## Changes in 0.14.0 [2024.04.30] - Sync with `base-4.20`/GHC 9.10 - Backport `foldl'` to `Prelude.Compat` - Backport `List` to `Data.List.Compat` (when building with GHC 9.6 or later) - Backport `append`, `appendList`, `prependList`, `permutations`, `permutations1`, and `sortOn` to `Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat` (when building with GHC 8.0 or later) ## Changes in 0.13.1 [2023.10.11] - Sync with `base-4.19`/GHC 9.8 - Backport `unzip` to `Data.Functor.Compat` - Backport `(!?)` and `unsnoc` to `Data.List.Compat` - Backport `getSolo` to `Data.Tuple.Compat` when building against `ghc-prim-0.8.0` (GHC 9.2) or later. To backport `getSolo` to older versions of GHC, import `Data.Tuple.Compat` from `base-compat-batteries` instead. - Backport `decT` and `hdecT` to `Data.Typeable.Compat` - Backport `decTypeRep` to `Type.Reflection.Compat` ## Changes in 0.13.0 [2023.03.10] - Sync with `base-4.18`/GHC 9.6 - Backport `liftA2` being re-exported from `Prelude.Compat`. - `Data.Tuple.Compat`'s `Solo` API now matches what is present in `Data.Tuple` in `base-4.18`. In particular, we now re-export both the `MkSolo` and `Solo` data constructors when building with `ghc-prim-0.10.0` or later, with `MkSolo` being preferred over `Solo`. If you want to backport `MkSolo` to earlier versions of GHC, import `Data.Tuple.Compat` from `base-compat-batteries` instead. - Backport `traceWith`, `traceShowWith`, and `traceEventWith` to `Debug.Trace`. Note that `traceEventWith` is only provided when building with `base-4.5` or later, as that is the first version of `base` to provide the `traceEvent` primitive on which `traceEventWith` is defined. - Backport `inits1` and `tails1` to `Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat`. - Backport `minusNaturalMaybe` to `Numeric.Natural.Compat`. - Backport `applyWhen` to `Data.Function.Compat`. - Backport `mapAccumM` and `forAccumM` to `Data.Traversable.Compat`. - Backport `heqT` to `Data.Typeable.Compat`. Note that `heqT` is only defined when building with `base-4.10` or later, as that is the first version of `base` to provide the primitives needed to define `heqT`. - Introduce `Data.Foldable1.Compat` and `Data.Bifoldable1.Compat` modules, which correspond to changes made in `base-`. You may consider using `base-compat-batteries` instead if you want increase the range of `base` versions that are supported. ## Changes in 0.12.3 [2023.07.12] - This coincides with the `base-compat-batteries-0.12.3` release. Refer to the [`base-compat-batteries` changelog](https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-compat/blob/master/base-compat-batteries/CHANGES.markdown#changes-in-0123-20230712) for more details. ## Changes in 0.12.2 [2022.08.11] - Sync with `base-4.17`/GHC 9.4 - Backport `(.^.)`, `(.>>.)`, `(.<<.)`, `(!>>.)`, `(!<<.)`, `oneBits` to `Data.Bits.Compat` - Backport `pattern TypeRep` to `Type.Reflection.Compat` ## Changes in 0.12.1 [2021.10.30] - Backport `Solo` to `Data.Tuple.Compat` when building with `ghc-prim-0.7.0` or later ## Changes in 0.12.0 [2021.08.29] - Sync with `base-4.16`/GHC 9.2 - `Data.Semigroup.Compat{.Repl}` no longer re-exports the `Option` data type or the `option` function, as both have been removed in `base-4.16`. - Backport `readBin` and `showBin` to `Numeric.Compat` - Backport `readBinP` to `Text.Read.Lex.Compat` ## Changes in 0.11.2 [2020.09.30] - Sync with `base-4.15`/GHC 9.0 - Backport `singleton` to `Data.List.Compat` and `Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat` - Backport `hGetContents'`, `getContents'`, and `readFile'` added to `System.IO.Compat` ## Changes in 0.11.1 [2020.01.27] - Sync with `base-4.14`/GHC 8.10 - Backport `isResourceVanishedError`, `resourceVanishedErrorType`, and `isResourceVanishedErrorType` to `System.IO.Error.Compat`. ## Changes in 0.11.0 [2019.09.06] - Sync with `base-4.13`/GHC 8.8 - Backport `MonadFail(fail)` to `Prelude.Compat` and `Control.Monad.Compat`. Because `Prelude.Compat.fail` now corresponds to the `fail` from `MonadFail` instead of `Monad`, some care is required to implement `Monad.fail` on pre-8.8 versions of GHC. The following template is recommended: ```haskell import Prelude.Compat import qualified Control.Monad as Monad import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail data Blah a = ... instance Functor Blah where ... instance Applicative