-- Initial elm-init.cabal generated by cabal init. For further -- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ name: elm-init version: synopsis: Set up basic structure for an elm project description: Initialize a new empty elm project with some basic scaffolding according to 'https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial'. license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Justus Adam maintainer: dev@justus.science -- copyright: category: Development build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 tested-with: GHC >= 7.6 Data-dir: resources Data-files: Main.elm licenses/Apache licenses/BSD3 licenses/GPLv2 licenses/GPLv3 licenses/LGPL2 licenses/LGPL3 licenses/MIT index.html .gitignore Extra-source-files: README.md executable elm-init main-is: Main.hs other-modules: ElmInit ElmInit.Types ElmInit.Interact ElmInit.Util -- other-extensions: build-depends: base >=4.6 && <5.0, filepath >= 1.4, directory >= 1.2.3, file-embed >= 0.0.8, bytestring >= 0.10, aeson >= 0.8, aeson-pretty >= 0.7, text >= 1.2, containers >= 0.5, time, base-unicode-symbols, process hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall source-repository head type: git location: git://github.com/JustusAdam/elm-init.git source-repository this type: git branch: master location: git://github.com/JustusAdam/elm-init.git tag: