module Cases ( -- * Processor process, -- ** Case Transformers CaseTransformer, lower, upper, title, -- ** Delimiters Delimiter, spinal, snake, whitespace, camel, -- * Default Processors spinalize, snakify, camelize, ) where import Cases.Prelude hiding (Word) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A import qualified Data.Text as T -- * Part -- | A parsed info and a text of a part. data Part = Word Case T.Text | Digits T.Text data Case = Title | Upper | Lower partToText :: Part -> T.Text partToText = \case Word _ t -> t Digits t -> t -- * Parsers upperParser :: A.Parser Part upperParser = Word Upper <$> T.pack <$> A.many1 char where char = do c <- A.satisfy isUpper ok <- maybe True (not . isLower) <$> A.peekChar if ok then return c else empty lowerParser :: A.Parser Part lowerParser = Word Lower <$> (A.takeWhile1 isLower) titleParser :: A.Parser Part titleParser = Word Title <$> (T.cons <$> headChar <*> remainder) where headChar = A.satisfy isUpper remainder = A.takeWhile1 isLower digitsParser :: A.Parser Part digitsParser = Digits <$> (A.takeWhile1 isDigit) partParser :: A.Parser Part partParser = titleParser <|> upperParser <|> lowerParser <|> digitsParser -- | -- A parser, which does in-place processing, using the supplied 'Folder'. partsParser :: (Monoid r) => Folder r -> A.Parser r partsParser fold = loop mempty where loop r = (partParser >>= loop . fold r) <|> (A.anyChar *> loop r) <|> (A.endOfInput *> pure r) -- * Folders type Folder r = r -> Part -> r type Delimiter = Folder (Maybe T.Text) spinal :: Delimiter spinal = (. partToText) . fmap Just . maybe id (\l r -> l <> "-" <> r) snake :: Delimiter snake = (. partToText) . fmap Just . maybe id (\l r -> l <> "_" <> r) whitespace :: Delimiter whitespace = (. partToText) . fmap Just . maybe id (\l r -> l <> " " <> r) camel :: Delimiter camel = fmap Just . maybe partToText (\l r -> l <> partToText (title r)) -- * CaseTransformers type CaseTransformer = Part -> Part lower :: CaseTransformer lower = \case Word c t -> Word Lower t' where t' = case c of Title -> T.uncons t |> \case Nothing -> t Just (h, t) -> T.cons (toLower h) t Upper -> T.toLower t Lower -> t p -> p upper :: CaseTransformer upper = \case Word c t -> Word Upper t' where t' = case c of Title -> T.uncons t |> \case Nothing -> t Just (h, t) -> T.cons h (T.toUpper t) Upper -> t Lower -> T.toUpper t p -> p title :: CaseTransformer title = \case Word c t -> Word Title t' where t' = case c of Title -> t Upper -> T.uncons t |> \case Nothing -> t Just (h, t) -> T.cons (toUpper h) (T.toLower t) Lower -> T.uncons t |> \case Nothing -> t Just (h, t) -> T.cons (toUpper h) t p -> p -- * API -- | -- Extract separate words from an arbitrary text using a smart parser and -- produce a new text using case transformation and delimiter functions. -- -- Note: to skip case transformation use the 'id' function. process :: CaseTransformer -> Delimiter -> T.Text -> T.Text process tr fo = fromMaybe "" . either (error . ("Parse failure: " <>)) id . A.parseOnly (partsParser $ (. tr) . fo) -- | -- Transform an arbitrary text into a lower spinal case. -- -- Same as @('process' 'lower' 'spinal')@. spinalize :: T.Text -> T.Text spinalize = process lower spinal -- | -- Transform an arbitrary text into a lower snake case. -- -- Same as @('process' 'lower' 'snake')@. snakify :: T.Text -> T.Text snakify = process lower snake -- | -- Transform an arbitrary text into a camel case, -- while preserving the case of the first character. -- -- Same as @('process' 'id' 'camel')@. camelize :: T.Text -> T.Text camelize = process id camel