{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module HaskellGen where import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Text.Printf import System.IO import System.FilePath import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import Text.Regex.Posix import Safe import HeaderData import CppUtils import Utils import DeriveMod data Options = Options { outputdir :: FilePath , interfacefile :: String , inheritfile :: FilePath , umbrellamodule :: FilePath , excludepatterns :: [String] , defaultins :: [String] , defaultouts :: [String] , inparameters :: [String] , outparameters :: [String] , hierarchy :: String } deriving (Show) $(deriveMods ''Options) defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options "" "" "" "" [] [] [] [] [] "" -- haskell c type descriptor, e.g. "Ptr CChar" data HsCType = HsCType { hsname :: String -- ^ haskell c type, like "CChar" , numptrs :: Int -- ^ number of pointers } deriving (Show) -- descriptor on how to convert a haskell type to a c type data CConv = WithLambda String | CConvFunc String Bool | NoCConv deriving (Show) -- descriptor on how to convert a c type to a haskell type data HsConv = HsConv String Bool | NoHsConv deriving (Show) data HsFun = HsFun { cfilename :: String -- ^ c header file , cfunname :: String -- ^ c function name , cparams :: [HsCType] -- ^ haskell c type params , cretparam :: HsCType -- ^ haskell c type for the return type , hsfunname :: String -- ^ haskell function name , hsparams :: [(CConv, String)] -- ^ (how to convert the c type to a haskell type, -- which haskell type to convert to) , hsrettypes :: [((CConv, String), HsConv)] -- ^ ((how to convert the c return types to a haskell type, -- which haskell type to convert to), -- ^ how to convert the c return types to a haskell type) } deriving (Show) haskellGen :: Options -> [(FilePath, [Object])] -> IO () haskellGen opts objs = do let outdir = outputdir opts excls = excludepatterns opts funs = map (apSnd (filter (\f -> not $ or (map (\e -> funname f =~ e) excls)))) $ map (apSnd getFuns) objs enums = concatMap getEnums $ map snd objs enumnames = map (capitalize . enumname) enums alltypes = getAllTypesWithPtr (concatMap snd funs) typeValid :: String -> Bool typeValid t = not . isJust $ typeValidMsg enumnames opts t (cpptypes, rejtypes) = S.partition typeValid alltypes modprefix = hierarchy opts hPutStrLn stderr $ "Rejected types: " forM_ (S.toList rejtypes) print hPutStrLn stderr $ "Used types: " let hstypes = nubBy (\x y -> hstypify x == hstypify y) $ filter (not . isStdType . stripPtr) (S.toList cpptypes) typefile = outdir "Types.hs" hstypify = capitalize . stripPtr . removeNamespace -- Types module withFile typefile WriteMode $ \h -> do hPrintf h "module %sTypes\nwhere\n\n" modprefix hPutStrLn h importForeign hPrintf h "type CBool = CChar -- correct?\n\n" forM_ hstypes $ \t -> do case (filter (\e -> enumname e == (capitalize . stripPtr . stripNamespace) t)) enums of ((EnumDef en vs _):_) -> do let hstypename = hstypify en decaptn = decapitalize hstypename constrs = map (apFst hstypify) $ getEnumValues vs hPrintf h "\ndata %s = %s\n\n" hstypename (intercalate " | " (map fst constrs)) hPrintf h "%sToCInt :: %s -> CInt\n" decaptn hstypename forM_ constrs $ \(c, v) -> do hPrintf h "%sToCInt %s = %d\n" decaptn c v hPrintf h "\n" hPrintf h "cintTo%s :: CInt -> %s\n" hstypename hstypename forM_ constrs $ \(c, v) -> do hPrintf h "cintTo%s %d = %s\n" hstypename v c hPrintf h "cintTo%s n = error $ \"cintTo%s: can not convert integer '\" ++ show n ++ \"' to %s\"\n" hstypename hstypename hstypename hPrintf h "\n" _ -> let t' = hstypify t in hPrintf h "newtype %s = %s (Ptr %s) -- nullary data type\n" t' t' t' hPrintf h "\n" -- classes and instances when (not . null $ inheritfile opts) $ do inheritdata <- withFile (inheritfile opts) ReadMode $ \ih -> do conts <- hGetContents ih forM (lines conts) $ \l -> do let (cname, inheritline) = break (== '|') l inherits = map (dropWhile (== ',')) $ groupBy (\_ b -> b /= ',') $ tailSafe inheritline return (cname, inherits) let hstypeset = (S.