cabal-version: 1.18 name: diohsc version: license: GPL-3 license-file: COPYING maintainer: author: Martin Bays homepage: synopsis: Gemini client description: Line-based command-oriented interactive client for the gemini protocol. category: Browser build-type: Simple extra-doc-files: THANKS diohscrc.sample Makefile source-repository head type: git location: flag libiconv description: Use libiconv for charset conversion default: True flag magic description: Use libmagic to determine mimetypes of local files default: False manual: True flag irilinks description: Allow IRIs in gemtext links (preparing for likely spec change). Punycoding is not currently supported. default: False manual: True executable diohsc main-is: diohsc.hs other-modules: ActiveIdentities Alias ANSIColour BoundedBSChan BStack ClientCert ClientOptions ClientSessionManager ClientState Command CommandLine Fingerprint History GeminiProtocol Identity LineClient Marks MetaString Mundanities Opts Pager PrintFancy Prompt Queue Request ResolveTarget RunExternal ServiceCerts Slurp Target TextGemini URI Util WCWidth Version default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -threaded -Wall build-depends: base >=4.3 && <5, asn1-encoding <0.10, asn1-types >=0.3.4 && <0.4, bytestring >= && <0.12, containers >= && <0.7, cryptonite >=0.26 && <0.31, data-default-class >= && <0.2, hashable >= 1.1 && <1.5, directory >= && <1.4, drunken-bishop >= && <0.2, exceptions >=0.10.4 && <0.11, filepath >= && <1.5, haskeline ==0.8.*, hourglass >=0.2.12 && <0.3, mime >= && <0.5, mtl >= && <2.4, memory >=0.14 && <0.19, network >= && <3.2, network-simple >=0.4.3 && <0.5, network-uri >= && <2.8, parsec >=3.1.5 && <3.2, pem >=0.2.4 && <0.3, process >= && <1.7, regex-compat >=0.95.1 && <0.96, rset < 1.1, safe >=0.3.19 && <0.4, temporary ==1.3.*, terminal-size >= && <0.4, text >= && <2.1, tls >=1.5.4 && <1.7, transformers >= && <0.7, x509 >=1.7.5 && <1.8, x509-store >=1.6.7 && <1.7, x509-validation >=1.6.11 && <1.7 if os(windows) cpp-options: -DWINDOWS else build-depends: unix >= && <2.8 if flag(magic) cpp-options: -DMAGIC build-depends: magic <1.2 if flag(irilinks) cpp-options: -DIRILinks if flag(libiconv) cpp-options: -DICONV build-depends: iconv >= && <0.5