{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Autodocodec.OpenAPI.Schema where import Autodocodec import Control.Lens (Lens', (&), (.~), (?~), (^.)) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (StateT, evalStateT, runStateT) import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as State import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap import Data.OpenApi as OpenAPI import Data.OpenApi.Declare as OpenAPI import Data.Proxy import Data.Scientific import Data.Text (Text) -- | Use a type's 'codec' to implement 'declareNamedSchema'. declareNamedSchemaViaCodec :: HasCodec value => Proxy value -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema declareNamedSchemaViaCodec proxy = declareNamedSchemaVia codec proxy -- | Use a given 'codec' to implement 'declareNamedSchema'. declareNamedSchemaVia :: JSONCodec value -> Proxy value -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema declareNamedSchemaVia c' Proxy = evalStateT (go c') mempty where go :: ValueCodec input output -> StateT (HashMap Text Schema) (Declare (Definitions Schema)) NamedSchema go = \case NullCodec -> pure $ NamedSchema Nothing $ mempty { _schemaType = Just OpenApiNull } BoolCodec mname -> lift $ NamedSchema mname <$> declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Bool) StringCodec mname -> lift $ NamedSchema mname <$> declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Text) NumberCodec mname mBounds -> do s <- lift $ declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Scientific) let addNumberBounds NumberBounds {..} s_ = s_ { _schemaMinimum = Just numberBoundsLower, _schemaMaximum = Just numberBoundsUpper } pure $ NamedSchema mname $ maybe id addNumberBounds mBounds s ArrayOfCodec mname c -> do itemsSchema <- go c itemsSchemaRef <- declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef itemsSchema pure $ NamedSchema mname $ mempty { _schemaItems = Just $ OpenApiItemsObject $ _namedSchemaSchema <$> itemsSchemaRef, _schemaType = Just OpenApiArray } HashMapCodec c -> do itemsSchema <- go c itemsSchemaRef <- declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef itemsSchema pure $ NamedSchema Nothing $ mempty { _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject, _schemaAdditionalProperties = Just $ AdditionalPropertiesSchema $ _namedSchemaSchema <$> itemsSchemaRef } MapCodec c -> do itemsSchema <- go c itemsSchemaRef <- declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef itemsSchema pure $ NamedSchema Nothing $ mempty { _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject, _schemaAdditionalProperties = Just $ AdditionalPropertiesSchema $ _namedSchemaSchema <$> itemsSchemaRef } ValueCodec -> pure $ NamedSchema Nothing mempty { _schemaAdditionalProperties = Just $ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True } EqCodec val valCodec -> pure $ NamedSchema Nothing $ let jsonVal = toJSONVia valCodec val in mempty { _schemaEnum = Just [jsonVal], _schemaType = Just $ case jsonVal of Aeson.Object {} -> OpenApiObject Aeson.Array {} -> OpenApiArray Aeson.String {} -> OpenApiString Aeson.Number {} -> OpenApiNumber Aeson.Bool {} -> OpenApiBoolean Aeson.Null -> OpenApiNull } BimapCodec _ _ c -> go c ObjectOfCodec mname oc -> do ss <- goObject oc pure $ NamedSchema mname $ combineObjectSchemas ss EitherCodec u c1 c2 -> let orNull :: forall input output. ValueCodec input output -> StateT (HashMap Text Schema) (Declare (Definitions Schema)) NamedSchema orNull c = do ns <- go c pure $ ns & schema . nullable ?~ True in case (c1, c2) of (NullCodec, c) -> orNull c (c, NullCodec) -> orNull c _ -> do ns1 <- go c1 ns2 <- go c2 combineSchemasOr u ns1 ns2 CommentCodec t c -> do NamedSchema mName s <- go c pure $ NamedSchema mName $ addDoc t s ReferenceCodec n c -> do seenSchemas <- State.get case HashMap.lookup n seenSchemas of Nothing -> do existingDeclaredSchemas <- look -- Insert a dummy schema to prevent an infinite loop in recursive data structures let dummySchema = mempty let seenSchemas' = HashMap.insert n dummySchema seenSchemas -- Run in a new isolated Declare monad so that we can get the results and override -- the dummy before declaring it in our main Declare monad (Declare does not allow overriding itself) let (newDeclaredSchemas, (namedSchema, newSeenSchemas)) = flip runDeclare existingDeclaredSchemas . flip runStateT seenSchemas' $ go c -- Override the dummy now we actually know what the result will be State.put $ HashMap.insert n (_namedSchemaSchema namedSchema) newSeenSchemas declare $ InsOrdHashMap.insert n (_namedSchemaSchema