d10-1: Digits 0-9
Safe HaskellSafe




d10 :: QuasiQuoter Source #

A single base-10 digit.

This quasi-quoter, when used as an expression, produces a value of type D10.

>>> d10Nat [d10|5|]
>>> d10Nat [d10|a|]
... d10 must be between 0 and 9
>>> d10Nat [d10|58|]
... d10 must be a single character

This quasi-quoter can also be used as a pattern.

>>> :{
      case (charD10Maybe '5') of
        Just [d10|4|] -> "A"
        Just [d10|5|] -> "B"
        _             -> "C"
>>> :}
>>> :{
      case (charD10Maybe '5') of
        Just [d10|x|] -> "A"
        Just [d10|5|] -> "B"
        _             -> "C"
>>> :}
... d10 must be between 0 and 9

d10list :: QuasiQuoter Source #

A list of base-10 digits.

This quasi-quoter, when used as an expression, produces a value of type [D10].

>>> d10Nat <$> [d10list||]
>>> d10Nat <$> [d10list|5|]
>>> d10Nat <$> [d10list|58|]
>>> d10Nat <$> [d10list|a|]
... d10 must be between 0 and 9

This quasi-quoter can also be used as a pattern.

>>> :{
      case [d10list|56|] of
        [d10list|41|] -> "A"
        [d10list|56|] -> "B"
        _             -> "C"
>>> :}
>>> :{
      case [d10list|56|] of
        [d10list|4x|] -> "A"
        [d10list|56|] -> "B"
        _             -> "C"
>>> :}
... d10 must be between 0 and 9