{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module BaseSpec where import Control.Exception.Safe (SomeException, catchAny, finally, try) import Control.Lens ((.~)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (=$=)) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.Either (isLeft) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List (sort) import Data.Proxy import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.AWS import Network.AWS.DynamoDB (dynamoDB) import System.Environment (setEnv) import System.IO (stdout) import Test.Hspec import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Database.DynamoDB import Database.DynamoDB.Filter import Database.DynamoDB.TH import Database.DynamoDB.Types (RangeOper (..)) import Database.DynamoDB.Update data Test = Test { iHashKey :: T.Text , iRangeKey :: Int , iText :: T.Text , iBool :: Bool , iDouble :: Double , iInt :: Int , iMText :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data TestKeyOnly = TestKeyOnly { d_iText :: T.Text , d_iHashKey :: T.Text } mkTableDefs "migrateTest" (tableConfig "" (''Test, WithRange) [(''TestKeyOnly, NoRange)] []) data TestSecond = TestSecond { tHashKey :: T.Text , tInt :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) mkTableDefs "migrateTest2" (tableConfig "" (''TestSecond, NoRange) [] []) withDb :: Example (IO b) => String -> AWS b -> SpecWith (Arg (IO b)) withDb msg code = it msg runcode where runcode = do setEnv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" setEnv "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXfdjdsfjdsfjdskldfs+kl" lgr <- newLogger Debug stdout env <- newEnv Discover let dynamo = setEndpoint False "localhost" 8000 dynamoDB let newenv = env & configure dynamo -- & set envLogger lgr runResourceT $ runAWS newenv $ do deleteTable (Proxy :: Proxy Test) `catchAny` (\_ -> return ()) migrateTest mempty Nothing migrateTest2 mempty Nothing code `finally` deleteTable (Proxy :: Proxy Test) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Basic operations" $ do withDb "putItem/getItem works" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "text" False 3.14 2 Nothing testitem2 = Test "2" 3 "text" False 4.15 3 (Just "text") putItem testitem1 putItem testitem2 it1 <- getItem Strongly tTest ("1", 2) it2 <- getItem Strongly tTest ("2", 3) liftIO $ Just testitem1 `shouldBe` it1 liftIO $ Just testitem2 `shouldBe` it2 withDb "getItemBatch/putItemBatch work" $ do let template i = Test (T.pack $ show i) i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..300] putItemBatch newItems -- let keys = map tableKey newItems items <- getItemBatch Strongly keys liftIO $ sort items `shouldBe` sort newItems withDb "insertItem doesn't overwrite items" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "text" False 3.14 2 Nothing testitem1_ = Test "1" 2 "XXXX" True 3.14 3 Nothing insertItem testitem1 (res :: Either SomeException ()) <- try (insertItem testitem1_) liftIO $ res `shouldSatisfy` isLeft withDb "scanSource works correctly with sLimit" $ do let template i = Test (T.pack $ show i) i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems let squery = scanOpts & sFilterCondition .~ Just (iInt' >. 50) & sLimit .~ Just 1 res <- runConduit $ scanSource tTest squery =$= CL.consume liftIO $ sort res `shouldBe` sort (drop 50 newItems) withDb "querySource works correctly with qLimit" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems let squery = queryOpts "hashkey" & qFilterCondition .~ Just (iInt' >. 50) & qLimit .~ Just 1 res <- runConduit $ querySource tTest squery =$= CL.consume liftIO $ res `shouldBe` drop 50 newItems withDb "queryCond works correctly with qLimit" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems items <- queryCond tTest "hashkey" Nothing (iInt' >. 50) Forward 5 liftIO $ items `shouldBe` drop 50 newItems withDb "scanCond works correctly" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems items <- scanCond tTest (iInt' >. 50) 5 liftIO $ items `shouldBe` drop 50 newItems withDb "scan works correctly with qlimit" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems (items, _) <- scan tTest (scanOpts & sLimit .~ Just 1 & sFilterCondition .~ Just (iInt' >. 