namedSchema) newDeclaredSchemas pure $ namedSchema {_namedSchemaName = Just n} Just s -> -- We've been here before recursively, just reuse the schema we've previously created pure $ NamedSchema (Just n) s goObject :: ObjectCodec input output -> StateT (HashMap Text Schema) (Declare (Definitions Schema)) [Schema] goObject = \case RequiredKeyCodec key vs mDoc -> do ns <- go vs ref <- declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef ns pure [ mempty { _schemaRequired = [key], _schemaProperties = [(key, addMDoc mDoc . _namedSchemaSchema <$> ref)], _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject } ] OptionalKeyCodec key vs mDoc -> do ns <- go vs ref <- declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef ns pure [ mempty { _schemaProperties = [(key, addMDoc mDoc . _namedSchemaSchema <$> ref)], _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject } ] OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key vs defaultValue mDoc -> do ns <- go vs ref <- declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef ns let addDefaultToSchema propertySchema = propertySchema {_schemaDefault = Just $ toJSONVia vs defaultValue} pure [ mempty { _schemaProperties = [(key, addDefaultToSchema . addMDoc mDoc . _namedSchemaSchema <$> ref)], _schemaType = Just OpenApiObject } ] OptionalKeyWithOmittedDefaultCodec key vs defaultValue mDoc -> goObject (OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec key vs defaultValue mDoc) PureCodec _ -> pure [] EitherCodec u oc1 oc2 -> do s1s <- goObject oc1 s2s <- goObject oc2 (: []) . _namedSchemaSchema <$> combineSchemasOr u (NamedSchema Nothing (combineObjectSchemas s1s)) (NamedSchema Nothing (combineObjectSchemas s2s)) DiscriminatedUnionCodec pn _ m -> do let d = Discriminator { _discriminatorPropertyName = pn, _discriminatorMapping = InsOrdHashMap.fromHashMap $ fmap fst m } mkSchema dName (refName, oc) = do s <- goObject $ oc *> (requiredFieldWith' pn (literalTextCodec dName) .= const dName) declareSpecificSchemaRef (Just refName) $ combineObjectSchemas s ss <- HashMap.traverseWithKey mkSchema m pure [ mempty { _schemaDiscriminator = Just d, _schemaOneOf = Just $ Foldable.toList ss } ] ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> do ss1 <- goObject oc1 ss2 <- goObject oc2 pure $ ss1 ++ ss2 BimapCodec _ _ oc -> goObject oc addMDoc :: Maybe Text -> Schema -> Schema addMDoc = maybe id addDoc addDoc :: Text -> Schema -> Schema addDoc doc s = s { _schemaDescription = case _schemaDescription s of Nothing -> Just doc Just doc' -> Just $ doc <> "\n" <> doc' } combineObjectSchemas :: [Schema] -> Schema combineObjectSchemas = mconcat combineSchemasOr :: MonadDeclare (Definitions Schema) m => Union -> NamedSchema -> NamedSchema -> m NamedSchema combineSchemasOr u ns1 ns2 = do let s1 = _namedSchemaSchema ns1 let s2 = _namedSchemaSchema ns2 s1Ref <- fmap _namedSchemaSchema <$> declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef ns1 s2Ref <- fmap _namedSchemaSchema <$> declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef ns2 let orLens :: Lens' Schema (Maybe [Referenced Schema]) orLens = case u of PossiblyJointUnion -> anyOf DisjointUnion -> oneOf let prototype = mempty { _schemaAdditionalProperties = case u of PossiblyJointUnion -> Just $ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True DisjointUnion -> Nothing } pure $ NamedSchema Nothing $ case (s1 ^. enum_, s2 ^. enum_) of -- If both schemas are enums with the same type then combine their values (Just s1enums, Just s2enums) | s1 ^. type_ == s2 ^. type_ -> prototype & enum_ ?~ (s1enums ++ s2enums) & type_ .~ s1 ^. type_ _ -> case (s1 ^. orLens, s2 ^. orLens) of (Just s1s, Just s2s) -> prototype & orLens ?~ (s1s ++ s2s) (Just s1s, Nothing) -> prototype & orLens ?~ (s1s ++ [s2Ref]) (Nothing, Just s2s) -> prototype & orLens ?~ (s1Ref : s2s) (Nothing, Nothing) -> prototype & orLens ?~ [s1Ref, s2Ref] declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef :: MonadDeclare (Definitions Schema) m => OpenAPI.NamedSchema -> m (Referenced NamedSchema) declareSpecificNamedSchemaRef namedSchema = fmap (NamedSchema (_namedSchemaName namedSchema)) <$> declareSpecificSchemaRef (_namedSchemaName namedSchema) (_namedSchemaSchema namedSchema) declareSpecificSchemaRef :: MonadDeclare (Definitions Schema) m => Maybe Text -> OpenAPI.Schema -> m (Referenced Schema) declareSpecificSchemaRef mName s = case mName of Nothing -> pure $ Inline s Just n -> do known <- looks (InsOrdHashMap.member n) when (not known) $ declare $ InsOrdHashMap.singleton n s pure $ Ref (Reference n)