binary ====== binary- -------------- - Documentation improvements - Ensure that `many` has an unfolding - Import `Data.List` as qualified binary- -------------- - Fix redundant pattern match warning in GHC 9.4 binary- -------------- - Compatibility with GHC 9.2 - Drop instances for deprecated `Data.Semigroup.Option` binary- -------------- - Support Int32Rep and Word32Rep (3e0134df). - Use bases built-in float/word32 and double/word64 casts (8eae4af0). binary- -------------- - MonadFail compatibility in base-4.13 (`fail` is not method of `Monad). - `Binary NonEmpty` `fail`s non empty lists, not `error`s binary- & binary- -------------------------------- - `` was first released as version ``. It didn't have any breaking changes though, so it was again released as version `` according to PVP. - `` was first released as version ``. binary- --------------- - Add binary instance for Data.Functor.Identity from base, #146. - Don't use * when we have TypeOperators, #148. binary- -------------- - Add Binary instances for Typeable TypeReps, #131. binary- -------------- - Fix compilation with bytestring < 0.10.4. binary- -------------- - `binary` supports GHC >= 7.4.2 - Performance improvements for `Alternative` functions. - put/get functions for IEEE-754 floats and doubles, #119. - Fix performance bugs, #115. - Binary instances for datatypes in `Data.Monoid` and `Data.Semigroup`, #114. binary- -------------- - Replace binary's home grown `Builder` with `Data.ByteString.Builder`. `Data.Binary.Builder` now exports `Data.ByteString.Builder.Builder`. - Add `putList :: [a] -> Put` to the `Binary` class. This is used to be able to use the list writing primitives of the new Builder. This brought a number of speedups; Encoding a String is now 70% faster. [Word8] is 76% faster, which also makes Integer 34% faster. Similar numbers for all [IntXX] and [WordXX]. - Fail gracefully within `Get` when decoding `Bool` and `Ordering`. Previously when decoding invalid data these instances would fail with `error`. - Add Binary instance for `Complex a`. - Add Monoid and Semigroup instance for `Put`. binary- -------------- - Fix compilation error when using older GHC versions and clang. clang barfs on some of its CPP input (#105). binary- -------------- - When using GHC >= 8, `Data.Binary.Get.Get` implements MonadFail and delegates its `fail` to ``. binary- -------------- - Add binary instance for `Data.ByteString.Short`. - Add get/put functions for all Int sizes to `Data.Binary.Builder`, `Data.Binary.Get` and `Data.Binary.Put`. binary- -------------- - Address compiler warnings. binary- -------------- - Added binary instance for `Version` from `Data.Version`. - Added binary instance for `Void` from GHC 7.10.1. - Added binary instance for `(Data.Fixed a)` from GHC 7.8.1. - Added semigroup instance for `Data.Binary.Builder` from GHC 8.0. binary- -------------- - Fix compilation for GHC == 7.2.*. binary- -------------- - Added binary instance for GHC.Fingerprint (from GHC >= 7.4). binary- -------------- - Fix performance bug that was noticable when you get a big strict ByteString and the input to the decoder consists of many small chunks. - - - Fix memory leak when decoding Double and Float. - Commit 497a181c083fa9faf7fa3aa64d1d8deb9ac76ecb - We now require QuickCheck >= 2.8. Remove our version of arbitrarySizedNatural. binary- -------------- - Some invalid UTF-8 strings caused an exception when decoded. Those errors will now now fail in the Get monad instead. See #70. Patch contributed by @ttuegel. binary- -------------- - Add Binary instance for Natural (only with base > 4.8). binary- -------------- - Remove INLINEs from GBinary/GSum methods. These interact very badly with the GHC 7.9.x simplifier. See also; - - - binary- -------------- - Make import of GHC.Base future-proof ( binary- -------------- - Fix to compile on GHC 6.10.4 and older ( binary- -------------- - Add `isolate :: Int -> Get a -> Get a`. - Add `label :: String -> Get a -> Get a`. binary- -------------- - Add `lookAheadE :: Get (Either a b) -> Get (Either a b)`. - Add MonadPlus instance for Get. binary- -------------- - Updates to documentation. binary- -------------- - Add `lookAhead :: Get a -> Get a`. - Add `lookAheadM :: Get (Maybe a) -> Get (Maybe a)`. - Add Alternative instance for Get (provides `<|>`). - Add `decodeOrFail :: Binary a => L.ByteString -> Either (L.ByteString, ByteOffset, String) (L.ByteString, ByteOffset, a)` - Add `decodeFileOrFail :: Binary a => FilePath -> IO (Either (ByteOffset, String) a)`. - Remove `Ord` class constraint from `Set` and `Map` Binary instances. binary-0.6.4 ------------ - Add `runGetOrFail :: Get a -> L.ByteString -> Either (L.ByteString, ByteOffset, String) (L.ByteString, ByteOffset, a)`. binary-0.6.3 ------------ - Documentation tweeks, internal restructuring, more tests. binary-0.6.2 ------------ - `some` and `many` more efficient. - Fix bug where `bytesRead` returned the wrong value. - Documentation improvements. binary-0.6.1 ------------ - Fix bug where a decoder could return with `Partial` after the previous reply was `Nothing`. binary- --------------