Name: atp-haskell Version: 1.14.2 Synopsis: Translation from Ocaml to Haskell of John Harrison's ATP code Description: This package is a liberal translation from OCaml to Haskell of the automated theorem prover written in OCaml in John Harrison's book "Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning". Click on module ATP below for an overview. Homepage: License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE.txt Author: John Harrison Maintainer: David Fox Bug-Reports: Category: Logic, Theorem Provers Cabal-version: >= 1.9 Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: tests/Extra.hs, .travis.yml, .ghci Tested-With: GHC == 7.10.3, GHC == 7.11.*, GHC == 8.6.5 Source-Repository head type: git location: Library Default-Language: Haskell2010 Build-Depends: applicative-extras, base >= 4.8 && < 5, containers, extra, HUnit, mtl, parsec, pretty >= 1.1.2, template-haskell, time GHC-options: -Wall Hs-Source-Dirs: src Exposed-Modules: Data.Logic.ATP Data.Logic.ATP.Lib Data.Logic.ATP.Pretty Data.Logic.ATP.Formulas Data.Logic.ATP.Term Data.Logic.ATP.Apply Data.Logic.ATP.Equate -- Data.Logic.ATP.Lit Data.Logic.ATP.LitWrapper Data.Logic.ATP.Prop Data.Logic.ATP.PropExamples Data.Logic.ATP.DefCNF Data.Logic.ATP.DP -- Data.Logic.ATP.Stal -- Data.Logic.ATP.BDD Data.Logic.ATP.Quantified Data.Logic.ATP.Parser Data.Logic.ATP.FOL Data.Logic.ATP.ParserTests Data.Logic.ATP.Skolem Data.Logic.ATP.Herbrand Data.Logic.ATP.Unif Data.Logic.ATP.Tableaux Data.Logic.ATP.Resolution Data.Logic.ATP.Prolog Data.Logic.ATP.Meson -- Data.Logic.ATP.Skolems Data.Logic.ATP.Equal -- Data.Logic.ATP.Cong -- Data.Logic.ATP.Rewrite -- Data.Logic.ATP.Order -- Data.Logic.ATP.Completion -- Data.Logic.ATP.Eqelim -- Data.Logic.ATP.Paramodulation -- -- Data.Logic.ATP.Decidable -- Data.Logic.ATP.Qelim -- Data.Logic.ATP.Cooper -- Data.Logic.ATP.Complex -- Data.Logic.ATP.Real -- Data.Logic.ATP.Grobner -- Data.Logic.ATP.Geom -- Data.Logic.ATP.Interpolation -- Data.Logic.ATP.Combining -- Data.Logic.ATP.Lcf -- Data.Logic.ATP.Lcfprop -- Data.Logic.ATP.Folderived -- Data.Logic.ATP.Lcffol -- Data.Logic.ATP.Tactics -- Data.Logic.ATP.Limitations Test-Suite atp-haskell-tests Default-Language: Haskell2010 Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-Source-Dirs: tests Main-Is: Main.hs Build-Depends: atp-haskell, base, containers, HUnit, time GHC-options: -Wall -O2