\\) (S.fromList (map hstypify hstypes)) (S.fromList enumnames) inheritlist :: [(String, [String])] inheritlist = M.toList . foldr (\(k, a) acc -> M.insertWith' (++) k [a] acc) M.empty . map swap . expand . catMaybes $ for inheritdata $ \(cname, superclasses) -> if hstypify cname `S.member` hstypeset then Just (hstypify cname, catMaybes $ for superclasses $ \s -> if (s `S.member` hstypeset) then Just (hstypify s) else Nothing) else Nothing forM_ inheritlist $ \(cname, inheritances) -> do when (cname `S.member` hstypeset && not (null inheritances)) $ do hPrintf h "class C%s a where\n to%s :: a -> %s\n\n" cname cname cname forM_ inheritances $ \i -> do hPrintf h "instance C%s %s where\n to%s (%s p) = %s (castPtr p)\n\n" cname i cname i cname expfuns <- forM funs $ \(file, filefuns) -> withFile (outdir ((takeBaseName file) ++ ".hs")) WriteMode $ \h -> do allgenfuns <- catMaybes <$> (forM filefuns $ \fun -> do case cfunToHsFun enumnames opts file fun of Right hsf -> return $ Just hsf Left err -> hPrintf stderr "Function %s discarded:\n\t%s\n" (getObjName fun) err >> return Nothing) let constructors = filter isConstructor allgenfuns withfunnames = map withFunName constructors hPrintf h "{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}\n" hPrintf h "module %s%s(\n%s\n)\n\nwhere\n\nimport %sTypes\nimport Control.Monad\n\n" modprefix (takeBaseName file) (intercalate ", \n" $ withfunnames ++ map hsfunname allgenfuns) modprefix hPutStrLn h importForeign mapM_ (addWithFun h) constructors forM_ allgenfuns $ addFun h return $ withfunnames ++ map hsfunname allgenfuns when (not . null $ umbrellamodule opts) $ do withFile (outdir (umbrellamodule opts)) WriteMode $ \h -> do hPrintf h "module %s%s(\n %s\n)\n\nwhere\n\n%s\n" modprefix (takeBaseName $ umbrellamodule opts) (intercalate ", \n " $ concat expfuns) (intercalate "\n" $ map (("import " ++ modprefix) ++) (map (takeBaseName . fst) funs)) withFunName :: HsFun -> String withFunName = replace "new" "with" . hsfunname -- creates the HsFun. cfunToHsFun :: [String] -> Options -> FilePath -> Object -> Either String HsFun cfunToHsFun enumnames opts filename (FunDecl fname rt ps _ _ _ _) = case catMaybes (map (typeValidMsg enumnames opts) (map (correctType . stripConst) (rt:pts))) of [] -> Right $ HsFun filename fname (map (cTypeToHsCType enumnames) pts) (cTypeToHsCType enumnames rt) (decapitalize $ if '_' `elem` fname then dropWhile (== '_') $ dropWhile (/= '_') fname else fname) (map (cTypeToHsType enumnames) pts) ([(cTypeToHsType enumnames rt, convRevFunc enumnames rt)]) l -> Left (intercalate "\n" l) where pts = map vartype ps cfunToHsFun _ _ _ _ = Left "Given object is not a function" -- cTypeToHsCType "const char **" = HsCType CChar 2 cTypeToHsCType :: [String] -> String -> HsCType cTypeToHsCType _ "void" = HsCType "()" 0 cTypeToHsCType enums t | (stripNamespace . correctType . stripExtra . stripConst $ t) `elem` enums = HsCType "CInt" 0 | otherwise = case cTypeToHs t of Nothing -> HsCType (capitalize . removeNamespace . correctType . stripExtra . stripConst $ t) (isPtr ct - 1) Just t' -> HsCType t' (isPtr ct) where ct = correctType . stripConst $ t -- showHsCType (CChar, 2) = (Ptr (Ptr CChar)) showHsCType :: HsCType -> String showHsCType h = hsPointerize (numptrs h) (hsname h) -- cTypeToHsType "const int **" = (CConvFunc "fromIntegral", "Int") cTypeToHsType :: [String] -> String -> (CConv, String) cTypeToHsType _ "void" = (NoCConv, "()") cTypeToHsType enums t | correctType (stripConst t) == "char*" = (WithLambda "withCString", "String") | otherwise = let entype = stripNamespace . correctType . stripExtra . stripConst $ t in if entype `elem` enums then (CConvFunc (printf "%sToCInt" $ decapitalize entype) False, entype) else case join $ fmap cleanCType $ cTypeToHs t of Nothing -> (NoCConv, printHsType enums t) Just t' -> (convFunc t, t') paramList :: HsFun -> String paramList = intercalate " " . paramNames . length . hsparams -- creates the Haskell function definition. hsFunDefinition :: HsFun -> String hsFunDefinition h = printf "%s %s = %s" (hsfunname h) (paramList h) (hsFunDef (hsfunname h) (hsparams h) (snd $ head $ hsrettypes