name: base-io-access version: synopsis: The IO functions included in base delimited into small, composable classes description: An attempt to break up the monolithic IO monad into small, composable classes that can be used to restrict a function to only having access to, say, functions to work with the standard pipes, or a function that can access the environment. The motivation for this library is to allow people to make a stricter contract than simply "this function does IO", and express through the type system exactly what IO is being performed. license: GPL-2 license-file: LICENSE author: Aaron Stevens maintainer: homepage: category: System build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 source-repository head type: git location: git:// library exposed-modules: Access.Control.Concurrent, Access.Control.Concurrent.Chan, Access.Control.Concurrent.MVar, Access.Control.Exception, Access.Data.IORef, Access.Data.Unique, Access.Debug.Trace, Access.System.CPUTime, Access.System.Environment, Access.System.Exit, Access.System.IO, Access.System.IO.Error, Access.System.Mem, Access.System.Mem.StableName, Access.System.Mem.Weak, Access.System.Timeout, Access.Core build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7 default-language: Haskell2010