer] powersOf3 = iterate (*3) 1 ``` But how do we implement the following? ```haskell -- take 10 smooth3 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24] smooth3 :: [Integer] smooth3 = .. ``` If we limited `powersOf2` and `powersOf3`, say to the first 10 elements, we could write: ```haskell powersOf2Bounded :: [Integer] powersOf2Bounded = take 10 (iterate (*2) 1) powersOf3Bounded :: [Integer] powersOf3Bounded = take 10 (iterate (*3) 1) smooth3Bounded :: [Integer] smooth3Bounded = sort (liftA2 (*) powersOf2Bounded powersOf3Bounded) ``` And `smooth3Bounded` would consist of $\\{2^{i} 3^{j} \mid 0 \le i, j < 10\\}$. But this doesn't work when `powersOf2` and `powersOf3` are infinite. We need a way to lazily generate `smooth3` given `powersOf2` and `powersOf3`. ## A closer look Let's lay out the elements of `smooth3` in a 2D grid:
    |    1     2     4     8    ..
  1 |    1     2     4     8    ..
  3 |    3     6    12    24    ..
  9 |    9    18    36    72    ..
 27 |   27    54   108   216    ..
  : |    :     :     :     :    ॱ.
Since `(*)` is monotonically increasing in both arguments, each element in the grid is ≥ its neighbors above and to the left. Therefore, when an element appears in `smooth3`, its up- and left-neighbors must already have appeared. Let's think about `smooth3` after 3 elements have been produced:
    |    1     2     4     8    ..
  1 |    1     2     4     8    ..
  3 |    3     6    12    24    ..
  9 |    9    18    36    72    ..
 27 |   27    54   108   216    ..
  : |    :     :     :     :    ॱ.
After producing `1, 2, 3`, the next element in `smooth3` can only be one of `{4, 6, 9}`. We know this without performing any comparisons, just by the positions of these elements in the grid, as these are the only elements whose up- and left-neighbors have already been produced. After producing the next element, `4`, our grid becomes
    |    1     2     4     8    ..
  1 |    1     2     4     8    ..
  3 |    3     6    12    24    ..
  9 |    9    18    36    72    ..
 27 |   27    54   108   216    ..
  : |    :     :     :     :    ॱ.
Now, the "frontier" of possible next elements is `{6, 8, 9}`. We added `8` to the frontier as it is no longer "blocked" by `4`. Note that we cannot yet add `12` to the frontier even though it's no longer blocked by `4`, as it's still blocked by `6`. After producing the next element, `6`, our grid becomes
    |    1     2     4     8    ..
  1 |    1     2     4     8    ..
  3 |    3     6    12    24    ..
  9 |    9    18    36    72    ..
 27 |   27    54   108   216    ..
  : |    :     :     :     :    ॱ.
Now, the frontier consists of `{8, 9, 12}`. We added `12` as it is now unblocked by `4` and `6`. We cannot yet add `18`, as it is still blocked by `9`. This investigation suggests the following algorithm for producing `smooth3`: ``` 1. Initialize a "frontier" with the top left element 2. Delete the smallest element z from the frontier and yield it as the next element of smooth3. 3. If the down- or right-neighbors of z are unblocked, add them to the frontier. 4. Go to step 2. ``` # The `applyMerge` function The idea in the algorithm above is quite general, and instead of using it on `(*)`, `powersOf2`, and `powersOf3`, we can apply it to any binary function `f` that is non-decreasing in both arguments, and any (potentially infinite) ordered lists `xs` and `ys`. Then we can define a general ```haskell applyMerge :: (Ord c) => (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] ``` where `applyMerge f xs ys` is an ordered list of all `f x y`, for each `x` in `xs` and `y` in `ys`. In particular, `smooth3 = applyMerge (*) powersOf2 powersOf3`. ## Implementation and complexity We can use a priority queue to maintain the frontier of elements. To determine in step 3 whether a down- or right-neighbor is unblocked, we maintain two `IntSet`s, for the `x`- and `y`- indices of all elements in the frontier. Then in step 3, if the `x`- and `y`-index of a neighbor are not in the respective `IntSet`s, the neighbor is unblocked and can be added to the frontier. After producing $n$ elements, the size of the frontier is at most $O(\sqrt{n})$ elements. (TODO: add a proof of this) Manipulating the priority queue and the `IntSet`s to produce the next element takes $O(\text{log } \sqrt{n}) = O(\text{log } n)$ time. Therefore, producing $n$ elements of `applyMerge f xs ys` takes $O(n \log n)$ time and $O(\sqrt{n})$ auxiliary space, assuming that `f` and `compare` take $O(1)$ time. ### Note about memory usage Note that `applyMerge` retains the input lists in memory, which could cause unexpected memory usage when the input lists are lazily generated. For example, ``` sum (take n (applyMerge const [1 :: Int ..] [1 :: Int ..])) ``` requires retaining the first $n$ elements of the second list, and so uses $O(n)$ space. Constrast this with ``` sum (take n (applyMerge (+) [1 :: Int ..] [1 :: Int ..])) ``` which requires retaining the first $O(\sqrt{n})$ elements of each list, and uses $O(\sqrt{n})$ space. ## More examples With `applyMerge`, we can implement a variety of complex algorithms succinctly. For example, the Sieve of Erastosthenes[^1] to generate prime numbers: ```haskell primes :: [Int] primes = 2 : ([3..] `minus` composites) -- `minus` from data-ordlist composites :: [Int] composites = applyMerge (*) primes [2..] ``` Gaussian integers, ordered by norm ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_integer)): ```haskell zs :: [Integer] zs = 0 : concatMap (\i -> [i, -i]) [1..] gaussianIntegers :: [GaussianInteger] -- `GaussianInteger` from arithmoi gaussianIntegers = map snd (applyMerge (\x y -> (norm (x :+ y), x :+ y)) zs zs) ``` Square-free integers ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square-free_integer)): ```haskell squarefrees :: [Int] squarefrees = [1..] `minus` applyMerge (*) (map (^2) primes) [1..] ``` # Prior work ## mergeAll from data-ordlist In [data-ordlist](https://www.stackage.org/lts/package/data-ordlist), there is [mergeAll](https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts/data-ordlist/Data-List-Ordered.html#v:mergeAll) :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a], which merges a potentially infinite list of ordered lists, where the heads of the inner lists are sorted. This is more general than `applyMerge`, in the sense that we can implement `applyMerge` in terms of `mergeAll`: ```haskell applyMerge :: (Ord c) => (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] applyMerge f xs ys = mergeAll (map (\y -> map (\x -> f x y) xs) ys) ``` However, `mergeAll` uses $O(n)$ auxiliary space in the worst case, while our implementation of `applyMerge` uses just $O(\sqrt{n})$ auxiliary space. ## Skiena's algorithm In [The Algorithm Design Manual](https://doi.org/10.1007%2F978-1-84800-070-4_4), Steven Skiena describes an algorithm for minimizing the sum of two airline ticket fares: > “Got it!,” I said. “We will keep track of index pairs in a priority queue, > with the sum of the fare costs as the key for the pair. Initially we put only > pair (1, 1) on the queue. If it proves it is not feasible, we put its two > successors on—namely (1, 2) and (2, 1). In general, we enqueue pairs > (i + 1, j) and (i, j + 1) after evaluating/rejecting pair (i, j). We will get > through all the pairs in the right order if we do so.” > > The gang caught on quickly. “Sure. But what about duplicates? We will > construct pair (x, y) two different ways, both when expanding (x − 1, y) and > (x, y −1).” > > “You are right. We need an extra data structure to guard against duplicates. > The simplest might be a hash table to tell us whether a given pair exists in > the priority queue before we insert a duplicate. In fact, we will never have > more than n active pairs in our data structure, since there can only be one > pair for each distinct value of the first coordinate.” This is similar to the `applyMerge` algorithm, except that `applyMerge` has an optimization to check that we don’t add (x, y) to the priority queue when there is already an (x′, y) with x < x′ or (x, y′) with y < y′ in the queue. [^1]: Note that this is really the Sieve of Erastosthenes, as defined in the classic [The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes](https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf). Constrast this to other simple prime generation implementations, such as
 primes = sieve [2..] where sieve (p : xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x \`rem\` p > 0]
which is actually trial division and not a faithful implementation of the Sieve of Erastosthenes.