{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, KindSignatures, LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NamedFieldPuns, NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, PolyKinds, RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, UndecidableInstances, ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields -Wno-type-defaults -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} module Algebra.LinkedMatrix (Matrix, toLists, fromLists, fromList, swapRows, identity,nonZeroRows,nonZeroCols, swapCols, switchCols, switchRows, addRow, addCol, ncols, nrows, getRow, getCol, triangulateModular, scaleRow, combineRows, combineCols, transpose, inBound, height, width, cmap, empty, rowVector, colVector, rowCount, colCount, traverseRow, traverseCol, Entry, idx, value, substMatrix, catRow, catCol, (<||>), (<-->), toRows, toCols, zeroMat, getDiag, trace, diagProd, diag, scaleCol, clearRow, clearCol, index, (!), nonZeroEntries, rankLM, splitIndependentDirs, structuredGauss, multWithVector, solveWiedemann, henselLift, solveHensel, structuredGauss', intDet) where import Algebra.Algorithms.ChineseRemainder import Algebra.Field.Finite import Algebra.Instances () import Algebra.Prelude.Core hiding (Vector, empty, fromList, generate, insert, transpose, (%), (<.>), (<>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Arrow ((>>>)) import Control.Lens hiding (index, (<.>)) import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Control.Monad.Loops (iterateUntil) import Control.Monad.Random hiding (fromList) import Control.Monad.ST.Strict (ST, runST) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (evalState, runState) import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parMap) import Control.Parallel.Strategies (rdeepseq) import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap, alter, insert, mapMaybeWithKey, minViewWithKey) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.List (minimumBy, sort) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.Monoid (First (..)) import Data.Numbers.Primes (primes) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Reflection (Reifies (..), reify) import Data.Semigroup hiding (First (..)) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Data.Vector (Vector, create, generate, thaw, unsafeFreeze) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector.Mutable (grow) import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV import Numeric.Decidable.Zero (isZero) import Numeric.Domain.GCD (gcd, lcm) import Numeric.Field.Fraction ((%)) import Numeric.Semiring.ZeroProduct (ZeroProductSemiring) import qualified Prelude as P data Entry a = Entry { _value :: !a , _idx :: !(Int, Int) , _rowNext :: !(Maybe Int) , _colNext :: !(Maybe Int) } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) makeLenses ''Entry newEntry :: a -> Entry a newEntry v = Entry v (-1,-1) Nothing Nothing data Matrix a = Matrix { _coefficients :: !(Vector (Entry a)) , _rowStart :: !(IntMap Int) , _colStart :: !(IntMap Int) , _height :: !Int , _width :: !Int } deriving (Read, Show) makeLenses ''Matrix data BuildState = BuildState { _colMap :: !(IntMap Int) , _rowMap :: !(IntMap Int) , _curIdx :: !Int } makeLenses ''BuildState data GaussianState a = GaussianState { _input :: !(Matrix a) , _output :: !