h)) where hsFunDef :: String -> [(CConv, String)] -> HsConv -> String hsFunDef fn inparams retparam = let ptypes = zip (paramNames maxBound) (map (correctType . stripConst . snd) inparams) cstrings = filter (\(_, t) -> t == "String") ptypes mkCString (pnm, _) = printf "withCString %s $ \\c%s -> \n " pnm pnm resLift = case retparam of NoHsConv -> "" HsConv n False -> "liftM " ++ n ++ " $ " HsConv n True -> "(=<<) " ++ n ++ " $ " funcall = cPrefix ++ fn funparams = intercalate " " (map paramcall (zip inparams (map fst ptypes))) paramcall :: ((CConv, String), String) -> String paramcall ((cv, ct), pt) = pprefix ++ pname ++ psuffix where pname = if ct == "String" then 'c' : pt else pt (pprefix, psuffix) = case cv of CConvFunc n _ -> ("(" ++ n ++ " ", ")") _ -> ("", "") in concatMap mkCString cstrings ++ " " ++ resLift ++ " " ++ funcall ++ " " ++ funparams -- prints out the haskell function declaration and definition. -- TODO: take defined out-params into account. addFun :: Handle -> HsFun -> IO () addFun h hsf = do -- FFI import hPutStrLn h (ffiHsFun hsf) -- type signature hPutStrLn h (typeSigHsFun hsf) -- function definition hPutStrLn h (hsFunDefinition hsf) hPutStrLn h "" where ffiHsFun :: HsFun -> String ffiHsFun hf = hsFFIFun (cfilename hf) (cfunname hf) (hsfunname hf) (map showHsCType (cparams hf)) (showHsCType (cretparam hf)) hsFFIFun :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> String -> String hsFFIFun file fn cfn inparams retparam = printf "foreign import ccall \"%s %s\" %s%s :: %sIO %s" file fn cPrefix cfn (printHsParams inparams) (retparam) typeSigHsFun :: HsFun -> String typeSigHsFun hf = printf "%s :: %sIO %s" (hsfunname hf) (typeSigList hf) (hsFunRetType hf) hsFunRetType :: HsFun -> String hsFunRetType hf = let hsr = map (snd . fst) $ hsrettypes hf (pref, suff) = if length hsr == 1 then ("", "") else ("(", ")") in pref ++ intercalate ", " hsr ++ suff -- e.g. "String -> String -> String ->" typeSigList :: HsFun -> String typeSigList hf = if null (hsparams hf) then "" else intercalate " -> " (map snd $ hsparams hf) ++ " -> " -- checks whether the given type can be used. -- The type can be used, if: -- The type is a standard c type either as a value or -- as a pointer with a defined meaning, or -- the type is a pointer to a handle, or -- the type is a defined enum, or -- the type is void. -- -- The meaning (in/out/in+out) of a standard c type is "defined", if -- the type is not a pointer, or -- the type is a pointer, and the meaning is given. (not yet implemented) typeValidMsg :: [String] -> Options -> String -> Maybe String typeValidMsg enums opts t = validateAll [(t /= "void*", "Void pointer not supported"), (not (isTemplate t), "Template types not supported"), ((any (==(stripNamespace t)) enums || t == "void" || isStdType t || isPtr t > 0), "type " ++ t ++ " is a value of a non-standard type"), (hasDir, "direction for the type " ++ t ++ " has not been defined in the interface file")] where validateAll = foldl' validate Nothing where validate (Just n) _ = Just n validate Nothing (f, str) = if not f then Just str else Nothing hasDir = isPtr t == 0 || (isPtr t == 1 && (not $ isJust $ cTypeToHs t)) || t `elem` defaultins opts addWithFun :: Handle -> HsFun -> IO () addWithFun h fun = do let fn = hsfunname fun fnw = withFunName fun dst = replace "new.*" "delete" fn typ = hsFunRetType fun pl = paramList fun hPrintf h "%s :: %s(%s -> IO a) -> IO a\n" fnw (typeSigList fun) typ hPrintf h "%s %s f = do\n" fnw pl hPrintf h " obj <- %s %s\n" fn pl hPrintf h " res <- f obj\n" hPrintf h " %s obj\n" dst hPrintf h " return res\n\n" isConstructor :: HsFun -> Bool isConstructor = constructor . hsfunname isDestructor :: HsFun -> Bool isDestructor = destructor . hsfunname destructor :: String -> Bool destructor fn = fn =~ ".*_delete$" constructor :: String -> Bool constructor fn = fn =~ ".*_new($|_.