{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Init.NonInteractive ( tests ) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Init.Utils import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL import qualified Distribution.SPDX as SPDX import Distribution.Client.Init.Defaults import Distribution.Client.Init.NonInteractive.Command import Distribution.Client.Init.Types import Distribution.Client.Types import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion import Distribution.ModuleName (fromString) import Distribution.Simple.Flag import Data.List (foldl') import qualified Data.Set as Set import Distribution.Client.Init.Utils (mkPackageNameDep, mkStringyDep) import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes import Distribution.Simple.Command import Distribution.Client.Setup (initCommand) tests :: Verbosity -> InitFlags -> Compiler -> InstalledPackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> TestTree tests _v _initFlags comp pkgIx srcDb = testGroup "Distribution.Client.Init.NonInteractive.Command" [ testGroup "driver function test" [ driverFunctionTest pkgIx srcDb comp ] , testGroup "target creator tests" [ fileCreatorTests pkgIx srcDb comp ] , testGroup "non-interactive tests" [ nonInteractiveTests pkgIx srcDb comp ] , testGroup "cli parser tests" [ cliListParserTests ] ] driverFunctionTest :: InstalledPackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> Compiler -> TestTree driverFunctionTest pkgIx srcDb comp = testGroup "createProject" [ testGroup "with flags" [ testCase "Check the non-interactive workflow 1" $ do let dummyFlags' = dummyFlags { packageType = Flag LibraryAndExecutable , minimal = Flag False , overwrite = Flag False , packageDir = Flag "/home/test/test-package" , extraDoc = Flag ["CHANGELOG.md"] , exposedModules = Flag [] , otherModules = Flag [] , otherExts = Flag [] , buildTools = Flag [] , mainIs = Flag "quxApp/Main.hs" , dependencies = Flag [] } inputs = NEL.fromList [ "True" , "[\"quxTest/Main.hs\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ createProject comp silent pkgIx srcDb dummyFlags') inputs of Right (ProjectSettings opts desc (Just lib) (Just exe) (Just test), _) -> do _optOverwrite opts @?= False _optMinimal opts @?= False _optNoComments opts @?= True _optVerbosity opts @?= silent _optPkgDir opts @?= "/home/test/test-package" _optPkgType opts @?= LibraryAndExecutable _optPkgName opts @?= mkPackageName "QuxPackage" _pkgCabalVersion desc @?= CabalSpecV2_2 _pkgName desc @?= mkPackageName "QuxPackage" _pkgVersion desc @?= mkVersion [4,2,6] _pkgLicense desc @?! (SpecLicense . Left $ SPDX.NONE) _pkgAuthor desc @?= "Foobar" _pkgEmail desc @?= "foobar@qux.com" _pkgHomePage desc @?= "qux.com" _pkgSynopsis desc @?= "We are Qux, and this is our package" _pkgCategory desc @?= "Control" _pkgExtraSrcFiles desc @?= mempty _pkgExtraDocFiles desc @?= pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md") _libSourceDirs lib @?= ["quxSrc"] _libLanguage lib @?= Haskell98 _libExposedModules lib @?= myLibModule NEL.:| [] _libOtherModules lib @?= [] _libOtherExts lib @?= [] _libDependencies lib @?= [] _libBuildTools lib @?= [] _exeMainIs exe @?= HsFilePath "quxApp/Main.hs" Standard _exeApplicationDirs exe @?= ["quxApp"] _exeLanguage exe @?= Haskell98 _exeOtherModules exe @?= [] _exeOtherExts exe @?= [] _exeDependencies exe @?! [] _exeBuildTools exe @?= [] _testMainIs test @?= HsFilePath "quxTest/Main.hs" Standard _testDirs test @?= ["quxTest"] _testLanguage test @?= Haskell98 _testOtherModules test @?= [] _testOtherExts test @?= [] _testDependencies test @?! [] _testBuildTools test @?= [] assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _exeDependencies exe assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the test executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _testDependencies test Right (ProjectSettings _ _ lib exe test, _) -> do lib @?! Nothing exe @?! Nothing test @?! Nothing Left e -> assertFailure $ show e , testCase "Check the non-interactive workflow 2" $ do let dummyFlags' = dummyFlags { packageType = Flag LibraryAndExecutable , minimal = Flag False , overwrite = Flag False , packageDir = Flag "/home/test/test-package" , extraSrc = Flag [] , exposedModules = Flag [] , otherModules = NoFlag , otherExts = Flag [] , buildTools = Flag [] , mainIs = Flag "quxApp/Main.hs" , dependencies = Flag [] } inputs = NEL.fromList -- extra sources [ "[\"CHANGELOG.md\"]" -- lib other modules , "False" -- exe other modules , "False" -- test main file , "True" , "[\"quxTest/Main.hs\"]" -- test other modules , "False" ] case (_runPrompt $ createProject comp silent pkgIx srcDb dummyFlags') inputs of Right (ProjectSettings opts desc (Just lib) (Just exe) (Just test), _) -> do _optOverwrite opts @?