(Matrix a) , _prevCol :: !Int , _heavyCols :: !IntSet , _curRow :: !Int , _detAcc :: !a } makeLenses ''GaussianState instance Eq a => Eq (Matrix a) where n == m = n^.height == m^.height && n^.width == m^.width && content n == content m where content = sortBy (comparing fst) . V.toList . nonZeroEntries data MaxEntry a b = MaxEntry { _weight :: !a , entry :: b } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) empty :: Matrix a empty = Matrix V.empty IM.empty IM.empty 0 0 fromLists :: DecidableZero a => [[a]] -> Matrix a fromLists xss = fromList (concat $ zipWith (\i -> zipWith (\j -> ((i,j),)) [0..]) [0..] xss) & width .~ maximum (0 : map length xss) & height .~ length xss fromCols :: DecidableZero a => [Vector a] -> Matrix a fromCols xss = let h = maximum $ map V.length xss w = length xss in fromList (concat $ zipWith (\i -> V.toList . V.imap (\j -> ((j,i),))) [0..] xss) & width .~ w & height .~ h fromList :: DecidableZero a => [((Int, Int), a)] -> Matrix a fromList cs = let (as, bs) = runState (mapM initialize $ filter (view $ _2 . to (not.isZero)) cs) (BuildState IM.empty IM.empty (-1)) vec = V.fromList as h = maximum (0:map (view $ _1._1) cs) + 1 w = maximum (0:map (view $ _1._2) cs) + 1 in Matrix vec (bs^.rowMap) (bs^.colMap) h w where initialize ((i, j), c) = do curIdx += 1 n <- use curIdx nc <- use $ colMap.at j nr <- use $ rowMap.at i colMap %= insert j n rowMap %= insert i n return $ Entry { _value = c , _idx = (i, j) , _rowNext = nr , _colNext = nc } getDiag :: Monoidal a => Matrix a -> Vector a getDiag mat = V.generate (min (mat^.height) (mat^.width)) $ \i -> fromMaybe zero $ traverseDir Nothing (\a _ e -> a <|> if i == e^.nthL Row then Just (e^.value ) else Nothing) Row i mat diagProd :: (Unital c, Monoidal c) => Matrix c -> c diagProd = V.foldr' (*) one . getDiag trace :: Monoidal c => Matrix c -> c trace = V.foldr' (+) zero . getDiag toLists :: forall a. Monoidal a => Matrix a -> [[a]] toLists mat = let orig = replicate (_height mat) $ replicate (_width mat) (zero :: a) in go (V.toList $ _coefficients mat) orig where go [] m = m go (Entry{_value = v, _idx = (i,j) }:es) m = go es (m&ix i.ix j .~ v) swapRows :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a swapRows = swapper Row swapCols :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a swapCols = swapper Column swapper :: Direction -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a swapper dir i j mat = let ith = mat^.startL dir.at i jth = mat^.startL dir.at j in mat & startL dir %~ alter (const jth) i . alter (const ith) j & coefficients %~ go ith . go jth where go Nothing v = v go (Just k) vec = let !cur = vec V.! k in go (cur ^. nextL dir) (vec & ix k . coordL dir %~ change) change k | k == i = j | k == j = i | otherwise = k scaleDir :: (DecidableZero a, Multiplicative a) => Direction -> a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a scaleDir dir a i mat | otherwise = mapDir (*a) dir i mat | isZero a = clearDir dir i mat clearAt :: Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a clearAt k mat = mat & coefficients %~ go & forwardStart Column & forwardStart Row where !old = ((mat ^. coefficients) V.! k) & colNext._Just %~ shifter & rowNext._Just %~ shifter forwardStart dir = let l = (old ^. coordL dir) in startL dir %~ mapMaybeWithKey (\d v -> if d == l && v == k then old ^. nextL dir else Just $ shifter v) shiftDir sel = nextL sel %~ \case Nothing -> Nothing Just l -> if l == k then old ^. nextL sel else Just $ shifter l shifter n = if n < k then n else n - 1 go vs = generate (V.length vs - 1) $ \n -> vs V.! (if n < k then n else n + 1) & shiftDir Column & shiftDir Row clearDir :: Direction -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a clearDir dir i mat = foldl (flip clearAt) mat $ sort $ mapMaybe (fmap fst) $ V.toList $ igetDir dir i mat clearRow :: Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a clearRow = clearDir Row clearCol :: Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a clearCol = clearDir Column scaleRow :: (DecidableZero a, Multiplicative a) => a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a scaleRow = scaleDir Row scaleCol :: (DecidableZero a, Multiplicative a) => a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a scaleCol = scaleDir Column mapDir :: (a -> a) -> Direction -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a mapDir f dir i mat = traverseDir mat trv dir i mat where trv m k _ = m & coefficients . ix k . value %~ f traverseDir :: b -> (b -> Int -> Entry a -> b) -> Direction -> Int -> Matrix a -> b traverseDir ini f dir i mat = runIdentity $ traverseDirM ini (\b j e -> return $ f b j e) dir i mat traverseDirM :: Monad m => b -> (b -> Int -> Entry a -> m b) -> Direction -> Int -> Matrix a -> m b traverseDirM ini f dir i mat = go (IM.lookup i (mat^.startL dir)) ini where vec = mat ^. coefficients go Nothing b = return b go (Just k) b = do let !cur = vec V.! k go (cur ^. nextL dir) =<< f b k cur getDir :: forall a. Monoidal a => Direction -> Int -> Matrix a -> Vector a getDir dir i mat = create $ do v <- MV.replicate (mat ^. lenL dir) (zero :: a) traverseDirM () (trav v) dir i mat return v where trav :: forall s. MV.MVector s a -> () -> Int -> Entry a -> ST s () trav v _ _ ent = MV.write v (ent ^. nthL dir) (ent ^. value) igetDir :: forall a. Direction -> Int -> Matrix a -> Vector (Maybe (Int, Entry a)) igetDir dir i mat = create $ do v <- MV.replicate (mat ^. lenL dir) Nothing traverseDirM () (trav v) dir i mat return v where trav :: forall s. MV.MVector s (Maybe (Int, Entry a)) -> () -> Int -> Entry a -> ST s () trav v _ k ent = MV.write v (ent ^. nthL dir) (Just (k, ent)) getRow :: Monoidal a => Int -> Matrix a -> Vector a getRow = getDir Row getCol :: Monoidal a => Int -> Matrix a -> Vector a getCol = getDir Column data Direction = Row | Column deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) lenL, countL :: Direction -> Lens' (Matrix a) Int lenL Row = width lenL Column = height countL Row = height countL Column = width nthL, coordL :: Direction -> Lens' (Entry a) Int coordL Row = idx . _1 coordL Column = idx . _2 nthL Row = idx . _2 nthL Column = idx . _1 startL :: Direction -> Lens' (Matrix a) (IntMap Int) startL Row = rowStart startL Column = colStart nextL :: Direction -> Lens' (Entry a) (Maybe Int) nextL Row = rowNext nextL Column = colNext addDir :: forall a. (DecidableZero a) => Direction -> Vector a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a addDir dir vec i mat = runST $ do mv <- thaw $ mat ^. coefficients let n = MV.length mv upd (dic, del) k e = do let v' = e ^. value + IM.findWithDefault zero (e ^. nthL dir) mp d' <- if isZero v' then return $ k : del else MV.write mv k (e & value .~ v') >> return del return (IM.delete (e ^. nthL dir) dic, d') (rest, dels) <- traverseDirM (mp, []) upd dir i mat mv' <- if IM.null rest then return mv else grow mv (IM.size rest) let app j (p, k, opo) v = do let preOpo = mat ^. startL (perp dir) . at j MV.write mv' k $ newEntry v & nextL dir .~ p & nextL (perp dir) .~ preOpo & coordL dir .~ i & nthL dir .