Blah where ... instance Monad.Monad Blah where (>>=) = ... #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)) fail = Fail.fail #endif instance Fail.MonadFail Blah where fail = ... ``` This approach is also backwards-compatible with previous releases of `base-compat`. Note that the `MonadFail` class has only been in `base` since `base-4.9`/GHC 8.0, so accordingly, this can only be backported back to GHC 8.0. If you wish to have a version of `Prelude.Compat`/`Control.Monad.Compat` that backports `MonadFail` to older GHCs (by conditionally depending on the `fail` library), use the `Prelude.Compat`/`Control.Monad.Compat` modules from the `base-compat-batteries` package. - Introduce the `Data.Type.Equality.Compat` module, which re-exports `Data.Type.Equality` if using `base-4.7`/GHC-7.8 or later. If using an older version of `base`, this module is empty. If you wish to have a version of `Data.Type.Equality.Compat` with older GHCs (by conditionally depending on the `type-equality` library), use the `Data.Type.Equality.Compat` module from the `base-compat-batteries` package. ## Changes in 0.10.5 [2018.10.18] - Enable `BangPatterns` in `Prelude.Compat`. ## Changes in 0.10.4 [2018.07.03] - Make more modules `Trustworthy`. In particular, fix a regression in which `Prelude.Compat` was inferred as `Unsafe` by explicitly marking it as `Trustwothy`. ## Changes in 0.10.3 [2018.07.02] - Backport the proper fixity for `($!)`, which was accidentally omitted in `base-compat-0.10.2`. ## Changes in 0.10.2 [2018.07.02] - Sync with `base-4.12`/GHC 8.6 - Backport `RuntimeRep`-polymorphic versions of `($!)` and `throw` to `Prelude.Compat` and `Control.Exception.Compat`, respectively (if using `base-4.10`/GHC 8.2 or later). - Introduce the `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compat` module, which reexports `Data.Functor.Contravariant` if using `base-4.12`/GHC 8.6 or later. See `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compat` in the corresponding `base-compat-batteries` release for a version with a wider support window. ## Changes in 0.10.1 [2018.04.10] - Add `Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat`. - Reexport `(Data.Semigroup.<>)` from `Data.Monoid.Compat` back to `base-4.9`. ## Changes in 0.10.0 [2018.04.05] - Sync with `base-4.11`/GHC 8.4 - Backport `Semigroup((<>))` to `Prelude.Compat`. Note that the `Semigroup` class has only been in `base` since `base-4.9`/GHC 8.0, so accordingly, this can only be backported back to GHC 8.0. If you wish to have a version of `Prelude.Compat` that backports `Semigroup` to older GHCs (by conditionally depending on the `semigroups` library), use the `Prelude.Compat` module from the `base-compat-batteries` package. - Backport `(<&>)` to `Data.Functor.Compat` - Backport `iterate'` to `Data.List.Compat` - Backport `showHFloat` to `Numeric.Compat` - Backport a `RuntimeRep`-polymorphic `withTypeable` function to `Type.Reflection.Compat`. (This is only exported on `base-4.10`/GHC 8.2.) - Introduce the following modules, back until the oldest version of `base` that can support backporting them. If you wish to use them in conjunction with older versions of `base`, use the `base-compat-batteries` package. - `Control.Monad.Fail.Compat` (back until `base-4.9`/GHC 8.0) - `Control.Monad.IO.Class.Compat` (back until `base-4.9`/GHC 8.0) - `Data.Bifunctor` (back until `base-4.8`/GHC 7.10) - `Data.Bifoldable` and `Data.Bitraversable` (back until `base-4.10`/GHC 8.2) - `Data.Functor.Compose.Compat`, `Data.Functor.Product.Compat`, and `Data.Functor.Sum.Compat` (back until `base-4.9`/GHC 8.0) - `Data.Functor.Identity.Compat` (back until `base-4.8`/GHC 7.10) - `Data.Semigroup.Compat` (back until `base-4.9`/GHC 8.0) - `Data.Void.Compat` (back until `base-4.8`/GHC 7.10) - `Numeric.Natural.Compat` (back until `base-4.8`/GHC 7.10) - Introduce versions of modules with the suffix `.Repl`. These simply reexport the contents of their counterparts without the `.Repl` suffix to provide a globally unique namespace to import from in the event one wants to import `base-compat` modules into GHCi. (In `base-compat-batteries`, the corresponding suffix is `.Repl.Batteries`.) ## Changes in 0.9.3 [2017.04.10] - Sync with `base-4.10`/GHC 8.2 - Backport `fromLeft`/`fromRight` to `Data.Either.Compat` - Backport implementations of `maximumBy`/`minimumBy` which use constant