= False _optMinimal opts @?= False _optNoComments opts @?= True _optVerbosity opts @?= silent _optPkgDir opts @?= "/home/test/test-package" _optPkgType opts @?= LibraryAndExecutable _optPkgName opts @?= mkPackageName "QuxPackage" _pkgCabalVersion desc @?= CabalSpecV2_2 _pkgName desc @?= mkPackageName "QuxPackage" _pkgVersion desc @?= mkVersion [4,2,6] _pkgLicense desc @?! (SpecLicense . Left $ SPDX.NONE) _pkgAuthor desc @?= "Foobar" _pkgEmail desc @?= "foobar@qux.com" _pkgHomePage desc @?= "qux.com" _pkgSynopsis desc @?= "We are Qux, and this is our package" _pkgCategory desc @?= "Control" _pkgExtraSrcFiles desc @?= mempty _pkgExtraDocFiles desc @?= pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md") _libSourceDirs lib @?= ["quxSrc"] _libLanguage lib @?= Haskell98 _libExposedModules lib @?= myLibModule NEL.:| [] _libOtherModules lib @?= [] _libOtherExts lib @?= [] _libDependencies lib @?= [] _libBuildTools lib @?= [] _exeMainIs exe @?= HsFilePath "quxApp/Main.hs" Standard _exeApplicationDirs exe @?= ["quxApp"] _exeLanguage exe @?= Haskell98 _exeOtherModules exe @?= [] _exeOtherExts exe @?= [] _exeDependencies exe @?! [] _exeBuildTools exe @?= [] _testMainIs test @?= HsFilePath "quxTest/Main.hs" Standard _testDirs test @?= ["quxTest"] _testLanguage test @?= Haskell98 _testOtherModules test @?= [] _testOtherExts test @?= [] _testDependencies test @?! [] _testBuildTools test @?= [] assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _exeDependencies exe assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the test executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _testDependencies test Right (ProjectSettings _ _ lib exe test, _) -> do lib @?! Nothing exe @?! Nothing test @?! Nothing Left e -> assertFailure $ show e ] , testGroup "with tests" [ testCase "Check the non-interactive library and executable workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- package dir [ "test-package" -- package description -- cabal version , "cabal-install version\ncompiled using version of the Cabal library \n" -- package name , "test-package" , "test-package" -- author name , "" , "Foobar" -- author email , "" , "foobar@qux.com" -- extra source files , "test-package" , "[]" -- library target -- source dirs , "src" , "True" -- exposed modules , "src" , "True" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\", \"src/Baz/Internal.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "module Baz.Internal where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" -- executable target -- application dirs , "app" , "[]" -- main file , "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" , "True" , "[]" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DataKinds #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" -- test target -- main file , "True" , "[\"test-package/test/\"]" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\", \"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Test.Tasty\nimport Test.Tasty.HUnit" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\", \"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/bar.y\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ createProject comp silent pkgIx srcDb (emptyFlags { initializeTestSuite = Flag True , packageType = Flag LibraryAndExecutable })) inputs of Right (ProjectSettings opts desc (Just lib) (Just exe) (Just test), _) -> do _optOverwrite opts @?= False _optMinimal opts @?= False _optNoComments opts @?= False _optVerbosity opts @?= silent _optPkgDir opts @?= "/home/test/test-package" _optPkgType opts @?= LibraryAndExecutable _optPkgName opts @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgCabalVersion desc @?= CabalSpecV3_4 _pkgName desc @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgVersion desc @?= mkVersion [0,1,0,0] _pkgLicense desc @?= (SpecLicense . Left $ SPDX.NONE) _pkgAuthor desc @?= "Foobar" _pkgEmail desc @?= "foobar@qux.com" _pkgHomePage desc @?= "" _pkgSynopsis desc @?= "" _pkgCategory desc @?= "" _pkgExtraSrcFiles desc @?= mempty _pkgExtraDocFiles desc @?= pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md") _libSourceDirs lib @?