~ j return (Just k, k+1, alter (const $ Just k) j opo) (l, _, opoStart) <- ifoldlM app (mat ^. startL dir . at i, n, mat ^. startL (perp dir)) rest v' <- unsafeFreeze mv' let mat' = mat & coefficients .~ v' & startL dir %~ alter (const l) i & startL (perp dir) .~ opoStart return $ foldr clearAt mat' dels where mp :: IntMap a mp = V.ifoldr (\k v d -> if isZero v then d else IM.insert k v d) IM.empty vec perp :: Direction -> Direction perp Row = Column perp Column = Row addRow :: (DecidableZero a) => Vector a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a addRow = addDir Row addCol :: (DecidableZero a) => Vector a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a addCol = addDir Column inBound :: (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> Bool inBound (i, j) mat = 0 <= i && i < mat ^. height && 0 <= j && j < mat ^. width index :: Monoidal a => IM.Key -> Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe a index i j mat | not $ inBound (i, j) mat = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ go (IM.lookup i $ mat ^. rowStart) where go Nothing = zero go (Just k) = let e = (mat ^. coefficients) V.! k in if e^.idx._2 == j then e ^. value else go (e^.rowNext) (!) :: Monoidal a => Matrix a -> (Int, Int) -> a (!) a (i, j) = fromJust $ index i j a combineDir :: (DecidableZero a, Multiplicative a) => Direction -> a -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a combineDir dir alpha i j mat = addDir dir (V.map (alpha *) $ getDir dir i mat) j mat combineRows :: (DecidableZero a, Multiplicative a) => a -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a combineRows = combineDir Row combineCols :: (DecidableZero a, Multiplicative a) => a -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a combineCols = combineDir Column nrows, ncols :: Matrix a -> Int ncols = view width nrows = view height identity :: Unital a => Int -> Matrix a identity n = let idMap = IM.fromList [(i,i) | i <- [0..n-1]] in Matrix (V.fromList [newEntry one & idx .~ (i,i) | i <- [0..n-1]]) idMap idMap n n diag :: DecidableZero a => Vector a -> Matrix a diag v = let n = V.length v idMap = IM.fromList [(i,i) | i <- [0..n-1]] in clearZero $ Matrix (V.imap (\i a -> newEntry a & idx .~ (i,i)) v) idMap idMap n n catDir :: DecidableZero b => Direction -> Matrix b -> Vector b -> Matrix b catDir dir mat vec = runST $ do let seed = V.filter (not . isZero . snd) $ V.take (mat ^. lenL dir) $ V.indexed vec n = V.length $ mat ^. coefficients curD = mat ^. countL dir getNextIdx l | l == 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just (n+l-1) mv <- flip grow (V.length seed) =<< thaw (mat^.coefficients) let upd (k, v) (l, opdic) = do MV.write mv (n+l) $ newEntry v & nthL dir .~ k & coordL dir .~ curD & nextL dir .~ getNextIdx l & nextL (perp dir) .~ IM.lookup k opdic return (l+1, alter (const $ Just $ n+l) k opdic) (l, op') <- foldlMOf folded (flip upd) (0, mat ^. startL (perp dir)) seed v <- unsafeFreeze mv return $ mat & countL dir +~ 1 & startL dir %~ alter (const $ getNextIdx l) curD & startL (perp dir) .~ op' & coefficients .