{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-| Description: Generic implementation of the CoHas injection pattern (dual to Has) Stability: experimental This module defines a class 'CoHas' intended to be used with the 'MonadError' class (and similar ones) or 'Except' / 'ExceptT' types. = The problem Assume there are several types representing the possible errors in different parts of an application: @ data DbError = ... data WebUIError = ... @ as well as a single sum type containing all of those: @ data AppError = AppDbError DbError | AppWebUIError WebUIError @ What should be the @MonadError@ constraint of the DB module and web module respectively? 1. It could be @MonadError AppError m@ for both, introducing unnecessary coupling. 2. Or it could be @MonadError DbError m@ for the DB module and @MonadError WebError m@ for the web module respectively, but combining them becomes a pain. Or, it could be @MonadError e m, CoHas AppError e@ for the DB module (and similarly for the web module), where some appropriately defined @CoHas option sum@ class allows injecting @option@ creating a value of the @sum@ type. This approach keeps both modules decoupled, while allowing using them in the same monad stack. The only downside is that now one has to define the @CoHas@ class and write tedious instances for the @AppError@ type (and potentially other types in case of, for example, tests). But why bother doing the work that the machine will happily do for you? = The solution This module defines the generic 'CoHas' class as well as hides all the boilerplate behind "GHC.Generics", so all you have to do is to add the corresponding @deriving@-clause: @ data AppError = AppDbError DbError | AppWebUIError WebUIError deriving (Generic, CoHas DbError, CoHas WebUIError) @ and use @throwError . inject@ instead of @throwError@ (but this is something you'd have to do anyway). = Type safety What should happen if @sum@ does not have any way to construct it from @option@ at all? Of course, this means that we cannot inject @option@ into @sum@, and no 'CoHas' instance can be derived at all. Indeed, this library will refuse to generate an instance in this case. On the other hand, what should happen if @sum@ contains multiple values of type @option@ (like @Either option option@), perhaps on different levels of nesting? While technically we could make an arbitrary choice, like taking the first one in breadth-first or depth-first order, we instead decide that such a choice is inherently ambiguous, so this library will refuse to generate an instance in this case as well. = Exports This module also reexports 'Control.Monad.Except' along with some functions like 'throwError' or 'liftEither' with types adjusted for the intended usage of the 'CoHas' class. -} module Control.Monad.Except.CoHas ( CoHas(..) , SuccessfulSearch , module X , throwError , liftEither , liftMaybe ) where import qualified Control.Monad.Except as M import Control.Monad.Except as X hiding(throwError, liftEither) import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Kind import Data.Proxy import GHC.Generics import Data.Path type family Search option (g :: k -> Type) :: MaybePath where Search option (K1 _ option) = 'Found 'Here Search option (K1 _ other) = 'NotFound Search option (M1 _ _ x) = Search option x Search option (f :+: g) = Combine (Search option f) (Search option g) Search _ _ = 'NotFound class GCoHas (path :: Path) option gsum where ginject :: Proxy path -> option -> gsum p instance GCoHas 'Here rec (K1 i rec) where ginject _ = K1 instance GCoHas path option sum => GCoHas path option (M1 i t sum) where ginject proxy = M1 . ginject proxy instance GCoHas path option l => GCoHas ('L path) option (l :+: r) where ginject _ = L1 . ginject (Proxy :: Proxy path) instance GCoHas path option r => GCoHas ('R path) option (l :+: r) where ginject _ = R1 . ginject (Proxy :: Proxy path) -- | Type alias representing that the search of @option@ in @sum@ has been successful. -- -- The @path@ is used to guide the default generic implementation of 'CoHas'. type SuccessfulSearch option sum path = (Search option (Rep sum) ~ 'Found path, GCoHas path option (Rep sum)) -- | The @CoHas option sum@ class is used for sum types that could be created from a value of type @option@. class CoHas option sum where -- | Inject an @option@ into the @sum@ type. -- -- The default implementation searches @sum@ for some constructor -- that's compatible with @option@ and creates @sum@ using that constructor. -- The default implementation typechecks iff there is a single matching constructor. inject :: option -> sum default inject :: forall path. (Generic sum, SuccessfulSearch option sum path) => option -> sum inject = to . ginject (Proxy :: Proxy path) -- | Each type can be injected into itself (and that is an 'id' injection). instance CoHas sum sum where inject = id instance SuccessfulSearch a (Either l r) path => CoHas a (Either l r) -- | Begin error processing for the error of type @option@. -- -- This is "Control.Monad.Except"'s 'Control.Monad.Except.throwError' -- with the type adjusted for better compatibility with 'CoHas'. throwError :: (MonadError error m, CoHas option error) => option -> m a throwError = M.throwError . inject -- | Lifts an 'Either' @option@ into any 'MonadError' @error@ where @option@ can be 'inject'ed into @error@. -- -- This is "Control.Monad.Except"'s 'Control.Monad.Except.liftEither' -- with the type adjusted for better compatibility with 'CoHas'. liftEither :: (MonadError error m, CoHas option error) => Either option a -> m a liftEither = M.liftEither . first inject -- | Lifts a 'Maybe' into any 'MonadError' @error@. -- -- This function 'inject's the passed @option@ if the 'Maybe' is 'Nothing'. liftMaybe :: (MonadError error m, CoHas option error) => option -> Maybe a -> m a liftMaybe _ (Just val) = pure val liftMaybe err Nothing = throwError err