= ["src"] _libLanguage lib @?= Haskell2010 _libExposedModules lib @?= NEL.fromList (map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"]) _libOtherModules lib @?= map fromString ["Baz.Internal"] _libOtherExts lib @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _libDependencies lib @?! [] _libBuildTools lib @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] _exeMainIs exe @?= HsFilePath "Main.hs" Standard _exeApplicationDirs exe @?= ["app"] _exeLanguage exe @?= Haskell2010 _exeOtherModules exe @?= map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"] _exeOtherExts exe @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _exeDependencies exe @?! [] _exeBuildTools exe @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] _testMainIs test @?= HsFilePath "Main.hs" Standard _testDirs test @?= ["test"] _testLanguage test @?= Haskell2010 _testOtherModules test @?= map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"] _testOtherExts test @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _testDependencies test @?! [] _testBuildTools test @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _exeDependencies exe assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the test executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _testDependencies test Right (ProjectSettings _ _ lib exe test, _) -> do lib @?! Nothing exe @?! Nothing test @?! Nothing Left e -> assertFailure $ show e , testCase "Check the non-interactive library workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- package dir [ "test-package" -- package description -- cabal version , "cabal-install version\ncompiled using version of the Cabal library \n" -- package name , "test-package" , "test-package" -- author name , "Foobar" -- author email , "foobar@qux.com" -- extra source files , "test-package" , "[]" -- library target -- source dirs , "src" , "True" -- exposed modules , "src" , "True" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\", \"src/Baz/Internal.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "module Baz.Internal where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" -- test target -- main file , "True" , "[\"test-package/test/\"]" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\", \"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Test.Tasty\nimport Test.Tasty.HUnit" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\", \"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/bar.y\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ createProject comp silent pkgIx srcDb (emptyFlags { initializeTestSuite = Flag True , packageType = Flag Library })) inputs of Right (ProjectSettings opts desc (Just lib) Nothing (Just test), _) -> do _optOverwrite opts @?= False _optMinimal opts @?= False _optNoComments opts @?= False _optVerbosity opts @?= silent _optPkgDir opts @?= "/home/test/test-package" _optPkgType opts @?= Library _optPkgName opts @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgCabalVersion desc @?= CabalSpecV3_4 _pkgName desc @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgVersion desc @?= mkVersion [0,1,0,0] _pkgLicense desc @?= (SpecLicense . Left $ SPDX.NONE) _pkgAuthor desc @?= "Foobar" _pkgEmail desc @?= "foobar@qux.com" _pkgHomePage desc @?= "" _pkgSynopsis desc @?= "" _pkgCategory desc @?= "" _pkgExtraSrcFiles desc @?= mempty _pkgExtraDocFiles desc @?= pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md") _libSourceDirs lib @?= ["src"] _libLanguage lib @?= Haskell2010 _libExposedModules lib @?= NEL.fromList (map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"]) _libOtherModules lib @?= map fromString ["Baz.Internal"] _libOtherExts lib @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _libDependencies lib @?! [] _libBuildTools lib @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] _testMainIs test @?= HsFilePath "Main.hs" Standard _testDirs test @?= ["test"] _testLanguage test @?= Haskell2010 _testOtherModules test @?= map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"] _testOtherExts test @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _testDependencies test @?! [] _testBuildTools test @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the test executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _testDependencies test Right (ProjectSettings _ _ lib exe test, _) -> do lib @?! Nothing exe @?