~ v dirVector :: DecidableZero a => Direction -> Vector a -> Matrix a dirVector Row = rowVector dirVector Column = colVector rowVector :: DecidableZero a => Vector a -> Matrix a rowVector = fromLists. (:[]) . V.toList colVector :: DecidableZero a => Vector a -> Matrix a colVector = fromLists . map (:[]) . V.toList toDirs :: Monoidal a => Direction -> Matrix a -> [Vector a] toDirs dir mat = [ getDir dir i mat | i <- [0..mat^.countL dir-1]] toRows :: Monoidal a => Matrix a -> [Vector a] toRows = toDirs Row toCols :: Monoidal a => Matrix a -> [Vector a] toCols = toDirs Column appendDir :: DecidableZero b => Direction -> Matrix b -> Matrix b -> Matrix b appendDir dir m = foldl (catDir dir) m . toDirs dir (<-->) :: DecidableZero b => Matrix b -> Matrix b -> Matrix b (<-->) = appendDir Row (<||>) :: DecidableZero b => Matrix b -> Matrix b -> Matrix b (<||>) = appendDir Column catRow :: DecidableZero b => Matrix b -> Vector b -> Matrix b catRow = catDir Row catCol :: DecidableZero b => Matrix b -> Vector b -> Matrix b catCol = catDir Column switchRows :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a switchRows = swapRows switchCols :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a switchCols = swapCols cmap :: DecidableZero a => (a1 -> a) -> Matrix a1 -> Matrix a cmap f = clearZero . (coefficients . mapped . value %~ f) clearZero :: DecidableZero a => Matrix a -> Matrix a clearZero mat = V.ifoldr (\i v m -> if isZero (v^.value) then clearAt i m else m) mat (mat ^. coefficients) transpose :: Matrix a -> Matrix a transpose mat = mat & rowStart .~ mat^.colStart & colStart .~ mat^.rowStart & height .~ mat^.width & width .~ mat^.height & coefficients . each %~ swapEntry where swapEntry ent = ent & idx %~ swap & rowNext .~ ent ^. colNext & colNext .~ ent ^. rowNext zeroMat :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a zeroMat = Matrix V.empty IM.empty IM.empty dirCount :: Direction -> Int -> Matrix a -> Int dirCount = traverseDir 0 (\a _ _ -> succ a) rowCount :: Int -> Matrix a -> Int rowCount = dirCount Row colCount :: Int -> Matrix a -> Int colCount = dirCount Column instance (Ord a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (MaxEntry a b) where MaxEntry a as <> MaxEntry b bs = case compare a b of EQ -> MaxEntry a (as <> bs) LT -> MaxEntry b bs GT -> MaxEntry a as instance (Ord a, Bounded a, Monoid b) => Monoid (MaxEntry a b) where mappend (MaxEntry a as) (MaxEntry b bs) = case compare a b of EQ -> MaxEntry a (as `mappend` bs) LT -> MaxEntry b bs GT -> MaxEntry a as mempty = MaxEntry minBound mempty newGaussianState :: Unital a => Matrix a -> GaussianState a newGaussianState inp = GaussianState inp (identity $ inp ^. height) (-1) (getHeaviest IS.empty inp) 0 one getHeaviest :: IntSet -> Matrix a -> IntSet getHeaviest old inp = if IS.size old >= inp^.width*5`P.div`100 then old else let news = entry $ mconcat $ map (\k -> MaxEntry (colCount k inp) (IS.singleton k)) $ IS.toList $ IM.keysSet (inp^.colStart) IS.\\ old in news `IS.union` old traverseRow :: b -> (b -> Int -> Entry a -> b) -> Int -> Matrix a -> b traverseRow a f = traverseDir a f Row traverseCol :: b -> (b -> Int -> Entry a -> b) -> Int -> Matrix a -> b traverseCol a f = traverseDir a f Column structuredGauss :: (DecidableZero a, Division a, Group a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a) structuredGauss = structuredGauss' >>> view _1 &&& view _2 structuredGauss' :: (DecidableZero a, Division a, Group a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, a) structuredGauss' = evalState go . newGaussianState where countLight heavys = traverseRow (0 :: Int) (\(!c) _ ent -> if (ent^.coordL Column) `IS.member` heavys then c else c+1) go = do old <- use input destRow <- use curRow pcol <- use prevCol (_, rest) <- uses (input.colStart) (IM.split pcol) case minViewWithKey rest of _ | destRow >= old ^. height -> (,,) <$> use input <*> use output <*> use detAcc Nothing -> (,,) <$> use input <*> use output <*> use detAcc Just ((pivCol, _), _) -> do heavys <- use heavyCols prevCol .