[![Githbu actions build status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/jappeace/haskell-template-project/Test)](https://github.com/riskbook/dropbox-client/actions) > It doesn't actually replace a USB drive. > > \- BrandomM on hacker news, commenting on the dropbox idea, 2007 This is an incomplete dropbox API client derived from a servant generic type definition. Additional endpoints are welcome, feel free to make a PR! ## Usage There is an example in `app/exe.hs`. ### Tools Enter the nix shell. ``` nix-shell ``` You can checkout the makefile to see what's available: ``` cat makefile ``` ### Running ``` make run ``` ### Fast filewatch which runs tests ``` make ghcid ``` ## History This is the result from the great riskbook hackathon of oktober 2020 (also known as festoberhack).