module Conferer.Source.JSONSpec where import Data.Aeson.QQ import Test.Hspec import Conferer import Conferer.Source.JSON spec :: Spec spec = do describe "json source" $ do it "getting an existing path returns the right value" $ do c <- emptyConfig & addSource (mkJsonSource' [aesonQQ| {"postgres": {"url": "some url", "ssl": true}} |]) res <- getKey "postgres.url" c res `shouldBe` Just "some url" it "getting an non existing path returns nothing" $ do c <- emptyConfig & addSource (mkJsonSource' [aesonQQ| {"postgres": {"url": "some url", "ssl": true}} |]) res <- getKey "some.path" c res `shouldBe` Nothing describe "with an array" $ do it "getting a path with number gets the right value" $ do c <- emptyConfig & addSource (mkJsonSource' [aesonQQ| {"key": ["value"]} |]) res <- getKey "key.0" c res `shouldBe` Just "value" describe "with an object" $ do it "getting an existing path returns nothing" $ do c <- emptyConfig & addSource (mkJsonSource' [aesonQQ| {"key": { "path": "value"}} |]) res <- getKey "key" c res `shouldBe` Nothing describe "with an int" $ do it "getting an existing path returns the right value" $ do c <- emptyConfig & addSource (mkJsonSource' [aesonQQ| {"key": 1} |]) res <- getKey "key" c res `shouldBe` Just "1" describe "with a float" $ do it "getting an existing path returns the right value" $ do c <- emptyConfig & addSource (mkJsonSource' [aesonQQ| {"key": 1.2} |]) res <- getKey "key" c res `shouldBe` Just "1.2" describe "with a boolean" $ do it "getting an existing path returns the right value" $ do c <- emptyConfig & addSource (mkJsonSource' [aesonQQ| {"key": false} |]) res <- getKey "key" c res `shouldBe` Just "false"