= pivCol let trav b _ ent = do if (ent ^. coordL Row) < destRow then do return b else do let lc = countLight heavys (ent ^. coordL Row) old return $ case b of Nothing -> Just (ent, lc) Just (p, l0) | l0 <= lc -> Just (p, l0) | otherwise -> Just (ent, lc) mans <- traverseDirM Nothing trav Column pivCol old case mans of Nothing -> nextElim Just (pivot, _) -> do let pivRow = pivot ^. coordL Row pivCoe = pivot ^. value sgn = if pivRow == destRow then one else negate one p0 <- use output let elim (m, p) _ ent = do if ent^.coordL Row /= pivRow then do let coe = negate (ent ^. value) / pivCoe return $ (m, p) & both %~ combineRows coe pivRow (ent ^. coordL Row) else do return (m, p) (input', output') <- traverseDirM (old, p0) elim Column pivCol old <&> both %~ scaleRow (recip pivCoe) destRow . switchRows destRow pivRow input .= input' output .= output' curRow += 1 detAcc %= (*(pivCoe*sgn)) nextElim nextElim = do oldHeavys <- use heavyCols newHeavyCols <- uses input (getHeaviest oldHeavys) heavyCols %= IS.union newHeavyCols go nonZeroEntries :: Matrix a -> Vector ((Int, Int), a) nonZeroEntries mat = V.map (view idx &&& view value) $ mat ^. coefficients multWithVector :: (Multiplicative a, Monoidal a) => Matrix a -> Vector a -> Vector a multWithVector mat v = V.generate (mat^.height) $ \i -> traverseRow zero (\acc _ ent -> acc + (ent^.value)*(v V.! (ent^.nthL Row))) i mat nonZeroDirs :: Direction -> Matrix r -> [Int] nonZeroDirs dir = view $ startL dir . to IM.keys nonZeroRows :: Matrix r -> [Int] nonZeroRows = nonZeroDirs Row nonZeroCols :: Matrix r -> [Int] nonZeroCols = nonZeroDirs Column {- testCase :: Matrix (Fraction Integer) testCase = fromLists [[0,0,0,0,0,0,2,-3,-1,0] ,[0,0,0,2,-3,-1,0,0,0,0] ,[0,2,-3,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0] ,[1,0,1,0,0,1,-2,0,0,0] ,[2,-3,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0] ,[1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1] ,[1,0,1,0,0,1,-2,0,0,0]] -} newtype Square n r = Square { runSquare :: Matrix r } deriving (Show, Eq, Additive, Multiplicative) deriving instance (DecidableZero r, Semiring r, Multiplicative r) => LeftModule (Scalar r) (Square n r) deriving instance (DecidableZero r, Semiring r, Multiplicative r) => RightModule (Scalar r) (Square n r) instance (Unital r, Multiplicative r, Reifies n Integer, DecidableZero r) => Unital (Square n r) where one = Square $ identity $ fromInteger $ reflect (Proxy :: Proxy n) instance (DecidableZero r, Multiplicative r) => Multiplicative (Matrix r) where m * n = fromList [ ((i,j),sum $ V.zipWith (*) (getRow i m) (getCol j n)) | i <- nonZeroRows m , j <- nonZeroCols n ] & width .~ n^.width & height .~ m^.height instance (DecidableZero r, RightModule Natural r) => RightModule Natural (Matrix r) where m *. n = cmap (*. n) m instance (DecidableZero r, LeftModule Natural r) => LeftModule Natural (Matrix r) where n .* m = cmap (n .*) m instance (DecidableZero r, RightModule Integer r) => RightModule Integer (Matrix r) where m *. n = cmap (*. n) m instance (DecidableZero r, LeftModule Integer r) => LeftModule Integer (Matrix r) where n .* m = cmap (n .*) m instance (DecidableZero r) => Monoidal (Matrix r) where zero = zeroMat 0 0 instance (DecidableZero r) => Additive (Matrix r) where m + n = let dir = minimumBy (comparing $ length . flip nonZeroDirs n) [Row, Column] in foldr (\i l -> addDir dir (getDir dir i n) i l) m (nonZeroDirs dir n) instance (DecidableZero r, Semiring r, Multiplicative r) => LeftModule (Scalar r) (Matrix r) where Scalar r .