# Development notes and tips I build and test assumpta and assumpta-core using [`stack`](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/), plus CI services (Travis CI and CircleCI). CircleCI in general is much more irritating, doesn't natively support 'test matrixes', and has obviously had less thought put into its design; but it's faster, seems to do a better job of cacheing build artifacts, and lets you use any Docker image you like to run tests in (unlike Travis CI, which only has a set number of support environments). The doctests currently require stack to run, and will fail if a `STACK_RESOLVER` environment variable isn't found (or if they can't find `stack` on the `$PATH`. So they are best run like this: ```bash $ export STACK_RESOLVER=lts-12.26 $ stack --resolver="${STACK_RESOLVER}" test --flag assumpta-core:test-doctests ``` If anyone wants to suggest things which might make the source tree more friendly to cabal-users, feel free to let me know. ## SMTP Standards The original SMTP standard was [RFC 821](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821), defined in 1982. Most MTAs today use [RFC 5321](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321), released in 2008, which extends SMTP to (inter alia) add security and some new commands. There are also errata to RFC 5321, available at . I hope to mostly implement RFC 5321. The various forms of authentication are detailed in other standards, which I still need to track down. ## Doctests The test suite `doctest-test` currently (AFAIK) requires stack to run -- I tried it with ghc 8.0.2, cabal-install, and version 0.16.2 of the doctest library, and got a segfault. But since the aim of the test suite is to test the documentation -- not doctest, nor cabal, nor ghc -- I didn't spend time investigating the problem. The test runner doesn't itself actually call `stack` -- but if run by `stack test`, it gets passed exactly the environment it needs.