# Version 1.2.1 * Made compatible with newer `df1`. # Version 1.2 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Renaming logging functions again. For example, `info` is the name we give to the `ToMessage`-polymorphic logging functions, `info_` to their `Message`-monomorphic version, and `info'` to the `STM` version. The previous `STM` suffix in `infoSTM` is gone, so as to mimick the naming conventions of `di-core`. * Export `attr_`. # Version 1.1 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: The `STM` compatible logging functions previously called `debug'`, `info'`, etc. are now called `debugSTM`, `infoSTM`, etc. The names such as `debug'`, `info'`, etc. are now what `debug`, `info`, etc. were in the previous version. * Take `ToValue` and `ToMessage` instances where possible, rather than values of type `Value` and `Message`. * `Di.Df1` now re-exports `Path`, `Segment`, `Key`, `Value`, `Message`, `ToKey(key)`, `ToValue(value)` and `ToMessage(message)`. # Version 1.0.2 * Added `Df1`, `Df1T` and `MonadDf1` type-synonyms. # Version 1.0.1 * Removed unnecessary `MonadIO` constraint. # Version 1.0 * Consider this a preview release: The API is likely to stay stable, but extensive testing, formalization and tooling is due.