{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Control.Dsl.Dsl where import Control.Dsl.PolyCont import Control.Dsl.Cont import Prelude hiding ((>>), (>>=), return, fail) {- | Witnesses a use case of a statement in a @do@ block. == Allowed statements in DSL @do@ blocks A statement in a DSL @do@ block is a delimited continuation, which can be a GADT keyword, a control flow operator, or the final result: +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Keywords | Control flow operators | Results | +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Examples | 'Control.Dsl.Shift.Shift', 'Control.Dsl.Yield.Yield', 'Control.Dsl.State.Get.Get', 'Control.Dsl.State.Put.Put', 'Control.Dsl.Monadic.Monadic', 'Control.Dsl.Return.Return', 'Control.Dsl.Empty.Empty' | 'ifThenElse', 'when', 'unless', 'guard' | 'Control.Dsl.Return.return', 'Control.Dsl.Return.fail', 'Control.Dsl.Empty.empty', 'forever' | +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | custom GADT | 'Control.Dsl.Cont.Cont' | the answer type @r@ | +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Interpreted by | 'Control.Dsl.PolyCont.PolyCont' | N/A | 'Control.Dsl.PolyCont.PolyCont' | +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Can be present at | not the last statement of a @do@ block | the last statement of a @do@ block | +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Don't create custom instances of 'Dsl' for statement. Instead, create 'PolyCont' instances for your custom GADT keywords. ==== __Examples__ >>> :set -XGADTs >>> :set -XMultiParamTypeClasses >>> :set -XFlexibleInstances >>> :set -XFlexibleContexts >>> :set -XRebindableSyntax >>> :set -XTypeApplications >>> import qualified Prelude >>> import Prelude hiding ((>>), (>>=), return, fail) >>> import Control.Dsl >>> import Control.Dsl.State.Get >>> import Control.Dsl.Yield >>> import Control.Dsl.Return >>> import Data.Void >>> :{ f = do Yield "foo" config <- Get @Bool when config $ do Yield "bar" return () return "baz" :} @f@ is a @do@ block that contains keywords of 'Control.Dsl.State.Get.Get', 'Control.Dsl.Yield.Yield', and 'Control.Dsl.Return.return'. With the help of built-in 'PolyCont' instances for those keywords, @f@ can be used as a function that accepts a boolean parameter. >>> f False :: [String] ["foo","baz"] >>> f True :: [String] ["foo","bar","baz"] In fact, @f@ can be any type as long as 'PolyCont' instances for involved keywords are provided. >>> :type f f :: (PolyCont (Yield [Char]) r (), PolyCont (Return [Char]) r Void, PolyCont Get r Bool) => r For example, @f@ can be interpreted as an impure @IO ()@, providing the following instances: >>> :{ instance PolyCont (Yield String) (IO ()) () where runPolyCont (Yield a) = (Prelude.>>=) (putStrLn $ "Yield " ++ a) instance PolyCont Get (IO ()) Bool where runPolyCont Get f = putStrLn "Get" Prelude.>> f False instance PolyCont (Return String) (IO ()) Void where runPolyCont (Return r) _ = putStrLn $ "Return " ++ r :} >>> f :: IO () Yield foo Get Return baz -} class Dsl k r a where cpsApply :: k r a -> (a -> r) -> r {- | The implementation of @<-@ statements in a @do@ block, which forwards to 'runCont' if @k@ is 'Cont', otherwise forwards to 'runPolyCont' from 'PolyCont'. -} (>>=) k = cpsApply k f =<< k = k >>= f (f >=> g) k = f k >>= g f <=< g = f >=> g -- | The implementation of statements with no value in a @do@ block. k >> a = cpsApply k $ const a -- | Statements based on ad-hoc polymorphic delimited continuations. instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} PolyCont k r a => Dsl k r a where cpsApply = runPolyCont -- | Statements based on monomorphic delimited continuations. instance Dsl Cont r a where cpsApply = runCont forever :: Dsl k r a => k r a -> r forever k = k >> forever k ifThenElse True k _ = k ifThenElse False _ k = k