50)) 5 liftIO $ items `shouldBe` drop 50 newItems withDb "scan works correctly with `valIn`" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems (items, _) <- scan tTest (scanOpts & sLimit .~ Just 1 & sFilterCondition .~ Just (iInt' `valIn` [20..30])) 50 liftIO $ map iInt items `shouldBe` [20..30] withDb "scan works correctly with BETWEEN" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems (items, _) <- scan tTest (scanOpts & sLimit .~ Just 1 & sFilterCondition .~ Just (iInt' `between` (20, 30))) 50 liftIO $ map iInt items `shouldBe` [20..30] withDb "scan works correctly with SIZE" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "very very very very very long" False 3.14 2 Nothing testitem2 = Test "1" 3 "short" False 3.14 2 Nothing putItem testitem1 putItem testitem2 (items, _) <- scan tTest (scanOpts & sLimit .~ Just 1 & sFilterCondition .~ Just (size iText' >. 10)) 50 liftIO $ items `shouldBe` [testitem1] withDb "querySimple works correctly with RangeOper" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems items <- querySimple tTest "hashkey" (Just $ RangeLessThan 30) Backward 5 liftIO $ map iRangeKey items `shouldBe` [29,28..25] withDb "queryCond works correctly with -1 limit" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems (items :: [Test]) <- queryCond tTest "hashkey" Nothing (iInt' >. 50) Backward (-1) liftIO $ items `shouldBe` [] withDb "querySourceByKey works/compiles correctly" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems res <- runConduit $ querySourceByKey iTestKeyOnly "text" =$= CL.consume liftIO $ length res `shouldBe` 55 withDb "updateItemByKey works" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "text" False 3.14 2 (Just "something") putItem testitem1 new1 <- updateItemByKey tTest (tableKey testitem1) ((iInt' +=. 5) <> (iText' =. "updated") <> (iMText' =. Nothing)) new2 <- fromJust <$> getItem Strongly tTest (tableKey testitem1) liftIO $ do new1 `shouldBe` new2 iInt new1 `shouldBe` 7 iText new1 `shouldBe` "updated" iMText new1 `shouldBe` Nothing withDb "update fails on non-existing item" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "text" False 3.14 2 (Just "something") putItem testitem1 updateItemByKey_ tTest ("1", 2) (iBool' =. True) (res :: Either SomeException ()) <- try $ updateItemByKey_ tTest ("2", 3) (iBool' =. True) liftIO $ res `shouldSatisfy` isLeft withDb "scan continuation works" $ do let template i = Test "hashkey" i "text" False 3.14 i Nothing newItems = map template [1..55] putItemBatch newItems (it1, next) <- scan tTest (scanOpts & sFilterCondition .~ Just (iInt' >. 20) & sLimit .~ Just 2) 5 (it2, _) <- scan tTest (scanOpts & sFilterCondition .~ Just (iInt' >. 20) & sLimit .~ Just 1 & sStartKey .~ next) 5 liftIO $ map iInt (it1 ++ it2) `shouldBe` [21..30] withDb "searching empty strings" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "" False 3.14 2 Nothing let testitem2 = Test "1" 3 "aaa" False 3.14 2 (Just "test") putItem testitem1 putItem testitem2 items1 <- queryCond tTest "1" Nothing (iText' ==. "") Forward 10 items2 <- queryCond tTest "1" Nothing (iMText' ==. Nothing) Forward 10 liftIO $ items1 `shouldBe` [testitem1] liftIO $ items2 `shouldBe` [testitem1] withDb "deleting by key" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "" False 3.14 2 Nothing let testitem2 = Test "1" 3 "aaa" False 3.14 2 (Just "test") putItem testitem1 putItem testitem2 (items, _) <- scan tTest scanOpts 10 deleteItemByKey tTest (tableKey testitem1) deleteItemByKey tTest (tableKey testitem2) (items2, _) <- scan tTest scanOpts 10 liftIO $ do length items `shouldBe` 2 length items2 `shouldBe` 0 withDb "test left join" $ do let testitem1 = Test "1" 2 "" False 3.14 2 Nothing let testitem2 = Test "1" 3 "aaa" False 3.14 2 (Just "aaa") let testsecond = TestSecond "aaa" 3 putItem testitem1 putItem testitem2 putItem testsecond res <- runConduit $ querySourceChunks tTest (queryOpts "1") =$= leftJoin Strongly tTestSecond (Just . iText) =$= CL.concat =$= CL.consume liftIO $ res `shouldBe` [(testitem1, Nothing), (testitem2, Just testsecond)] res2 <- runConduit $ querySourceChunks tTest (queryOpts "1") =$= leftJoin Strongly tTestSecond iMText =$= CL.concat =$= CL.consume liftIO $ res2 `shouldBe` [(testitem1, Nothing), (testitem2, Just testsecond)] main :: IO () main = hspec spec