csound-expression-0.3.1: Csound combinator library



Other FLTK Widgets



flBox :: [Irate] -> String -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> IrateSource

  • opcode : FLbox
  • syntax :
   ihandle FLbox "label", itype, ifont, isize, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, image]
  • description :

A FLTK widget that displays text inside of a box.

flButBank :: K k0 => Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> [k0] -> (Krate, Irate)Source

  • opcode : FLbutBank
  • syntax :
   kout, ihandle FLbutBank itype, inumx, inumy, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, 
       iopcode [, kp1] [, kp2] [, kp3] [, kp4] [, kp5] [....] [, kpN]
  • description :

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a bank of buttons.

flButton :: K k0 => String -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> [k0] -> (Krate, Irate)Source

  • opcode : FLbutton
  • syntax :
   kout, ihandle FLbutton "label", ion, ioff, itype, iwidth, iheight, ix, 
       iy, iopcode [, kp1] [, kp2] [, kp3] [, kp4] [, kp5] [....] [, kpN]
  • description :

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a button.

flKeyIn :: [Irate] -> KrateSource

  • opcode : FLkeyIn
  • syntax :
   kascii FLkeyIn [ifn]
  • description :

FLkeyIn informs about the status of a key pressed by the user on the alphanumeric keyboard when an FLTK panel has got the focus.

flHvsBox :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> IrateSource

  • opcode : FLhvsBox
  • syntax :
   ihandle FLhvsBox inumlinesX, inumlinesY, iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, image]
  • description :

FLhvsBox displays a box with a grid useful for visualizing two-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis.

flMouse :: [Irate] -> MultiOutSource

  • opcode : FLmouse
  • syntax :
   kx, ky, kb1, kb2, kb3 FLmouse [imode]
  • description :

FLmouse returns the coordinates of the mouse position within an FLTK panel and the state of the three mouse buttons.

flPrintk :: K k0 => Irate -> k0 -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLprintk
  • syntax :
   FLprintk itime, kval, idisp
  • description :

FLprintk is similar to printk but shows values of a k-rate signal in a text field instead of on the console.

flPrintk2 :: K k0 => k0 -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLprintk2
  • syntax :
   FLprintk2 kval, idisp
  • description :

FLprintk2 is similar to FLprintk but shows a k-rate variable's value only when it changes.

flSlidBnk :: [Irate] -> String -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLslidBnk
  • syntax :
   FLslidBnk "names", inumsliders [, ioutable] [, iwidth] [, iheight] [, ix] 
       [, iy] [, itypetable] [, iexptable] [, istart_index] [, iminmaxtable]
  • description :

FLslidBnk is a widget containing a bank of horizontal sliders.

flSlidBnk2 :: [Irate] -> String -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLslidBnk2
  • syntax :
   FLslidBnk2 "names", inumsliders, ioutable, iconfigtable [,iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, istart_index]
  • description :

FLslidBnk2 is a widget containing a bank of horizontal sliders.

flSlidBnkGetHandle :: IrateSource

  • opcode : FLslidBnkGetHandle
  • syntax :
   ihandle FLslidBnkGetHandle
  • description :

FLslidBnkGetHandle gets the handle of last slider bank created.

flSlidBnkSet :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLslidBnkSet
  • syntax :
   FLslidBnkSet ihandle, ifn [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]
  • description :

FLslidBnkSet modifies the values of a slider bank according to an array of values stored in a table.

flSlidBnk2Set :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLslidBnk2Set
  • syntax :
   FLslidBnk2Set ihandle, ifn [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]
  • description :

FLslidBnk2Set modifies the values of a slider bank according to an array of values stored in a table.

flSlidBnk2Setk :: K k0 => [Irate] -> k0 -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLslidBnk2Setk
  • syntax :
   FLslidBnk2Setk ktrig, ihandle, ifn [, istartIndex, istartSlid, inumSlid]
  • description :

FLslidBnk2Setk modifies the values of a slider bank according to an array of values stored in a table.

flValue :: String -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> IrateSource

  • opcode : FLvalue
  • syntax :
   ihandle FLvalue "label", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy
  • description :

FLvalue shows current the value of a valuator in a text field.

flVslidBnk :: [Irate] -> String -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLvslidBnk
  • syntax :
   FLvslidBnk "names", inumsliders [, ioutable] [, iwidth] [, iheight] [, ix] 
       [, iy] [, itypetable] [, iexptable] [, istart_index] [, iminmaxtable]
  • description :

FLvslidBnk is a widget containing a bank of vertical sliders.

flVslidBnk2 :: [Irate] -> String -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : FLvslidBnk2
  • syntax :
   FLvslidBnk2 "names", inumsliders, ioutable, iconfigtable [,iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, istart_index]
  • description :

FLvslidBnk2 is a widget containing a bank of vertical sliders.

flXyin :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> MultiOutSource

  • opcode : FLxyin
  • syntax :
   koutx, kouty, kinside FLxyin ioutx_min, ioutx_max, iouty_min, iouty_max, 
       iwindx_min, iwindx_max, iwindy_min, iwindy_max [, iexpx, iexpy, ioutx, iouty]
  • description :

Similar to xyin, sense the mouse cursor position in a user-defined area inside an FLpanel.