stack space to `Data.Foldable.Compat` - Backport `asProxyTypeOf` with a generalized type signature to `Data.Proxy.Compat` - Backport `gcoerceWith` to `Data.Type.Coercion.Compat` - Backport `plusForeignPtr` to `Foreign.ForeignPtr.Compat` ## Changes in 0.9.2 - Allow building on the HaLVM ## Changes in 0.9.1 - Use the more efficient version of `replicateM` and `replicateM_` introduced in `base-4.9` ## Changes in 0.9.0 - Sync with `base-4.9`/GHC 8.0 - Weakened `RealFloat` constraints on `realPart`, `imagPart`, `conjugate`, `mkPolar`, and `cis` in `Data.Complex.Compat` - Backport `Foreign.ForeignPtr.Safe` and `Foreign.Marshal.Safe` - Generalize `filterM`, `forever`, `mapAndUnzipM`, `zipWithM`, `zipWithM_`, `replicateM`, and `replicateM_` in `Control.Monad` from `Monad` to `Applicative` - Backport `.Unsafe.Compat` modules (for `Control.Monad.ST`, `Control.Monad.ST.Lazy`, `Foreign.ForeignPtr`, and `Foreign.Marshal`) - Backport `forkFinally` and `forkOSWithUnmask` to `Control.Concurrent.Compat` - Backport `Data.Functor.Const` - Backport `modifyIORef'`, `atomicModifyIORef'` and `atomicWriteIORef` to `Data.IORef.Compat` - `Data.Ratio.{denominator,numerator}` have no `Integral` constraint anymore - Backport `modifySTRef'` to `Data.STRef.Compat` - Export `String`, `lines`, `words`, `unlines`, and `unwords` to `Data.String.Compat` - Generalize `Debug.Trace.{traceM, traceShowM}` from `Monad` to `Applicative` - Backport `errorWithoutStackTrace` to `Prelude.Compat` - Backport `unsafeFixIO` and `unsafeDupablePerformIO` to `System.IO.Unsafe.Compat` ## Changes in 0.8.2 - Backport `bitDefault`, `testBitDefault`, and `popCountDefault` in `Data.Bits.Compat` to all versions of `base` - Backport `toIntegralSized` to `base-4.7` - Backport `nub` and `nubBy` (as well as `union` and `unionBy`, which are implemented in terms of them) to fix logic error in `Data.List.Compat` - Backport `byteSwap16`, `byteSwap32`, and `byteSwap64` to `Data.Word.Compat` - Backport `fillBytes` in `Foreign.Marshal.Utils.Compat` - Backport `showFFloatAlt` and `showGFloatAlt` to `Numeric.Compat` ## Changes in - Fixed Windows build ## Changes in 0.8.1 - Implement `setEnv` and `unsetEnv` in `System.Environment.Compat` (which were ported from the `setenv` package). As a result, `base-compat` now depends on `unix` on POSIX-like operating systems. - Drop GHC 6.12 (and `base-`) compatibility ## Changes in - Retrospective version bump updating the changelog to reflect the changes made in 0.8.0 ## Changes 0.8.0 - All orphan instances were split off into a separate package, [`base-orphans`](https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-orphans) - `base-compat` no longer redefines the data types `Down` and `Alt`. See [here](https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-compat/issues/17) for the discussion that led to this change. - Update `Control.Monad.Compat` for `base-` - Update `Data.List.Compat` for `base-` - Update `Data.Foldable.Compat` for `base-` ## Changes in 0.7.1 - Backported `Alt` to `Data.Monoid.Compat` - Backported `Down` to `Data.Ord.Compat` ## Changes in 0.7.0 - Add functions and orphan instances introduced by changes to `base-` and `base-` ## Changes in 0.6.0 - Update `Prelude.Compat` for `base-` and AMP ## Changes in 0.5.0 - Remove Control.Exception.Base.Compat and GHC.Exception.Compat - Add System.Exit.Compat.die - Compatibility with base-4.7.1 ## Changes in 0.4.1 - Add `setEnv` and `unsetEnv` to `System.Environment.Compat` ## Changes in 0.4.0 - Major refactoring: base-compat no longer aims to replace all base, only new code is included in module .Compat - Removed stubbed modules - Removed generation scripts ## Changes in 0.3 - Added functions from Base 4.7 (bool, isLeft, isRight) - Added instances from Base 4.7 (Either Foldable, Traversable,...) ## Changes in 0.2.1 - Fix build on windows ## Changes in 0.2.0 - Re-export everything from base - provides access to `VERSION_base` and `MIN_VERSION_base` CPP macros (with `#include "base-compat.h"`) - Do not re-export `System.IO.Error.catch` from `Prelude` for `base` < 4.6.0 - Add `Eq`/`Ord` instance for `ErrorCall` - Remove `GHC.IOBase`, `GHC.Handle`, `Control.Concurrent.QSem`, `Control.Concurrent.QSemN`, `Control.Concurrent.SampleVar`, `Data.HashTable` ## Changes in 0.1.0 - Remove getExecutablePath, it did not work with GHC < 7.2 (patches welcome!) - Add `<>`