*$)" importForeign :: String importForeign = "import Foreign\nimport Foreign.C.String\nimport Foreign.C.Types\n" cPrefix :: String cPrefix = "c_" -- in: a c type, like "int" -- out: the haskell conversion function for converting from a haskell data type to this type convFunc :: String -> CConv convFunc ptype | (filter (/= ' ') . correctType . stripConst) ptype == "char*" = CConvFunc "peekCString" True convFunc ptype = case fromMaybe "" $ cTypeToHs ptype of "CChar" -> CConvFunc "castCharToCChar" False "CSChar" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CUChar" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CShort" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CUShort" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CInt" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CUInt" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CSize" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CLong" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CULong" -> CConvFunc "fromIntegral" False "CFloat" -> CConvFunc "realToFrac" False "CDouble" -> CConvFunc "realToFrac" False "CBool" -> CConvFunc "fromBool" False _ -> NoCConv -- in: a c type, like "int" -- out: the haskell conversion function for converting this c type to a haskell data type convRevFunc :: [String] -> String -> HsConv convRevFunc enums t | fromMaybe "" (cTypeToHs t) == "CBool" = HsConv "toBool" False | otherwise = case convFunc t of CConvFunc n iob -> HsConv n iob _ -> let entype = stripNamespace . correctType . stripExtra . stripConst $ t in if entype `elem` enums then HsConv (printf "cintTo%s" entype) False else NoHsConv paramNames :: Int -> [String] paramNames n = map ('p':) (map show [1..n]) -- printHsType "const char **" = "(Ptr (Ptr CChar))" printHsType :: [String] -> String -> String printHsType _ "void" = "()" printHsType enums t = case cTypeToHs t of Nothing -> hsPointerize (isPtr ct - 1) $ capitalize . fixNamespace enums . correctType . stripConst $ t Just t' -> hsPointerize (isPtr ct) t' where ct = correctType . stripConst $ t hsPointerize :: Int -> String -> String hsPointerize numPtrs t = concat (replicate numPtrs "(Ptr ") ++ (stripPtr t) ++ concat (replicate numPtrs ")") cTypeToHs :: String -> Maybe String cTypeToHs = cTypeToHs' . clearType where -- strips const, pointers: const char ** => char clearType :: String -> String clearType = stripPtr . correctType . stripConst cTypeToHs' :: String -> Maybe String cTypeToHs' "float" = Just "CFloat" cTypeToHs' "double" = Just "CDouble" cTypeToHs' "char" = Just "CChar" cTypeToHs' "int" = Just "CInt" cTypeToHs' "unsigned int" = Just "CUInt" cTypeToHs' "signed int" = Just "CInt" cTypeToHs' "long" = Just "CLong" cTypeToHs' "unsigned long" = Just "CULong" cTypeToHs' "signed long" = Just "CLong" cTypeToHs' "bool" = Just "CBool" cTypeToHs' "short" = Just "CShort" cTypeToHs' "unsigned short" = Just "CUShort" cTypeToHs' "signed short" = Just "CShort" cTypeToHs' "unsigned" = Just "CInt" cTypeToHs' "long long" = Just "CLong" cTypeToHs' "unsigned long long" = Just "CULong" cTypeToHs' "int8_t" = Just "CChar" cTypeToHs' "uint8_t" = Just "CUChar" cTypeToHs' "int16_t" = Just "CShort" cTypeToHs' "uint16_t" = Just "CUShort" cTypeToHs' "int32_t" = Just "CLong" cTypeToHs' "uint32_t" = Just "CULong" cTypeToHs' "int64_t" = Just "CLong" cTypeToHs' "uint64_t" = Just "CULong" cTypeToHs' "size_t" = Just "CSize" cTypeToHs' "uint8" = Just "CUChar" cTypeToHs' "uint16" = Just "CUShort" cTypeToHs' "uint32" = Just "CULong" cTypeToHs' "uint64" = Just "CULong" cTypeToHs' _ = Nothing cleanCType :: String -> Maybe String cleanCType "CFloat" = Just "Float" cleanCType "CDouble" = Just "Double" cleanCType "CChar" = Just "Char" cleanCType "CSChar" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CUChar" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CInt" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CUInt" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CLong" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CULong" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CBool" = Just "Bool" cleanCType "CShort" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CUShort" = Just "Int" cleanCType "CSize" = Just "Int" cleanCType _ = Nothing printHsParams :: [String] -> String printHsParams [] = "" printHsParams types = intercalate " -> " types ++ " -> "