Metadata revisions for clay-0.10.1

Package maintainers and Hackage trustees are allowed to edit certain bits of package metadata after a release, without uploading a new tarball. Note that the tarball itself is never changed, just the metadata that is stored separately. For more information about metadata revisions, please refer to the Hackage Metadata Revisions FAQ.

No. Time User SHA256
-r2 (clay-0.10.1-r2) 2018-05-29T00:33:05Z GeorgeWilson f0899c7594ad9999a1871cc4dd0a7de5dc97574ef9d5e83db2ebdfb3089f60dc
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'base' from

    >=4.5 && <5
    >=4.5 && <4.11

  • Changed the test suite 'Test-Clay' component's library dependency on 'base' from

    >=4.5 && <5
    >=4.5 && <4.11

-r1 (clay-0.10.1-r1) 2015-05-03T22:34:10Z AdamBergmark 8ecb3c320c9470f2bf250552d7fac738520d90d28e8e90b11922d1c4940a0263
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'base' from

    >=4 && <5
    >=4.5 && <5

  • Changed the test suite 'Test-Clay' component's library dependency on 'base' from

    >=4 && <5
    >=4.5 && <5

-r0 (clay-0.10.1-r0) 2015-02-04T14:22:42Z SebastiaanVisser 6d774ae45ad4ac2680d943917692b72c3e2781e0dc404b55031aae6575007a21