# Version 0.3 * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: The `hash` function now takes an optional `Key`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: The `hasher` function was removed. Instead, use `init` without specifying a `Key`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: The `hashKeyed` and `hasherKeyed` functions were removed. Instead, specify the `Key` when using `hash` and `init`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: The `digest` functions is not exported anymore. The `Digest` constructor is exported instead. * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: The `Context` datatype and the `context` function are not exported anymore. The `derive` function takes a polymorphic context instead. * Functions that previously returned a `Digest` now return a polymorphic `ByteArrayN`. This makes it easy for downstream libraries to reuse any BLAKE3 output for other purposes without having to copy bytes over. The `Digest` datatype is still exported as a convenience. * Added `sse2` Cabal flag to enable SSE2 optimizations. * Bumped upstream BLAKE3 C sources to latest version as of February 4, 2023. # Version 0.2 * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Drop the `BLAKE3.Raw` module in favor of `BLAKE.IO`. Re-export internals from there. * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Drop `HasherInternal` and related functions in favor of `Ptr Hasher`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Drop `allocRetHasher`, `allocRetKey`, `allocRetDigest`. * Added `Eq`, `Show`, `Storable`, `ByteArrayAccess` and `ByteArrayN` instances for `Hasher`, `Key` and `Digest`. * Added `ByteArrayAccess` instance for `Context`. * Added `finalizeSeek`, `modifyHasher`, `digest`. * More tests. * Documentation improvements. # Version 0.1.1 * Enabled AVX-512, AVX2 and SSE-4.1 support. On x86_64 Linux, Darwin and Windows, assembly implementations are used. Elsewhere, C intrinsics are used. The `avx512`, `avx2` and `sse41` Cabal flags can be used to disable these optimizations. * Documentation fixes. # Version 0.1 * Initial version. * Using upstream C code from [https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3](https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3) version `5651ce7ee0b0ad2f577beef7efcef87e2f39fbe2`.