module Emanote.View.Template (emanoteSiteOutput, render) where import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLoggerIO) import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as Aeson import Data.List (partition) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Map.Syntax ((##)) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Tree.Path qualified as PathTree import Ema qualified import Emanote.Model (Model, ModelEma) import Emanote.Model qualified as M import Emanote.Model.Calendar qualified as Calendar import Emanote.Model.Graph qualified as G import Emanote.Model.Meta qualified as Meta import Emanote.Model.Note qualified as MN import Emanote.Model.SData qualified as SData import Emanote.Model.Stork (renderStorkIndex) import Emanote.Route qualified as R import Emanote.Route.SiteRoute (SiteRoute) import Emanote.Route.SiteRoute qualified as SR import Emanote.Route.SiteRoute.Class (indexRoute) import Emanote.View.Common qualified as C import Emanote.View.Export (renderGraphExport) import Emanote.View.Feed (feedDiscoveryLink, renderFeed) import Emanote.View.TagIndex qualified as TagIndex import Emanote.View.TaskIndex qualified as TaskIndex import Heist qualified as H import Heist.Extra.Splices.List qualified as Splices import Heist.Extra.Splices.Pandoc qualified as Splices import Heist.Extra.Splices.Pandoc.Ctx (emptyRenderCtx) import Heist.Extra.Splices.Tree qualified as Splices import Heist.Interpreted qualified as HI import Heist.Splices qualified as Heist import Optics.Core (Prism', review) import Optics.Operators ((.~), (^.)) import Relude import Text.Blaze.Renderer.XmlHtml qualified as RX import Text.Pandoc.Builder qualified as B import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Pandoc (..)) emanoteSiteOutput :: (MonadIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Prism' FilePath SiteRoute -> ModelEma -> SR.SiteRoute -> m (Ema.Asset LByteString) emanoteSiteOutput rp model' r = do let model = M.withRoutePrism rp model' render model r <&> fmap fixStaticUrl where -- See the FIXME in more-head.tpl. fixStaticUrl :: LByteString -> LByteString fixStaticUrl s = case findPrefix of Nothing -> s Just prefix -> -- Patch the URL in CSS's "src" attribute. encodeUtf8 . T.replace "src: url(_emanote-static/" ("src: url(" <> prefix <> "_emanote-static/") . decodeUtf8 $ s where -- Find the "prefix" in PrefixedRoute if Emanote is used as a library. findPrefix :: Maybe Text findPrefix = do let indexR = toText $ review rp indexRoute prefix <- T.stripSuffix "-/all.html" indexR guard $ not $ T.null prefix pure prefix render :: (MonadIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Model -> SR.SiteRoute -> m (Ema.Asset LByteString) render m sr = let setErrorPageMeta = MN.noteMeta .~ SData.mergeAesons (withTemplateName "/templates/error" :| [withSiteTitle "Emanote Error"]) in case sr of SR.SiteRoute_MissingR urlPath -> do let hereRoute = R.decodeHtmlRoute urlPath note404 = MN.missingNote hereRoute (toText urlPath) & setErrorPageMeta & MN.noteTitle .~ "! Missing link" pure $ Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Html $ renderLmlHtml m note404 SR.SiteRoute_AmbiguousR urlPath notes -> do let noteAmb = MN.ambiguousNoteURL urlPath notes & setErrorPageMeta & MN.noteTitle .