= Nothing test @?! Nothing Left e -> assertFailure $ show e ] , testGroup "without tests" [ testCase "Check the non-interactive library and executable workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- package type [ "test-package" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"src/\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"src/\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" -- package dir , "test-package" -- package description -- cabal version , "cabal-install version\ncompiled using version of the Cabal library \n" -- package name , "test-package" , "test-package" -- author name , "" , "Foobar" -- author email , "" , "foobar@qux.com" -- extra source files , "test-package" , "[]" -- library target -- source dirs , "src" , "True" -- exposed modules , "src" , "True" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\", \"src/Baz/Internal.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "module Baz.Internal where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" -- executable target -- application dirs , "app" , "[]" -- main file , "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" , "True" , "[]" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DataKinds #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ createProject comp silent pkgIx srcDb emptyFlags) inputs of Right (ProjectSettings opts desc (Just lib) (Just exe) Nothing, _) -> do _optOverwrite opts @?= False _optMinimal opts @?= False _optNoComments opts @?= False _optVerbosity opts @?= silent _optPkgDir opts @?= "/home/test/test-package" _optPkgType opts @?= LibraryAndExecutable _optPkgName opts @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgCabalVersion desc @?= CabalSpecV3_4 _pkgName desc @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgVersion desc @?= mkVersion [0,1,0,0] _pkgLicense desc @?= (SpecLicense . Left $ SPDX.NONE) _pkgAuthor desc @?= "Foobar" _pkgEmail desc @?= "foobar@qux.com" _pkgHomePage desc @?= "" _pkgSynopsis desc @?= "" _pkgCategory desc @?= "" _pkgExtraSrcFiles desc @?= mempty _pkgExtraDocFiles desc @?= pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md") _libSourceDirs lib @?= ["src"] _libLanguage lib @?= Haskell2010 _libExposedModules lib @?= NEL.fromList (map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"]) _libOtherModules lib @?= map fromString ["Baz.Internal"] _libOtherExts lib @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _libDependencies lib @?! [] _libBuildTools lib @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] _exeMainIs exe @?= HsFilePath "Main.hs" Standard _exeApplicationDirs exe @?= ["app"] _exeLanguage exe @?= Haskell2010 _exeOtherModules exe @?= map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"] _exeOtherExts exe @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _exeDependencies exe @?! [] _exeBuildTools exe @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] assertBool "The library should be a dependency of the executable" $ mkPackageNameDep (_optPkgName opts) `elem` _exeDependencies exe Right (ProjectSettings _ _ lib exe test, _) -> do lib @?! Nothing exe @?! Nothing test @?= Nothing Left e -> assertFailure $ show e , testCase "Check the non-interactive library workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- package type [ "test-package" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"src/\"]" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"src/\"]" -- package dir , "test-package" -- package description -- cabal version , "cabal-install version\ncompiled using version of the Cabal library \n" -- package name , "test-package" , "test-package" -- author name , "" , "Foobar" -- author email , "" , "foobar@qux.com" -- extra source files , "test-package" , "[]" -- library target -- source dirs , "src" , "True" -- exposed modules , "src" , "True" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\", \"src/Baz/Internal.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "module Baz.Internal where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ createProject comp silent pkgIx srcDb emptyFlags) inputs of Right (ProjectSettings opts desc (Just lib) Nothing Nothing, _) -> do _optOverwrite opts @?= False _optMinimal opts @?= False _optNoComments opts @?= False _optVerbosity opts @?= silent _optPkgDir opts @?= "/home/test/test-package" _optPkgType opts @?= Library _optPkgName opts @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgCabalVersion desc @?= CabalSpecV3_4 _pkgName desc @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgVersion desc @?