cabal-version: >= 1.10 build-type: Simple name: bake version: 0.4 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE category: Development author: Neil Mitchell maintainer: Neil Mitchell copyright: Neil Mitchell 2014-2015 synopsis: Continuous integration system description: Bake is a continuous integration server, designed for large, productive, semi-trusted teams. . * /Large teams/ where there are at least several contributors working full-time on a single code base. . * /Productive teams/ which are regularly pushing code, many times a day. . * /Semi-trusted teams/ where code does not go through manual code review, but code does need to pass a test suite and perhaps some static analysis. People are assumed not to be malicious, but are fallible. homepage: bug-reports: tested-with: GHC==7.10.1, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3 extra-doc-files: CHANGES.txt data-files: html/favicon.ico source-repository head type: git location: library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base == 4.*, cmdargs >= 0.10, shake >= 0.15, directory, bytestring, containers, text, time, random, hashable, transformers, HTTP, safe, old-locale, http-types, deepseq, filepath, aeson, sqlite-simple, direct-sqlite, disk-free-space, unordered-containers, smtp-mail, extra >= 1.1, wai >= 3.0.1, warp >= 3.0 exposed-modules: Development.Bake other-modules: Development.Bake.Build Development.Bake.Core.Args Development.Bake.Core.Client Development.Bake.Core.GC Development.Bake.Core.Message Development.Bake.Core.Run Development.Bake.Core.Send Development.Bake.Core.Type Development.Bake.Email Development.Bake.Git Development.Bake.StepGit Development.Bake.Pretty Development.Bake.Server.Brain Development.Bake.Server.Database Development.Bake.Server.Memory Development.Bake.Server.Property Development.Bake.Server.Start Development.Bake.Server.Stats Development.Bake.Server.Store Development.Bake.Server.Web General.Database General.Extra General.HTML General.Web Paths_bake -- don't use 'cabal test' since that loses the child stdout executable bake-test default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Test.hs other-modules: Example Development.Bake.Test.Simulate ghc-options: -threaded -main-is Test.main build-depends: base == 4.*, cmdargs >= 0.10, shake >= 0.15, directory, bytestring, containers, text, old-locale, time, random, hashable, HTTP, safe, http-types, transformers, deepseq, aeson, smtp-mail, disk-free-space, unordered-containers, sqlite-simple, direct-sqlite, extra >= 0.2, wai >= 3.0.1, warp >= 3.0, process, filepath