~ "! Ambiguous link" pure $ Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Html $ renderLmlHtml m noteAmb SR.SiteRoute_ResourceRoute r -> pure $ renderResourceRoute m r SR.SiteRoute_VirtualRoute r -> renderVirtualRoute m r renderResourceRoute :: Model -> SR.ResourceRoute -> Ema.Asset LByteString renderResourceRoute m = \case SR.ResourceRoute_LML view r -> do case M.modelLookupNoteByRoute (view, r) m of Just (R.LMLView_Html, note) -> Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Html $ renderLmlHtml m note Just (R.LMLView_Atom, note) -> case renderFeed m note of Left err -> error $ toStrict $ "Bad feed: " <> show r <> ": " <> err Right feed -> Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Other feed Nothing -> -- This should never be reached because decodeRoute looks up the model. error $ "Bad route: " <> show r SR.ResourceRoute_StaticFile _ fpAbs -> Ema.AssetStatic fpAbs renderVirtualRoute :: (MonadIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Model -> SR.VirtualRoute -> m (Ema.Asset LByteString) renderVirtualRoute m = \case SR.VirtualRoute_TagIndex mtag -> pure $ Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Html $ TagIndex.renderTagIndex m mtag SR.VirtualRoute_Index -> pure $ Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Html $ renderSRIndex m SR.VirtualRoute_Export -> pure $ Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Other $ renderGraphExport m SR.VirtualRoute_StorkIndex -> Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Other <$> renderStorkIndex m SR.VirtualRoute_TaskIndex -> pure $ Ema.AssetGenerated Ema.Html $ TaskIndex.renderTasks m renderSRIndex :: Model -> LByteString renderSRIndex model = do let (r, meta) = C.defaultRouteMeta model tCtx = C.mkTemplateRenderCtx model r meta C.renderModelTemplate model "templates/special/index" $ do C.commonSplices ($ emptyRenderCtx) model meta "Index" routeTreeSplice tCtx Nothing model loaderHead :: LByteString loaderHead = "Union mounting notebook layers; please wait ..." renderLmlHtml :: Model -> MN.Note -> LByteString renderLmlHtml model note = do let r = note ^. MN.noteRoute meta = Meta.getEffectiveRouteMetaWith (note ^. MN.noteMeta) r model ctx = C.mkTemplateRenderCtx model r meta templateName = lookupTemplateName meta -- Force a doctype into the generated HTML as a workaround for Heist -- discarding it. See: withDoctype = ("\n" <>) withLoadingMessage = if M.inLiveServer model && model ^. M.modelStatus == M.Status_Loading then (loaderHead <>) else id withDoctype . withLoadingMessage . C.renderModelTemplate model templateName $ do C.commonSplices (C.withLinkInlineCtx ctx) model meta (note ^. MN.noteTitle) let backlinksSplice (bs :: [(R.LMLRoute, NonEmpty [B.Block])]) = Splices.listSplice bs "backlink" $ \(source, contexts) -> do let bnote = fromMaybe (error "backlink note missing - impossible") $ M.modelLookupNoteByRoute' source model bmeta = Meta.getEffectiveRouteMetaWith (bnote ^. MN.noteMeta) source model bctx = C.mkTemplateRenderCtx model source bmeta -- TODO: reuse note splice "backlink:note:title" ## C.titleSplice bctx (M.modelLookupTitle source model) "backlink:note:url" ## HI.textSplice (SR.siteRouteUrl model $ SR.lmlSiteRoute (R.LMLView_Html, source)) "backlink:note:contexts" ## Splices.listSplice (toList contexts) "context" $ \backlinkCtx -> do let ctxDoc = Pandoc mempty $ one $ B.Div B.nullAttr backlinkCtx "context:body" ## C.withInlineCtx bctx $ \ctx' -> Splices.pandocSplice ctx' ctxDoc -- Sidebar navigation routeTreeSplice ctx (Just r) model "ema:breadcrumbs" ## C.routeBreadcrumbs