= mkVersion [0,1,0,0] _pkgLicense desc @?= (SpecLicense . Left $ SPDX.NONE) _pkgAuthor desc @?= "Foobar" _pkgEmail desc @?= "foobar@qux.com" _pkgHomePage desc @?= "" _pkgSynopsis desc @?= "" _pkgCategory desc @?= "" _pkgExtraSrcFiles desc @?= mempty _pkgExtraDocFiles desc @?= pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md") _libSourceDirs lib @?= ["src"] _libLanguage lib @?= Haskell2010 _libExposedModules lib @?= NEL.fromList (map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"]) _libOtherModules lib @?= map fromString ["Baz.Internal"] _libOtherExts lib @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _libDependencies lib @?! [] _libBuildTools lib @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] Right (ProjectSettings _ _ lib exe test, _) -> do lib @?! Nothing exe @?= Nothing test @?= Nothing Left e -> assertFailure $ show e , testCase "Check the non-interactive executable workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- package type [ "test-package" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" -- package dir , "test-package" -- package description -- cabal version , "cabal-install version\ncompiled using version of the Cabal library \n" -- package name , "test-package" , "test-package" -- author name , "" , "Foobar" -- author email , "" , "foobar@qux.com" -- extra source files , "test-package" , "[]" -- executable target -- application dirs , "app" , "[]" -- main file , "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" , "True" , "[]" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DataKinds #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ createProject comp silent pkgIx srcDb emptyFlags) inputs of Right (ProjectSettings opts desc Nothing (Just exe) Nothing, _) -> do _optOverwrite opts @?= False _optMinimal opts @?= False _optNoComments opts @?= False _optVerbosity opts @?= silent _optPkgDir opts @?= "/home/test/test-package" _optPkgType opts @?= Executable _optPkgName opts @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgCabalVersion desc @?= CabalSpecV3_4 _pkgName desc @?= mkPackageName "test-package" _pkgVersion desc @?= mkVersion [0,1,0,0] _pkgLicense desc @?= (SpecLicense . Left $ SPDX.NONE) _pkgAuthor desc @?= "Foobar" _pkgEmail desc @?= "foobar@qux.com" _pkgHomePage desc @?= "" _pkgSynopsis desc @?= "" _pkgCategory desc @?= "" _pkgExtraSrcFiles desc @?= mempty _pkgExtraDocFiles desc @?= pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md") _exeMainIs exe @?= HsFilePath "Main.hs" Standard _exeApplicationDirs exe @?= ["app"] _exeLanguage exe @?= Haskell2010 _exeOtherModules exe @?= map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"] _exeOtherExts exe @?= map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards] _exeDependencies exe @?! [] _exeBuildTools exe @?= [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] Right (ProjectSettings _ _ lib exe test, _) -> do lib @?= Nothing exe @?! Nothing test @?= Nothing Left e -> assertFailure $ show e ] ] fileCreatorTests :: InstalledPackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> Compiler -> TestTree fileCreatorTests pkgIx srcDb comp = testGroup "generators" [ testGroup "genPkgDescription" [ testCase "Check common package flags workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- cabal version [ "cabal-install version\ncompiled using version of the Cabal library \n" -- package name , "test-package" , "test-package" -- author name , "" , "Foobar" -- author email , "" , "foobar@qux.com" -- extra source files , "test-package" , "[]" ] case (_runPrompt $ genPkgDescription emptyFlags srcDb) inputs of Left e -> assertFailure $ show e Right{} -> return () ] , testGroup "genLibTarget" [ testCase "Check library package flags workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- source dirs [ "src" , "True" -- exposed modules , "src" , "True" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\", \"src/Baz/Internal.