* mat = cmap (r*) mat instance (DecidableZero r, Semiring r, Multiplicative r) => RightModule (Scalar r) (Matrix r) where mat *. Scalar r = cmap (*r) mat instance (DecidableZero r, Group r) => Group (Matrix r) where negate = cmap negate instance (DecidableZero r, Abelian r) => Abelian (Matrix r) instance (DecidableZero r, Semiring r) => Semiring (Matrix r) substMatrix :: (CoeffRing r) => Matrix r -> Polynomial r 1 -> Matrix r substMatrix m f = let n = ncols m in if n == nrows m then reify (P.toInteger n) $ \pxy -> runSquare $ substUnivariate (toSquare pxy m) f else error "Matrix must be square" toSquare :: proxy n -> Matrix r -> Square n r toSquare _ = Square (<.>) :: (Multiplicative m, Monoidal m) => Vector m -> Vector m -> m v <.> u = sum $ V.zipWith (*) v u krylovMinpol :: (Eq a, Ring a, DecidableZero a, DecidableUnits a, Field a, ZeroProductSemiring a, Random a, MonadRandom m) => Matrix a -> Vector a -> m (Polynomial a 1) krylovMinpol m b | V.all isZero b = return one | otherwise = reify (P.toInteger n) $ \pxy -> do iterateUntil (\h -> V.all isZero $ multWithVector (substMatrix m h) b) $ do u <- replicateM n getRandom return $ minpolRecurrent (fromIntegral n) [ V.fromList u <.> multWithVector (runSquare $ toSquare pxy m ^ fromIntegral i) b | i <- [0..2*n-1]] where n = ncols m -- | Solving linear equation using linearly recurrent sequence (Wiedemann algorithm). solveWiedemann :: (Eq a, Field a, DecidableZero a, DecidableUnits a, ZeroProductSemiring a, Random a, MonadRandom m) => Matrix a -> Vector a -> m (Either (Vector a) (Vector a)) solveWiedemann a b = do m <- krylovMinpol a b return $ let m0 = injectCoeff (coeff one m) g = (m - m0) `quot` varX in if isZero (coeff one m) then Left $ substMatrix a g `multWithVector` b else let h = negate g `quot` m0 in Right $ substMatrix a h `multWithVector` b rankLM :: (DecidableZero r, Division r, Group r) => Matrix r -> Int rankLM mat = let m' = fst $ structuredGauss mat in min (length $ nonZeroRows m') (length $ nonZeroCols m') splitIndependentDirs :: (DecidableZero a, Field a) => Direction -> Matrix a -> (Matrix a, [Int], [Int]) -- ^ @(m', bs, as)@ with @m@ is full-rank submatrix, -- @bs@ are independent and @as@ are dependent. splitIndependentDirs dir mat = case nonZeroDirs dir mat of [] -> (zero, [], []) [a] -> (dirVector dir $ getDir dir a mat, [a], []) (x:xs) -> go 1 xs (dirVector dir $ getDir dir x mat) [x] [] where n = min (nrows mat) (ncols mat) go _ [] nat ok bad = (nat, ok, bad) go i (k:ks) nat ok bad | i >= n = (nat, ok, bad) | otherwise = let nat' = catDir dir nat $ getDir dir k mat in if ({-# SCC "rankLM" #-} rankLM nat') == i then go i ks nat ok (k:bad) else go (i+1) ks nat' (k:ok) bad intDet :: Matrix Integer -> Integer intDet mat = let b = V.maximum $ V.map (P.fromInteger . abs . snd) $ nonZeroEntries mat n = fromIntegral $ ncols mat c = n^(n `P.div` 2) * b^n r = ceilingLogBase2 (2*fromIntegral c + 1) ps = take r primes m = product ps d = chineseRemainder [ (p, reifyPrimeField p $ \pxy -> shiftHalf p $ naturalRepr $ view _3 $ structuredGauss' (cmap (modNat' pxy) mat)) | p <- ps] off = d `div` m in if d == 0 then 0 else minimumBy (comparing abs) [d - m * off, d - m * (off + 1)] shiftHalf :: P.Integral a => a -> a -> a shiftHalf p n = let s = p `P.div` 2 in (n P.+ s) `P.mod` p P.