module Main where import qualified EqualFiles import qualified System.FilePath.Find as FindFile import System.FilePath.Find ((==?), ) import System.Console.GetOpt (getOpt, ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), usageInfo, ) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName, ) import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(..), ) import System.IO.Error (isFullError, ) import Control.Exception (try, ) import Control.Monad (liftM, when, ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift, ) import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as Exc parseCard :: String -> Exc.Exceptional String Int parseCard str = case reads str of [(n,"")] -> if n>=0 then return n else Exc.throw $ "negative number: " ++ str _ -> Exc.throw $ "could not parse cardinal " ++ show str elaborateOnExhaustedHandles :: IO a -> Exc.ExceptionalT String IO a elaborateOnExhaustedHandles action = Exc.catchT (Exc.fromEitherT $ try $ action) (\ioe -> do when (isFullError ioe) (Exc.throwT $ unlines $ show ioe : "--presort option may help against too many open files." : []) Exc.throwT (show ioe)) data Flags = Flags { optHelp :: Bool, optRecursive :: Bool, optPreSort :: Int } options :: [OptDescr (Flags -> Exc.Exceptional String Flags)] options = Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg (\flags -> return $ flags{optHelp = True})) "show options" : Option ['r'] ["recursive"] (NoArg (\flags -> return $ flags{optRecursive = True})) "descent recursively into directories" : Option ['p'] ["presort"] (ReqArg (\str flags -> fmap (\n -> flags{optPreSort = n}) $ Exc.mapException ("presort option:\n"++) $ parseCard str) "N") "Sort all files according to their first N bytes in a first go.\nThis reduces the number of simultaneously open files.\nThe suggested size value is 512." : [] -- output results in a quoted way that might be accessible to further shell scripts main :: IO () main = Exc.resolveT (\e -> putStr $ "Aborted: " ++ e ++ "\n") $ do argv <- lift getArgs let (opts, filesAndDirs, errors) = getOpt RequireOrder options argv when (not (null errors)) $ Exc.throwT $ concat $ errors flags <- Exc.ExceptionalT $ return $ foldr (flip (>>=)) (return $ Flags {optHelp = False, optRecursive = False, optPreSort = 0}) opts when (optHelp flags) (lift $ getProgName >>= \programName -> putStrLn (usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ programName ++ " [OPTIONS] FILES-AND-DIRECTORIES ...") options) >> exitWith ExitSuccess) -- ToDo: speed up by pre-sorting with respect to file size -- ToDo: save memory by converting filepaths to Text files <- if optRecursive flags then lift $ liftM concat $ mapM (FindFile.find FindFile.always (FindFile.fileType ==? FindFile.RegularFile)) filesAndDirs else return filesAndDirs elaborateOnExhaustedHandles $ mapM_ (putStrLn . unwords . map show) =<< let prefixSize = optPreSort flags in if prefixSize>0 then EqualFiles.clusterWithPreSort prefixSize files else EqualFiles.clusterLeaveOpen files