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "module Baz.Internal where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ genLibTarget emptyFlags comp pkgIx defaultCabalVersion) inputs of Left e -> assertFailure $ show e Right{} -> return () ] , testGroup "genExeTarget" [ testCase "Check executable package flags workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- application dirs [ "app" , "[]" -- main file , "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" , "True" , "[]" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Control.Monad.Extra" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" ] case (_runPrompt $ genExeTarget emptyFlags comp pkgIx defaultCabalVersion) inputs of Left e -> assertFailure $ show e Right{} -> return () ] , testGroup "genTestTarget" [ testCase "Check test package flags workflow" $ do let inputs = NEL.fromList -- main file [ "True" , "[]" -- other modules , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\", \"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" -- other extensions , "True" , "[\"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" -- dependencies , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\"]" , "True" , "test-package" , "module Main where" , "import Test.Tasty\nimport Test.Tasty.HUnit" , "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}" -- build tools , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\", \"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/bar.y\"]" ] flags = emptyFlags {initializeTestSuite = Flag True} case (_runPrompt $ genTestTarget flags comp pkgIx defaultCabalVersion) inputs of Left e -> assertFailure $ show e Right{} -> return () ] ] nonInteractiveTests :: InstalledPackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> Compiler -> TestTree nonInteractiveTests pkgIx srcDb comp = testGroup "Check top level getter functions" [ testGroup "Simple heuristics tests" [ testGroup "Check packageNameHeuristics output" [ testSimple "New package name" (packageNameHeuristics srcDb) (mkPackageName "test-package") [ "test-package" , "test-package" ] , testSimple "Existing package name" (packageNameHeuristics srcDb) (mkPackageName "cabal-install") [ "test-package" , "cabal-install" ] ] , testSimple "Check authorHeuristics output" authorHeuristics "Foobar" [ "" , "Foobar" ] , testSimple "Check emailHeuristics output" emailHeuristics "foobar@qux.com" [ "" , "foobar@qux.com" ] , testSimple "Check srcDirsHeuristics output" srcDirsHeuristics ["src"] [ "src" , "True" ] , testSimple "Check appDirsHeuristics output" appDirsHeuristics ["app"] [ "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" ] , testGroup "Check packageTypeHeuristics output" [ testSimple "Library" packageTypeHeuristics Library [ "test-package" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"test/Main.hs\", \"src/\"]" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"test/Main.hs\", \"src/\"]" ] , testSimple "Executable" packageTypeHeuristics Executable [ "test-package" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" ] , testSimple "Library and Executable" packageTypeHeuristics LibraryAndExecutable [ "test-package" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"src/\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"src/\", \"app/Main.hs\"]" ] , testSimple "TestSuite" packageTypeHeuristics TestSuite [ "test-package" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"test/Main.hs\"]" , "[\".\", \"..\", \"test/Main.hs\"]" ] ] , testGroup "Check cabalVersionHeuristics output" [ testSimple "Broken command" cabalVersionHeuristics defaultCabalVersion [""] , testSimple "Proper answer" cabalVersionHeuristics CabalSpecV2_4 ["cabal-install version\ncompiled using version of the Cabal library \n"] ] , testGroup "Check languageHeuristics output" [ testSimple "Non GHC compiler" (`languageHeuristics` (comp {compilerId = CompilerId Helium $ mkVersion [1,8,1]})) Haskell2010 [] , testSimple "Higher version compiler" (`languageHeuristics` (comp {compilerId = CompilerId GHC $ mkVersion [8,10,4]})) Haskell2010 [] , testSimple "Lower version compiler" (`languageHeuristics` (comp {compilerId = CompilerId GHC $ mkVersion [6,0,1]})) Haskell98 [] ] , testGroup "Check extraDocFileHeuristics output" [ testSimple "No extra sources" extraDocFileHeuristics (pure (Set.singleton "CHANGELOG.md")) [ "test-package" , "[]" ] , testSimple "Extra doc files present" extraDocFileHeuristics (pure $ Set.singleton "README.md") [ "test-package" , "[\"README.md\"]" ] ] , testGroup "Check mainFileHeuristics output" [ testSimple "No main file defined" mainFileHeuristics (toHsFilePath "Main.hs") [ "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" , "True" , "[]" ] , testSimple "Main file already defined" mainFileHeuristics (toHsFilePath "app/Main.hs") [ "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\"]" ] , testSimple "Main lhs file already defined" mainFileHeuristics (toHsFilePath "app/Main.lhs") [ "test-package" , "[\"test-package/app/\"]" , "True" , "[\"app/Main.lhs\"]" ] ] , testGroup "Check exposedModulesHeuristics output" [ testSimple "Default exposed modules" exposedModulesHeuristics (myLibModule NEL.:| []) [ "src" , "True" , "True" , "[]" , "test-package" , "True" , "[]" ] , testSimple "Contains exposed modules" exposedModulesHeuristics (NEL.fromList $ map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"]) [ "src" , "True" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" ] ] , testGroup "Check libOtherModulesHeuristics output" [ testSimple "Library directory exists" libOtherModulesHeuristics (map fromString ["Baz.Internal"]) [ "test-package" , "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\", \"src/Baz/Internal.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" , "module Baz.Internal where" ] , testSimple "Library directory doesn't exist" libOtherModulesHeuristics [] [ "test-package" , "False" ] ] , testGroup "Check exeOtherModulesHeuristics output" [ testSimple "Executable directory exists" exeOtherModulesHeuristics (map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"]) [ "test-package" , "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"app/Foo.hs\", \"app/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" ] , testSimple "Executable directory doesn't exist" exeOtherModulesHeuristics [] [ "test-package" , "False" ] ] , testGroup "Check testOtherModulesHeuristics output" [ testSimple "Test directory exists" testOtherModulesHeuristics (map fromString ["Foo", "Bar"]) [ "test-package" , "True" , "[\"test/Main.hs\", \"test/Foo.hs\", \"test/Bar.hs\"]" , "module Foo where" , "module Bar where" ] , testSimple "Test directory doesn't exist" testOtherModulesHeuristics [] [ "test-package" , "False" ] ] , testGroup "Check dependenciesHeuristics output" [ testSimple "base version bounds is correct" (fmap (flip foldl' anyVersion $ \a (Dependency n v _) -> if unPackageName n == "base" && baseVersion comp /= anyVersion then v else a) . (\x -> dependenciesHeuristics x "" pkgIx)) (baseVersion comp) [ "True" , "[]" ] ] , testSimple "Check buildToolsHeuristics output" (\a -> buildToolsHeuristics a "" defaultCabalVersion) [mkStringyDep "happy:happy"] [ "True" , "[\"app/Main.hs\", \"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/bar.y\"]" ] , testSimple "Check otherExtsHeuristics output" (`otherExtsHeuristics` "") (map EnableExtension [OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards]) [ "True" , "[\"src/Foo.hs\", \"src/Bar.hs\"]" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}\n{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}\"" , "\"{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}\"" ] , testSimple "Check versionHeuristics output" versionHeuristics (mkVersion [0,1,0,0]) [""] , testSimple "Check homepageHeuristics output" homepageHeuristics "" [""] , testSimple "Check synopsisHeuristics output" synopsisHeuristics "" [""] , testSimple "Check testDirsHeuristics output" testDirsHeuristics ["test"] [""] , testSimple "Check categoryHeuristics output" categoryHeuristics "" [""] , testSimple "Check minimalHeuristics output" minimalHeuristics False [""] , testSimple "Check overwriteHeuristics output" overwriteHeuristics False [""] , testSimple "Check initializeTestSuiteHeuristics output" initializeTestSuiteHeuristics False [""] , testSimple "Check licenseHeuristics output" licenseHeuristics (SpecLicense $ Left SPDX.NONE) [""] ] , testGroup "Bool heuristics tests" [ testBool "Check noCommentsHeuristics output" noCommentsHeuristics False "" ] ] testSimple :: Eq a => Show a => String -> (InitFlags -> PurePrompt a) -> a -> [String] -> TestTree testSimple label f target = testGo label f (assertFailure . show) (\(a, _) -> target @=? a) testBool :: String -> (InitFlags -> PurePrompt Bool) -> Bool -> String -> TestTree testBool label f target input = testSimple label f target [input] testGo :: Eq a => Show a => String -> (InitFlags -> PurePrompt a) -> (BreakException -> Assertion) -> ((a, NEL.NonEmpty String) -> Assertion) -> [String] -> TestTree testGo label f g h inputs = testCase label $ case (_runPrompt $ f emptyFlags) (NEL.fromList inputs) of Left x -> g x Right x -> h x cliListParserTests :: TestTree cliListParserTests = testGroup "cli list parser" [ testCase "Single extraSrc" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["-x", "Generated.hs"] flags @?