- s triangulateModular :: Matrix (Fraction Integer) -> (Matrix (Fraction Integer), Matrix (Fraction Integer)) triangulateModular mat0 = let ps = filter ((/= 0) . (P.mod l)) primes in go ps where ds = V.foldr (lcm' . abs . denominator.snd) 1 $ nonZeroEntries mat0 mN = V.foldr (lcm' . abs . numerator . snd) 1 $ nonZeroEntries mat0 l = lcm' ds mN go (p:ps) = let (indepRows, _, indepCols, depCols) = reifyPrimeField p $ \pxy -> let mat = cmap (modRat pxy) mat0 (koho, IS.fromList -> irs, IS.fromList -> drs) = {-# SCC "splitRow" #-} splitIndependentDirs Row mat (_, IS.fromList -> ics, IS.fromList -> dcs) = {-# SCC "splitCol" #-} splitIndependentDirs Column koho in (irs, drs `IS.union` (IS.fromList (nonZeroRows mat0) IS.\\ irs), ics, dcs `IS.union` (IS.fromList (nonZeroCols $ extract irdic colIdentDic) IS.\\ ics)) colIdentDic = IM.fromList $ zip [0..ncols mat0 - 1] [0..] irdic = IM.fromList $ zip (IS.toAscList indepRows) [0..] icdic = IM.fromList $ zip (IS.toAscList indepCols) [0..] dcdic = IM.fromList $ zip (IS.toDescList depCols) [0..] newIdx rd cd (i, j) = (,) <$> IM.lookup i rd <*> IM.lookup j cd extract rd cd = fromList (mapMaybe (\(ind, c) -> (,c) <$> newIdx rd cd ind) $ V.toList $ nonZeroEntries mat0) & height .~ IM.size rd & width .~ IM.size cd spec = extract irdic icdic qs = filter (\r -> ds `mod` r /= 0 && ({-# SCC "checkDet" #-} reifyPrimeField r $ \pxy -> not $ isZero $ view _3 $ structuredGauss' $ cmap (modRat pxy) $ spec)) primes anss = parMap rdeepseq (\xs -> fromJust $ ala First foldMap $ map (\q -> solveHensel 10 q spec xs) qs) $ toCols $ extract irdic dcdic permMat = build [] (ncols mat0 - 1) (zip (IS.toDescList indepCols) $ reverse $ toCols $ identity $ nrows spec) $ zip (IS.toDescList depCols) anss origDeled = extract irdic colIdentDic & width .~ mat0^.width in if (spec * permMat) == origDeled then (permMat, spec) else go ps go _ = error "Cannot happen!" build ans i mns vecs | i < 0 = fromCols ans | otherwise = {-# SCC "building" #-} case vecs of ((k, v) : vs) | i == k -> build (v : ans) (i-1) mns vs _ -> case mns of ((l,m):mn) | i == l -> build (m : ans) (i-1) mn vecs _ -> build (V.empty : ans) (i-1) mns vecs lcm' :: Euclidean r => r -> r -> r lcm' n m = n * m `quot` gcd n m henselLift :: Integer -- ^ prime number @p@ -> Matrix Integer -- ^ original matrix @M@ -> Matrix Integer -- ^ inverse matrix of @M@ mod @p@ -> V.Vector Integer -- ^ coefficient vector @v@ -> [V.Vector Integer] -- ^ vector @x@ with @Mx = b mod p@ henselLift p m q b = map (view _2) $ iterate step (1, V.replicate (V.length b) 0, b) where step (s, acc, r) | otherwise = let u = reifyPrimeField p $ \pxy -> V.map (naturalRepr . modNat' pxy) $ q `multWithVector` r r' = V.map (`quot` p) $ V.zipWith (-) r (m `multWithVector` u) in (s*p, acc + V.map (s*) u, r') solveHensel :: Int -> Integer -> Matrix (Fraction Integer) -> Vector (Fraction Integer) -> Maybe (Vector (Fraction Integer)) solveHensel cyc p mat b = {-# SCC "solveHensel" #-} let g0 = V.foldr (lcm . denominator . view _2) one $ nonZeroEntries mat g1 = V.foldr (lcm . denominator) one b g = lcm g0 g1 % 1 mat' = cmap (numerator . (*g)) mat b' = V.map (numerator . (*g)) b q = reifyPrimeField p $ \pxy -> cmap naturalRepr $ snd $ structuredGauss $ cmap (modNat' pxy) mat' hls = henselLift p mat' q b' in go Nothing $ drop cyc $ zip [p^i | i <- [0..]] hls where go _ [] = Nothing go prev ((q,x):xs) = let mans = V.mapM (recoverRat (P.floor $ P.sqrt (fromIntegral q P./ 2 :: Double)) q) x in case mans of Just x' | mat `multWithVector` x' == b -> Just x' | mans == prev -> Nothing _ -> go mans (drop cyc xs)