{- Copyright 2014 Romain Edelmann

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License. -}

-- | This module provides functions to plot distributions to files.
module Data.Distribution.Plot
    ( -- * Plotting
    , plotWith
      -- ** Options
    , PlotOptions (..)
      -- ** Lenses
    , plot_aggregator
    , plot_title
    , plot_labels
    , plot_colors
    , plot_displayer
    , plot_dimensions
    , plot_format
    , plot_extra_domain
    , plot_stacked
    , plot_inversed
    ) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.List (transpose)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (void)

import Data.Distribution.Aggregator
import Data.Distribution.Core
import Data.Distribution.Measure

-- | Options for plotting distributions.
data PlotOptions a = PlotOptions
    { getAggregator :: Aggregator a
      -- ^ Aggregator to apply on the values.
      --   Defaults to identity.
    , getTitle :: String
      -- ^ Title of the plot.
      --   Defaults to the empty string.
    , getLabels :: [String]
      -- ^ Labels of the distributions.
      --   Defaults to @[]@.
    , getColors :: [AlphaColour Double]
      -- ^ Colors for the distributions.
      --   Defaults to 'defaultColorSeq'.
    , getDisplayer :: a -> String
      -- ^ How to display the values.
      --   Defaults to @show@.
    , getDimensions :: (Int, Int)
      -- ^ Dimension of the output image.
      --   Defaults to @(600, 400)@.
    , getFormat :: FileFormat
      -- ^ Format of the output image.
      --   Defaults to @PNG@.
    , getExtraDomain :: Set a
      -- ^ Values to display unconditionally.
      --   Defaults to the empty set.
    , getStacked :: Bool
      -- ^ Whether to stack bars.
      --   Defaults to @False@.
    , getInversed :: Bool
      -- ^ @True@ to put distributions on the x-axis,
      --   @False@ to put values on the x-axis.
      --   Defaults to @False@.

instance Show a => Default (PlotOptions a) where
    def = PlotOptions
        { getAggregator = mempty
        , getTitle = ""
        , getLabels = []
        , getColors = defaultColorSeq
        , getDisplayer = show
        , getDimensions = (600, 400)
        , getFormat = PNG
        , getExtraDomain = Set.empty
        , getStacked = False
        , getInversed = False }

-- Lenses

-- | Lens for 'getAggregator'.
plot_aggregator :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) (Aggregator a)
plot_aggregator = lens getAggregator (\ o x -> o { getAggregator = x })

-- | Lens for 'getTitle'.
plot_title :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) String
plot_title = lens getTitle (\ o x -> o { getTitle = x })

-- | Lens for 'getLabels'.
plot_labels :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) [String]
plot_labels = lens getLabels (\ o x -> o { getLabels = x })

-- | Lens for 'getColors'.
plot_colors :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) [AlphaColour Double]
plot_colors = lens getColors (\ o x -> o { getColors = x })

-- | Lens for 'getDisplayer'.
plot_displayer :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) (a -> String)
plot_displayer = lens getDisplayer (\ o x -> o { getDisplayer = x })

-- | Lens for 'getDisplayer'.
plot_dimensions :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) (Int, Int)
plot_dimensions = lens getDimensions (\ o x -> o { getDimensions = x })

-- | Lens for 'getFormat'.
plot_format :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) FileFormat
plot_format = lens getFormat (\ o x -> o { getFormat = x })

-- | Lens for 'getExtraDomain'.
plot_extra_domain :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) (Set a)
plot_extra_domain = lens getExtraDomain (\ o x -> o { getExtraDomain = x })

-- | Lens for 'getStacked'.
plot_stacked :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) Bool
plot_stacked = lens getStacked (\ o x -> o { getStacked = x })

-- | Lens for 'getInversed'.
plot_inversed :: Simple Lens (PlotOptions a) Bool
plot_inversed = lens getInversed (\ o x -> o { getInversed = x })

-- Plotting

-- | Plots the given distributions to PNG file.
--   See 'plotWith' for more options.
plot :: (Show a, Ord a) => FilePath -> [Distribution a] -> IO ()
plot = plotWith def

-- | Plots the given distributions to a file.
plotWith :: Ord a => PlotOptions a -> FilePath -> [Distribution a] -> IO ()
plotWith options file distributions = void $ renderableToFile env
    (if getInversed options then inversed else normal) file
    env = fo_format .~ getFormat options
        $ fo_size .~ getDimensions options
        $ def

    baseLayout = layout_title .~ getTitle options
               $ layout_title_style . font_size .~ 10
               $ layout_y_axis . laxis_override .~
                (axis_labels %~ map (map (second (++ "%"))))
               $ layout_left_axis_visibility . axis_show_ticks .~ False
               $ def :: Layout PlotIndex Double

    domain = Set.toAscList
           $ Set.unions
           $ (:) (getExtraDomain options)
           $ map support distributions

    baseBars = plot_bars_spacing .~ BarsFixGap 30 30
             $ plot_bars_item_styles .~ map makeStyle
                (cycle $ getColors options)
             $ plot_bars_style .~ barStyle
             $ def
        makeStyle c = (solidFillStyle c, Nothing)
        barStyle = if getStacked options then BarsStacked else BarsClustered

    normal = toRenderable layout
        xvalues = domain

        yvalues = transpose $ map
                (modifyProbabilities (getAggregator options) . zip xvalues
                . \ d -> map (`probabilityAt` d) xvalues) distributions

        layout = layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .~ autoIndexAxis
                    (map (getDisplayer options) xvalues)
               $ layout_plots .~ [ plotBars bars ]
               $ baseLayout

        bars = plot_bars_values .~ addIndexes
                (map (map (fromRational . (* 100) . toRational)) yvalues)
             $ plot_bars_titles .~ getLabels options
             $ baseBars

    inversed = toRenderable layout
        xvalues = getLabels options

        yvalues = map (modifyProbabilities (getAggregator options) .
            zip domain . \ d -> map (`probabilityAt` d) domain) distributions

        layout = layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .~ autoIndexAxis xvalues
               $ layout_plots .~ [ plotBars bars ]
               $ baseLayout

        bars = plot_bars_values .~ addIndexes
                (map (map (fromRational . (* 100) . toRational)) yvalues)
             $ plot_bars_titles .~ map (getDisplayer options) domain
             $ baseBars