= emptyFlags { extraSrc = Flag ["Generated.hs"] } , testCase "Multiple extraSrc" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["-x", "Gen1.hs", "-x", "Gen2.hs", "-x", "Gen3.hs"] flags @?= emptyFlags { extraSrc = Flag ["Gen1.hs", "Gen2.hs", "Gen3.hs"] } , testCase "Single extraDoc" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--extra-doc-file", "README"] flags @?= emptyFlags { extraDoc = Flag $ ["README"] } , testCase "Multiple extraDoc" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--extra-doc-file", "README", "--extra-doc-file", "CHANGELOG", "--extra-doc-file", "LICENSE"] flags @?= emptyFlags { extraDoc = Flag $ map fromString ["README", "CHANGELOG", "LICENSE"] } , testCase "Single exposedModules" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["-o", "Test"] flags @?= emptyFlags { exposedModules = Flag $ map fromString ["Test"] } , testCase "Multiple exposedModules" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["-o", "Test", "-o", "Test2", "-o", "Test3"] flags @?= emptyFlags { exposedModules = Flag $ map fromString ["Test", "Test2", "Test3"] } -- there is no otherModules cli flag -- , testCase "Single otherModules" $ do -- flags <- runParserTest ["-o", "Test"] -- flags @?= dummyFlags -- { otherModules = Flag $ map fromString ["Test"] -- } -- , testCase "Multiple otherModules" $ do -- flags <- runParserTest ["-o", "Test", "-o", "Test2", "-o", "Test3"] -- flags @?= dummyFlags -- { otherModules = Flag $ map fromString ["Test", "Test2", "Test3"] -- } , testCase "Single otherExts" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--extension", "OverloadedStrings"] flags @?= emptyFlags { otherExts = Flag [EnableExtension OverloadedStrings] } , testCase "Multiple otherExts" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--extension", "OverloadedStrings", "--extension", "FlexibleInstances", "--extension", "FlexibleContexts"] flags @?= emptyFlags { otherExts = Flag [EnableExtension OverloadedStrings, EnableExtension FlexibleInstances, EnableExtension FlexibleContexts] } , testCase "Single dependency" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["-d", "base"] flags @?= emptyFlags { dependencies = Flag [mkStringyDep "base"] } , testCase "Multiple dependency flags" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["-d", "base", "-d", "vector"] flags @?= emptyFlags { dependencies = Flag $ fmap mkStringyDep ["base", "vector"] } , testCase "Comma separated list of dependencies" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["-d", "base,vector"] flags @?= emptyFlags { dependencies = Flag $ fmap mkStringyDep ["base", "vector"] } , testCase "Single applicationDirs" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--application-dir", "app"] flags @?= emptyFlags { applicationDirs = Flag ["app"] } , testCase "Multiple applicationDirs" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--application-dir", "app", "--application-dir", "exe", "--application-dir", "srcapp"] flags @?= emptyFlags { applicationDirs = Flag ["app", "exe", "srcapp"] } , testCase "Single sourceDirs" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--source-dir", "src"] flags @?= emptyFlags { sourceDirs = Flag ["src"] } , testCase "Multiple sourceDirs" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--source-dir", "src", "--source-dir", "lib", "--source-dir", "sources"] flags @?= emptyFlags { sourceDirs = Flag ["src", "lib", "sources"] } , testCase "Single buildTools" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--build-tool", "happy"] flags @?= emptyFlags { buildTools = Flag ["happy"] } , testCase "Multiple buildTools" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--build-tool", "happy", "--build-tool", "alex", "--build-tool", "make"] flags @?= emptyFlags { buildTools = Flag ["happy", "alex", "make"] } , testCase "Single testDirs" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--test-dir", "test"] flags @?= emptyFlags { testDirs = Flag ["test"] } , testCase "Multiple testDirs" $ do flags <- runParserTest ["--test-dir", "test", "--test-dir", "tests", "--test-dir", "testsuite"] flags @?= emptyFlags { testDirs = Flag ["test", "tests", "testsuite"] } ] where assumeAllParse :: CommandParse (InitFlags -> InitFlags, [String]) -> IO InitFlags assumeAllParse = \case CommandReadyToGo (flagsF, []) -> pure (flagsF emptyFlags) _ -> assertFailure "Expected successful parse" runParserTest :: [String] -> IO InitFlags runParserTest opts = do assumeAllParse $ commandParseArgs initCommand False opts