module Emanote.Pandoc.ExternalLinkSpec where import Emanote.Pandoc.ExternalLink (setExternalLinkIcon) import Emanote.Pandoc.Markdown.Parser (parseMarkdown) import Hedgehog import Relude import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Hedgehog (hedgehog) import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Inline (..)) import Text.Pandoc.Walk qualified as W spec :: Spec spec = do describe "setExternalLinkIcon" $ do it "respects user-specified data-linkicon attribute" . hedgehog $ do getDataLinkIconAttrs "[test]({data-linkicon=abc}" === Right ["abc"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[test]({data-linkicon=\"\"}" === Right [""] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[[foo]]{data-linkicon=external}" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[abc](x/y/z){data-linkicon=none}" === Right ["none"] it "does not add attribute if link is internal" . hedgehog $ do getDataLinkIconAttrs "[[foo]]" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[abc](x/y/z)" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "![[image.jpg]]" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[![](path/to/image.png)](foo/bar/baz)" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[[bar|baz]]" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[`abc`](./test.txt)" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[$$abc$$](/just/test#ing)" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "#tag" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[[abc|def]]" === Right [] it "adds attribute if link is external and its description contains text, code or math" . hedgehog $ do getDataLinkIconAttrs "[Emanote](" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[`text`](http://somehost:1234/test)" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[$$E=mc^2$$](ssh://" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[![[picture.png]] ~~**`code`**~~](scheme://host:port/path?query)" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[==$$e^{i \\pi} + 1 = 0$$== ![[image.svg]]](git://host.xz/path/to/repo.git/)" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[**![[image.jpg]] *qwerty* ![[image.jpg]]**](doi:10.1000/182)" === Right ["external"] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[:video_game:](bolo://hostname/)" === Right ["external"] it "does not add attribute if link description contains no text, code or math" . hedgehog $ do getDataLinkIconAttrs "[](" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[![[image.png]]](" === Right [] getDataLinkIconAttrs "[==*_**~~![[img.png]]~~**_*==](" === Right [] -- | Extract "data-linkicon" attributes present in the given Markdown content. getDataLinkIconAttrs :: Text -> Either Text [Text] getDataLinkIconAttrs = fmap (W.query $ getLinkAttr "data-linkicon") . parseEmanoteMarkdown where parseEmanoteMarkdown = fmap (setExternalLinkIcon . snd) . parseMarkdown "" getLinkAttr :: Text -> Inline -> [Text] getLinkAttr name (Link (_, _, attrs) _ (_, _)) = snd <$> filter ((== name) . fst) attrs getLinkAttr _ _ = []