name: casadi-bindings version: 2.0.0 synopsis: low level bindings to CasADi category: Numerical, Math description: Haskell bindings to the CasADi algorithmic differentiation and optimal control library. Version numbers correspond to the C++ library version numbers except the very last number which may indicate breaking changes. . This is a metapackage which also hosts the installation instructions. The purpose is that users of the library will always be able to "cabal install casadi-bindings" and have things Just Work, though you may need to install additional add-on modules manually. . The `casadi-bindings-internal` package is handwritten and provides some casadi memory management wrappers and C++ standard type marsahalling. . The rest of the modules like `casadi-bindings-core`, `casadi-bindings-ipopt-interface`, etc are autogenerated from casadi's swig interface and correspond exactly to the casadi C++ API. . For high-level bindings, see my project . The current instructions for getting started on Debian/Ubuntu: . Install libcasadi-shared from , first download it from that website, then: . >> dpkg -i libcasadi-shared.deb . >> cabal update; cabal install casadi-bindings . to install the ipopt interface: . >> apt-get install coinor-libipopt-dev . >> cabal install casadi-bindings-ipopt-interface . Temporary note: there is something wrong with casadi and ipopt related to , and . At the moment this .cabal package works for me as is, but YMMV . For the snopt interface, you may have to do something like . > cabal install casadi-bindings-snopt-interface --extra-lib-dirs='/home/me/snopt/lib' . to find the snopt libraries . I only officially support debian/ubuntu right now, but I have gotten it working on OSX in the past. Everything is done with pkg-config and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so there's no reason I know that there should be problems. homepage: license: LGPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Greg Horn maintainer: copyright: (c) Greg Horn 2013-2014 build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 library build-depends: casadi-bindings-internal == 0.1, casadi-bindings-core == 2.0.0 default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: git://