ctx model r -- Note stuff "ema:note:title" ## C.titleSplice ctx (note ^. MN.noteTitle) let modelRoute = R.ModelRoute_LML R.LMLView_Html r "ema:note:source-path" ## HI.textSplice (toText . R.withLmlRoute R.encodeRoute $ r) "ema:note:url" ## HI.textSplice (SR.siteRouteUrl model . SR.lmlSiteRoute $ (R.LMLView_Html, r)) "emaNoteFeedUrl" ## pure . RX.renderHtmlNodes $ if MN.noteHasFeed note then feedDiscoveryLink model note else mempty "ema:note:backlinks" ## backlinksSplice (G.modelLookupBacklinks modelRoute model) let (backlinksDaily, backlinksNoDaily) = partition (Calendar.isDailyNote . fst) $ G.modelLookupBacklinks modelRoute model "ema:note:backlinks:daily" ## backlinksSplice backlinksDaily "ema:note:backlinks:nodaily" ## backlinksSplice backlinksNoDaily let folgeAnc = G.modelFolgezettelAncestorTree modelRoute model "ema:note:uptree" ## Splices.treeSplice (\_ _ -> ()) folgeAnc $ \(last -> nodeRoute) children -> do "node:text" ## C.titleSplice ctx $ M.modelLookupTitle nodeRoute model "node:url" ## HI.textSplice $ SR.siteRouteUrl model $ SR.lmlSiteRoute (R.LMLView_Html, nodeRoute) "tree:open" ## Heist.ifElseISplice (not . null $ children) "ema:note:uptree:nonempty" ## Heist.ifElseISplice (not . null $ folgeAnc) "ema:note:pandoc" ## C.withBlockCtx ctx $ \ctx' -> Splices.pandocSplice ctx' (note ^. MN.noteDoc) -- | If there is no 'current route', all sub-trees are marked as active/open. routeTreeSplice :: (Monad n) => C.TemplateRenderCtx n -> Maybe R.LMLRoute -> Model -> H.Splices (HI.Splice Identity) routeTreeSplice tCtx mr model = do "ema:route-tree" ## ( let tree = PathTree.treeDeleteChild "index" $ model ^. M.modelNav getFoldersFirst tr = Meta.lookupRouteMeta @Bool False ("template" :| ["sidebar", "folders-first"]) tr model getOrder path children = let tr = mkLmlRoute path isLeaf = null children priority = if getFoldersFirst tr && isLeaf then 1 else 0 :: Int in ( priority , Meta.lookupRouteMeta @Int 0 (one "order") tr model , tr ) getCollapsed tr = Meta.lookupRouteMeta @Bool True ("template" :| ["sidebar", "collapsed"]) tr model mkLmlRoute = M.resolveLmlRoute model . R.mkRouteFromSlugs lmlRouteSlugs = R.withLmlRoute R.unRoute in Splices.treeSplice getOrder tree $ \(mkLmlRoute -> nodeRoute) children -> do "node:text" ## C.titleSplice tCtx $ M.modelLookupTitle nodeRoute model "node:url" ## HI.textSplice $ SR.siteRouteUrl model $ SR.lmlSiteRoute (R.LMLView_Html, nodeRoute) let isActiveNode = Just nodeRoute == mr isActiveTree = -- Active tree checking is applicable only when there is an -- active route (i.e., mr is a Just) flip (maybe True) mr $ \r -> toList (lmlRouteSlugs nodeRoute) `NE.isPrefixOf` lmlRouteSlugs r openTree = isActiveTree -- Active tree is always open || not (getCollapsed nodeRoute) "node:active" ## Heist.ifElseISplice isActiveNode "node:terminal" ## Heist.ifElseISplice (null children) "tree:childrenCount" ## HI.textSplice (show $ length children) "tree:open" ## Heist.ifElseISplice openTree ) lookupTemplateName :: (ConvertUtf8 Text b) => Aeson.Value -> b lookupTemplateName meta = encodeUtf8 $ SData.lookupAeson @Text defaultTemplate ("template" :| ["name"]) meta where defaultTemplate = "templates/layouts/book" withTemplateName :: Text -> Aeson.Value withTemplateName = SData.oneAesonText (toList $ "template" :| ["name"]) withSiteTitle :: Text -> Aeson.Value withSiteTitle = SData.oneAesonText (toList $ "page" :| ["siteTitle"])